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Sailor Moon #27

Usagi: You can't force innocent boys to change! So long as Moon shines in night sky, no evil deeds will go unpunished! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. You know me better as the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice, Sailor Moon! At last, we have the fourth warrior. Very kind hearted but powerful Makoto Kino-chan, alias Sailor Jupiter! With four Sailor Warriors, there's nothing to worry.

episode #27
"Love to Ami-chan?! A Boy Who Sees Future"

Beryl: There are seven Rainbow Crystals in total. We must have all to gain possession of the Silver Crystal. You are aware of that, are you not?

Beryl: We have one in our hand now. However, how dare you let this Tuxedo Mask have the other one.
Zoisite: I beg for your forgiveness.
Kunzite: Not to be concerned, Your Majesty Beryl. He will appear to take the other Rainbow Crystals. We will regain the lost crystals at that moment.
Beryl: Then, get on with locating the remaining five for the resurrection of Our Great Ruler.

Ami: Morning, Urawa-kun.
Ryo: Good morning.. er..

Ami: What is it?

etc: Watch out!

etc: Are you OK?

Usagi: Mom's gonna be mad again.
Makoto: But what a lousy mark you got. Study harder.
Usagi: Same to you.

etc: Who is this Ryo Urawa in the first place?

Usagi: Ami-chan's second place?
Makoto: There's always somebody better, I guess.

Usagi: That was so close.
Ami: I was a point away from perfect. I guess I didn't study enough.
Usagi: It's way out of my world..

Makoto: That perfect score boy named Ryo Urawa is in your class, isn't he?
Ami: Yeah, he transferred in just a while ago, and look what he can do.

Ami: Take it easy. Good luck.

Usagi: You like Ami-chan, don't ya? Isn't that the picture when she was placed #1 in Japan, right? You had crush on her that long?
Ryo: That's not true... I've been studying with Mizuno-san as my target, that's why...
Usagi: But you caught up with your target. Good going.
Ryo: but..

Ryo: I just happen to study the right points. She's far smarter than me. Besides, no matter how much I think about her...

Ryo: Never mind..

Usagi: Got it. I'll work out something for you! Lemme handle this!

Ryo: You better be careful with water.

Usagi: Water?..

Ryo: Oops, too late.

Usagi: I'm freezing!
etc: sorry about that..

Ray: Mamoru-san, where do you want to go next?

Mamoru: I'm starting to understand my past. But there're many missing segments. I suppose the only way is to be Tuxedo Mask and find the Silver Crystal.

Mamoru: Sorry. What is it? Ray: Mamoru-san, you're acting strange these days. Something wrong? Mamoru: Nothing at all. Let's get going.

Usagi: There. Take a look.

Ryo: This's for me?

Usagi: That's better than a newspaper clip out, right? That one shows a bit of her silly side as well.
Luna: The Moon Stick is reading something. Is this boy...
Ryo: Thank you. This'll be my treasure.
Usagi: Don't worry about it. But when are you going to tell her?
Ryo: When I found out I was going to transfer to this school, I decided that when I won against Mizuno-san in academics, I'll tell her.
Usagi: Then, you're all set to go now.
Ryo: But...
Usagi: OK, when Ami-chan's juku's over, I'll take her over to your place!

Usagi: Just you wait!

Zoisite: So, this boy has the Rainbow Crystal. One of the Seven Great Demons.

Luna: Say, Usagi-chan, I've been meaning to tell you..
Usagi: What?

Ami: Usagi-chan, what are you doing here?
Usagi; Can you come with me for a bit?

Usagi: Come on, Ami-chan.
Ami: Wait.

Zoisite: I've been waiting for you.

Ryo: So, you're Zoisite.
Zoisite: What?

Zoisite: How did you know?
Ryo: I've always had this power to see future. It's been getting stronger recently. Thanks to that, I know who I am. I wish I didn't have to know.

Zoisite: That will make everything simple. Now, be Great Demon and obey me.
Ryo: No!

Ryo: I'd rather die than to be under control of devil!

Zoisite: Now be good boy and give up.

Ami: That's Zoisite!

Usagi: My god. Urawa-kun's in trouble!
Luna: Both of you, transform!
Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Makeup!

Ami: Mercury Power, Makeup!


Usagi: Hold it!
Ami: Zoisite!

Usagi: So long as Moon shines in night sky, no evil deeds will go unpunished! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon.
Ami: Likewise, Sailor Mercury! At your presence.

Zoisite: Do you dare to interfere me?

Usagi: Mercury-chan, take Urawa-kun to safety.
Ami: Sure.

Zoisite: I have no time to play with you.

Ami: I'm pretty sure he won't find us.

Ryo: Thank you for saving me, Mizuno-san.

Ami: Why did he call my name?

Usagi: Where did Mercury-chan go?
Luna: You know, Sailor Moon? If you use the Moon Stick, you can probably locate Urawa-kun and Sailor Mercury. I'm positive they'll be where the stick tells you.
Usagi: What do you mean? Are you saying Urawa-kun's got the demon with the Rainbow Crystal.
Luna: That's the case.

Luna: We better hurry, or Sailor Mercury will be in trouble.
Usagi: Are you positive?
Luna: I am.

Ami: picture of me?

Ryo: Not again.
Ami: Did you have a nightmare?
Ryo; It's not a dream. I just saw the future that's going to happen soon.

Ryo: I have a strange power to detect future. So, that's why I scored perfect in the exam.
Ami: What are you talking about?
Ryo: There's no need to hide, Mizuno-san. I've always dreamed about you. But you and I are destined to fight.

Ryo: Believe me.
Ami: But you see? You are totally wrong. You think I'm Mizuno-san.
Ryo: I see. Then, I'll leave it that way. But.
Ami: But?
Ryo: If I turn into a demon, please kill me.

Ryo: That much is a fact.

Ami: Urawa-kun, you have to create a future by yourself. If you give up, nothing will change. So long as you have faith in yourself, you can overcome any sort of fate.

Ryo: Mizuno.. I mean Sailor Mercury..

Zoisite: How touchy.

Zoisite: Did you think you can escape from the Dark Crystal?

Zoisite: Oh, trying to defend him? I wonder if you can keep it up after you see the boy's true form.

Zoisite: Now, have a look at him. One of the Seven Great Demon, Bunbou.

Zoisite: Get her, demon Bunbou! Kill the Sailor Warrior.

Ami: You have to create a future by yourself.

Zoisite: He still had human mind?

Zoisite: Demon Bunbou. Your enemy is the Sailor Warrior.

Zoisite: Now, take the Rainbow Crystal back from her.

Usagi: You can't force innocent boy's mind to change!
Zoisite: You must be mistaken. That's the true form of the boy.

Usagi: You'll pay for this real badly! By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!
Ami: Sailor Moon, heal Urawa-kun first!

Usagi: Got it.

Usagi: Moon Healing, Escalation!

Usagi: How come it's not working?
Luna: His mind's completely controlled by the evil power. You'll have to weaken the power before you can turn him back.

Ami: We got to do it.

Ryo: If I turn into a demon, please kill me.
Ami: Don't worry, Urawa-kun. We'll turn you back to your old self.

Ray: Fire..

Ray: Soul!

Makoto: Supreme...

Makoto: Thunder!!

Makoto: We almost missed the show time.
Ray: Really.

Ami: Shabon..

Ami: Spray!

Ami: Sailor Moon, do it now! Save Urawa-kun.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Luna: The demon's energy's down. Do it now, Sailor Moon.

Usagi: Moon Healing, Escalation!


Zoisite: You'll pay for this!

Ami: Urawa-kun, are you OK?

Kamen: So the Sailor Warriors have the third Rainbow Crystal. I will leave them alone for tonight.

Makoto: Transferring again? You don't like to settle down, do ya?
Ryo: It's got to do with my pop's work. There's nothing I can do.
Usagi: Just when we got to know you..

Ami: You can call me Ami, Ryo-kun.
Ryo: Ami-san, here's your picture back.

Ryo: When I beat your marks with my own power, I'll come to get it again.

Ami: I prefer that picture. You can keep it.

Ami: You can come anytime, without worrying about your mark.

Usagi: Mega Lucky! I was asked to model for a drawing!
Luna: Who did?
Usagi: The most popular illustrator now, Yumemi Yumeno!
Luna: That's awesome.
Usagi: I'm with an annoying jerk though. That'll cancel out nicely.
Luna: If Ray-chan ever finds out, she'll strangle you.
Usagi: I don't wanna! "Love Illustration, Usagi and Mamoru Gets Closer?"
The moon light carries the message of love.