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Sailor Moon #26

Usagi: Oh Lord, may you save the wounded soul of a girl! Zoisite, you'll pay for those evil deeds in sacred ground! By the name of Lord, Sailor Moon will punish you!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. You know me better as the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice, Sailor Moon! At last, we have the fourth warrior. Very kind hearted but powerful Makoto Kino-chan, alias Sailor Jupiter! With four Sailor Warriors, there's nothing to worry.

episode #26
"Smile, Naru-chan! Usagi's Friendship"

etc: Please. Please find the Silver Crystal.
Mamoru: Tell me, what is the Silver Crystal? Who are you? etc: You must find the Silver Crystal. When you do, you'll know everything.

Mamoru: It's the same dream again.

Mamoru: Who is that princess? Am I the Tuxedo Mask?

Mamoru: the Silver Crystal.. Will the mystery solve itself when I find it?

Beryl: For now, we have one of the Rainbow Crystal. Zoisite, what will the next plan be?

Zoisite: The Dark Crystal has detected another Rainbow Crystal.

Zoisite: The next Rainbow Crystal is within this man.

Beryl: Very well, get it.

Usagi: Naru-chan's away today again.

Nephrite: I'm sorry. I don't think we'll be eating chocolate parfait.

Naru: Don't.

Naru: No. Don't. You promised.. you'd go eat chocolate parfait with me.

Umino: You're going to Naru-chan's home?
Usagi: You got it. Naru-chan's been away for a week. She still hasn't recovered yet.
Umino: Wasn't she away with cold?
Usagi: You dull dummy.

Usagi: When we go over to her place, make sure you cheer her up.
Umino: No problem. Anything you ask, I'll do it!

Usagi: Sorry I dropped by without any warning. I wanted to see how you were doing.

Umino: I thought you were away because of cold.. but could it be lost love?

Usagi: dummy.. Umino: What was that for?

Usagi: Don't you have anything else to say?

Umino: How about we go eat chocolate parfait?

Usagi: You...

Naru: Let's go somewhere.

Naru: Let's go eat something good.

Ami: Powerful enough to blow away a planet?
Luna: Yup. If the Silver Crystal is used properly, it'll have that much power.
Ray: What a terrifying power.
Makoto: And where is this Silver Crystal?
Luna: We aren't sure yet. But we know that the fragments called Rainbow Crystals exist.
Ami: Fragments?
Luna: Rainbow Crystals are fragments of the Silver Crystal. In the ancient time..

Luna: There were these evil guys called the Seven Great Demons in the Dark Kingdom. But somebody sealed the Seven Great Demons into the Rainbow Crystals.

Luna: The demons with the Rainbow Crystal in them reincarnated as humans with good heart on Earth. And as humans, they led peaceful life. But Zoisite are trying to remove the Rainbow Crystals from them. If they have the seven Rainbow Crystals, they'll have the Silver Crystal. And they'll also have evil demons. That'll serve two birds with a stone for them.

Makoto: So long as I'm around, no villains will walk loose.
Ray: I wanted to say that..
Ami: But how do we find people with the Rainbow Crystals?
Luna: The stick I gave to Usagi-chan will react to them.

Ray: If that's the case, I'm against letting her have the stick.
Makoto: How come?
Ray: If she has it, the best she can use it for is a hammer.
Ami: That's going too far.

Ami: But she might use it for something close to that.

Luna: I have faith in Usagi-chan! Sure, she has no sense of duty, and unreliable. But that's why I want her to have the role of leader and give her a confidence.
Makoto: Give her a confidence?
Luna: Yeah. If she has some important duty, she might have sense of responsibility.
Ray: Not a chance.
Luna: Please, have faith in her. Please recognize Usagi-chan as your leader.

Ray: I'm still against it.
Ami: I think...

Ami: I think we should wait for a while.

Luna: So nobody trusts her..
Makoto: In my case.. I don't know too much about her yet.
Luna: That's right. If you get to know her better, you'll agree with me!

Makoto: We're holding important meeting right now. Can you come over?
Usagi: Sorry. I'll be going over to Yokohama Chinatown to eat delicious stuff with Naru-chan.
Ray: Just when we have to get serious...

Umino: Excuse me, what's wrong with you two? You've been silent for the last while. Chinatown is just over there. Usagi-san, didn't you bring a whole lot of money?
Naru: There're so many graves, but Nephrite-sama doesn't have any.

Umino: I know, we should have Beijing Duck. I never tried one yet. I'm so happy. Just to think that I'm little away from Beijing Duck.
Usagi: Oh yeah? You wanna be Beijing Duck that badly?
Umino: No, I want to eat one.

Umino: Where's Naru-chan?

Naru: Father.

Naru: Tell me what I should do. A very important man for me died.

Naru: He suffered so much, but I couldn't help him.
etc: Your dedication is very wonderful. I'm sure he has been salved.
Naru: But I've got nothing left without him.
etc: That can't be right. There's always a love around you even if you haven't noticed yet. If you turn around, you'll find a love just behind you.
Naru: If I turn around?..

Naru: You are...

Zoisite: My goodness.

Naru: You were there at night..
Zoisite: Fancy meeting you here.


Usagi: Where could she be?

Usagi: What's this?
Luna: My god, the stick is reacting.
Usagi: Luna, what are you doing here?
Luna: Never mind that. Take the stick out of your bag.
Usagi: Got it.

Luna: The stick's telling you where the seven Rainbow Crystals are.
Usagi: The seven Rainbow Crystals?
Luna: I'll fill you in on that later. At the source of that reading, there's a chance a demon may appear. Luna: Call up Mako-chan.
Usagi: Mako-chan's in the neighborhood too?

Makoto: Got it. The source is in the graveyard, right? I'll be right over.

Usagi: The reading's getting stronger.
Luna: Hurry.

etc: Who are you?
Zoisite: Wouldn't you want to know more about yourself than me?
etc: I am an ordinary preacher.
Zoisite: Or are you? The Dark Crystal will tell us your true form.
Naru: That's Nephrite-sama's.. Don't!
Zoisite: let go of me.
Naru: Don't use it for bad thing!

Usagi: My god, Naru-chan is..
Luna: Wait till Mako-chan gets here.

Usagi: Naru-chan's in trouble! I can't wait!

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Makeup!

etc: Do not hurt anybody!
Zoisite: You should worry about your own self.
Usagi: Hold it right there!
Zoisite: Who is that?

Usagi: You won't do anymore evil deed in sacred ground!

Usagi: By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Zoisite: There you are. But too late. I will have the Rainbow Crystal.

Usagi: shoot!

Luna: That's...

Zoisite: I see it. Come to me, Rainbow Crystal.

Usagi: The Rainbow Crystal is..
Naru: Father!
Zoisite: Where is the Rainbow Crystal?

Naru: Father.
etc: No. Me no preacher. Me is Demon Boxy.

Usagi: Yikes.

etc: I hear it. The crowd calling my name.

Zoisite: Boxy, knock out Sailor Moon.
Usagi: Hold it! I'm not boxer!

etc: Fight for the championship!

Usagi: So I'm telling you I'm not.

Usagi: No way!

Usagi: Mako-chan, come soon.

Naru: Stop, father! Go back to your old self!
etc: Quit muttering non-sense!

Luna: Watch out, Sailor Moon!

Kamen: True gentleman boxer would not attack ladies. He must gently hold her.

Zoisite: Boxy, knock out that fancy man as well!

Naru: this's...

Luna: Mako-chan, this way!
Makoto: ok..

Makoto: Jupiter Power, Makeup!

etc: Now will you fight me?

Makoto: My Guardian Planet, Jupiter. Bring forth the storm! Call upon the cloud! Let thunder come down upon me!

Makoto: Supreme...

Makoto: Thunder!!

Makoto: Do it now, Sailor Moon!

Usagi: Moon Healing, Escalation!


etc: Do you believe in God? I do. Thou shall love thy neighbor.

Zoisite: that's...
Kamen: I will have the Rainbow Crystal. Farewell!
Zoisite: I will get it back from him some day.

Luna: Sailor Moon, get the Rainbow Crystal back!

Mamoru: I see. Now I know who I am. I am Tuxedo Mask.

Naru: There.
Umino: Thank you.

Usagi: Naru-chan, that's...
Naru: It's OK. Umino got hurt by save me.

Naru: Usagi, sorry I worried you. I'll go school from tomorrow.

Usagi: I'm sorry Mako-chan. I wanted to show you the good side of Usagi-chan, but look at her..
Makoto: But I'll give her a point for dedication to her friend.

Naru: What a beautiful tune. Where did you get that?

Usagi: this and that..

Usagi: Say Luna, Ami-chan might have a boyfriend!
Luna: Ami-chan's working hard on study and love. On the other hand, Usagi-chan is..
Usagi; Hey, Luna! I'm working hard on love too.
Luna: JUST on love, aren't you?
Usagi: Next on Sailor Moon, "Love to Ami-chan?! A Boy Who Sees Future."
The moon light carries the message of love.