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Sailor Moon #28

Usagi: The mysterious illustrator, Yumeno Yumemi, whose drawings are said to bring one's love true. I feel so familiar.. What? A lady like her's the owner of the Rainbow Crystal?! What do I do? No use worrying! By the name of Moon, Sailor Moon will punish you!

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino. You know me better as the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice, Sailor Moon! But it's pretty tough job. I hafta find the Silver Crystal before the bad guys do, but I'm supposed to find seven Rainbow Crystals first. whine.. But now that we have four Sailor Warriors, I bet it's gonna work out.

episode #28
"Love Illustration, Usagi and Mamoru Gets Closer?"

Beryl: The pests have two of the seven Rainbow Crystals. We only have one. Already three of the Seven Great Demons were defeated. Zoisite, how will you take responsibility for these blunders?
Zoisite: Spare me some time, Your Majesty Beryl.

Zoisite: The next target is this woman. I will have the Rainbow Crystal at the cost of my life.
Beryl: You know what will become of you should you fail, correct?

Usagi: Autumn, isn't it? Sweethearts all over.

Usagi: Tuxedo Mask-sama. Are you on our side or not?
Luna: He's after the Silver Crystal also, so we should treat him as an enemy.
Usagi: No, I don't wanna! I still don't know who the man of my dream is! And I run into all those scary demons! Why do I have to go through all this?!
Naru: Usagi, thanks for waiting!
Usagi: What is it that you wanna show?
Naru: Wait till you get there. Let's go.
Usagi: Yeah. Let's go grab something to eat afterwards.

Luna: How could she treat the Moon Stick like this?..

Usagi: Pretty..
Naru: Right? Yumemi Yumeno's drawings are really popular right now.
Usagi: But still, this place's filled with couples.
Umino: That is because Yumemi's drawing are the pictures of love.

Naru: Honestly. If you have her drawing, your love dream is supposed to come true.
Usagi: I'll buy a poster!

Naru: See this one? This's the self portrait of Yumemi.
Usagi: She's pretty.

Usagi: She fit the image of pictures perfectly.
Umino: But she never appears in front of public.
Usagi: She could turn out to be an ugly face.
Naru: Come on, Usagi.

Yumemi: No good. I can't get any image.

Naru: But she hasn't drawn any new ones recently.
Umino: She's rumored to be gone into hiding because of slump.
Yumemi: I'm right here.
Usagi: A slump?
Naru: That's possible.

Naru: What's up, Usagi?
Usagi: this drawing.. it feels so familiar.

Mamoru: this's...

etc: Please find the Silver Crystal.

Mamoru: It's very close to the dream I always see.

Mamoru: Sorry.
Yumemi: my glasses.
Mamoru: Are you OK?

Yumemi: It's you!

Naru: Isn't he Motoki-onisan's friend?

Usagi: That jerk! He's hanging around with a lady other than Ray-chan. Now, I can't afford to miss the chance. Sorry, gotta go, Naru-chan.

Usagi: Umino, take Naru-chan home. And buy a poster for me, will you?
Umino: Sure. Trust me.
Naru: Stupid Usagi.
Umino: I'm with Naru-chan alone by luck. strange.. I used to be depressed when I was left behind by Usagi-san.. I must be fickle.
Naru: Umino, got fever or something?

Yumemi: Well...
Mamoru: What is it? If you need to say something, tell me.
Yumemi: well, can you...
Usagi: Look who's here? I'm telling Ray-chan!
Mamoru: Don't get it wrong, Usagi.
Usagi: Take what wrong? She's got you by your arm.

Usagi: what?..
Yumemi: You fit into image too! What a lucky day. Please, can you two be my model?

Yumemi: Please, come in.

Usagi: What a pretty garden.

Yumemi: Please, Mamoru-san. I'll get you some coffee.
Mamoru: You forced me here, but I don't have all day to kill.
Usagi: How come? Don't university students play around all the time?

Usagi: But this look like Yumemi Yumeno's drawings.

Usagi: Are you Yumemi-san?

Yumemi: Don't I look far from the image of drawing these pictures? So, I claimed to be beautiful. Don't tell anybody about this.
Usagi: Anybody? What about your friends? Didn't you tell them?
Yumemi: I don't have any friends. But it's OK. I'm happy as long as I can draw good pictures. There you go. Help yourselves while they're hot. And Usa-chan, please sit here.
Usagi: Waah?! Side by side with this guy?!
Mamoru: Don't look happy.

Mamoru: I don't wanna be model of drawings like that.
Yumemi: Please? Have a seat. I can't get any inspirations without model. I couldn't find the right people these days. I only need you for today. Please?
Mamoru: Fine.

Usagi: If Ray-chan ever sees me here, she'll beat me up.. But he's pretty good looking. What am I talking about? I'm supposed to be Tuxedo Mask-sama all the way.
Mamoru: What are you doing?
Usagi: None of your business.

Yumemi: Now I feel like I'll get a good drawing. I have a feeling it's going to be my masterpiece.

Luna: Where did Usagi-chan go? What a trouble maker.

Usagi: This's me? I can't believe it.
Mamoru: Stay still. No more modeling, OK?

Usagi: That's so pretty. How can you draw wonderful picture like this?
Yumemi: Whenever I draw, I always pray in my mind, that those who saw the picture would be happy. That they can find wonderful love.
Usagi: That's why it's called the picture of love. Aren't you nice lady, Yumemi-san? But you're alone in exchange..
Yumemi: I can't help that. Yumemi is very pretty lady. If people find out that it's me, I'll destroy everybody's dream.
Usagi: No way.

Mamoru: If you can't make yourself happy, how can you make everybody else happy?

Usagi: That's so cold! this drawing's nice.

Usagi: Look. She can draw picture this nice! How could be cruel to her?

Usagi: What is it?

Yumemi: A scene where a girl gives the sign of her love to the man. But whenever I draw these two, I feel so sentimental.
Usagi: I know your feeling. I feel so familiar with this. Mamoru: Sign of love?...

Zoisite: I will return you to the form of demon soon.


Usagi: Your home made cookie was awesome. Yumemi: I'm sorry it took this long. But did you prefer Mamoru-san to take you home?
Usagi: No way! That's gotta be misunderstanding.

etc: That's Yumemi Yumeno!
etc: What a pretty picture. I bet she's pretty like that too.

Usagi: Yumemi-san, you're getting too nervous.

Usagi: You can draw that good, so kind, and cook great cookie. You are wonderful.

Usagi: Cheer up, OK? Good night!

Usagi: You are wonderful.

Usagi: Now, that was good line I made. I hope Yumemi-san will cheer up.

Usagi: The Moon Stick?
Luna: You dropped it at the park. If you don't want it, I'll give it to somebody else.
Usagi: 'Cause I was so troubled about Tuxedo Mask-sama.
Luna: But you look OK now.
Usagi: Well.. that's...
Luna: I'm relieved. Your problem is always that simple. So, you recover real fast too.
Usagi: Sure, I'm just simpleton! Damn Luna!
Luna: I said the right thing, didn't I? Or did I go too much?

Usagi: Damn Luna. If I were simple, would I ever be troubled?

Usagi: That's towards Yumemi-san's home.

Zoisite: Hand over the Rainbow Crystal and go back to Demon.
Yumemi: he's pretty, but threatening.. Who are you?

Zoisite: Arise, Demon Vena!

Usagi: Yumemi-san was demon?!

Usagi: No way..

Usagi: She's frightening.. I can't get scared. But I am..

Usagi: Everybody, the demon appeared.

Usagi: Sailor Warriors, assemble!

Usagi: Moon Prism Power, Makeup!

Zoisite: My, have this one went smoothly.
Usagi: No it won't!

Zoisite: What?

Usagi: You won't take away dream-ful Yumemi-san! I'm the Sailor Warrior fighting for love and justice. Sailor Moon! By the name of Moon, I'll punish you!

Zoisite: And why should I be concerned? Go, demon Vena.

Zoisite: Very good, Vena. Play with her more.

Kamen: Leaving already? You will not!

Usagi: Please, Yumemi-san. Don't stop me. Remember your good heart. Please!

Ray: Fire Soul!

Usagi: Girls..
Luna: Sailor Moon, good job you held out by yourself.

Ami: Shabon..

Ami: Spray!

Usagi: She's kind woman. Go easy on her!

Kamen: Now, hand over the Rainbow Crystal.
Zoisite: How dare you!

Zoisite: This will finish you.

Usagi: Moon Tiara, Action!

Kamen: I owe you for this one. Usagi: Not at all.

Usagi: Isn't that your pendant?

Usagi: Do you know our Princess? We're looking for her.
Kamen: No, I do not know. But if that is your duty, you should have it.
Usagi: Me? Are you giving it to me? While we're at it, can we have back the Rainbow Crystal you took?
Kamen: I cannot. I will not yield on that matter. The Rainbow Crystal is very important to me as well. Should you let your guard down, I will take your crystals away from you.
Usagi: Are you our enemy after all?
Kamen: So long as the Rainbow Crystal is concerned, perhaps. Farewell!

Usagi: Oopsie! It wasn't over yet!

Makoto: Supreme...

Makoto: Thunder!!

Usagi: That's enough.

Ray: She's weakening.
Luna: Sailor Moon, now.
Usagi; Got it.

Usagi: Moon Healing, Escalation!


Mamoru: Why did you call us out here? I thought you didn't want people to see you.

Yumemi: I called it a quit with hiding game.

Usagi: That's so pretty.
Mamoru: Considering the model, it's pretty good.
Usagi: Can't you be honest?

Usagi: That picture is..

Yumemi: This's going to be my self portrait from now. Thank you to both of you, now I have enough courage to say I'm me.
Usagi: I'm glad, Yumemi-san!

Cast List

Usagi Tsukimi: Kotono Mitsuishi
(Mai in Fatal Fury 2)

Ami Mizuno: Aya Nagakawa
(Sculd in Ah My Goddess)

Ray Hino: Michie Tomizawa
(C-ko Kotobuki in Project A-ko)

Makoto Kiba: Megumi Shinohara
(Yohko Mihara in Detonator Organ)

Luna: Yoshiko Han
(Sarsha in Yamato Forever)

Mamoru Chiba: Toru Furuya
(Fef in Macross II)

Naru Ohsaka: Shino Kakinuma

Gurio Umino & Zoisite: Keiichi Namba
(Andy Bogard in Fatal Fury series)

Yumemi Yumeno: Yuriko Fuchizki
(Ibuki Yagami in Maison Ikkoku)

Usagi: Romantic autumn. Days like this, I wanna be with my favorite man..
Luna: You got no time for that. What about your mission?
Usagi: Take a walk by ourselves, and go to a movie..
Luna: Don't escape into daydream.
Usagi: Tuxedo Mask. Motomi-onisan.
Luna: Motoki-onisan has a steady.
Usagi: No way! "Total Chaos! Love Square of Mess"
The moon light carries the message of love.