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Serena's Rabbit Hole > Library > Updates


I don't think anyone really reads these updates, but that's okay, because this isn't just for my visitors to read, it's also for myself. It's a good way to keep track of what I did, so I could look back on the progress I made.

10/17/02- Put up my fanart. ^_^ 8/26/02- Wow! It's been more than a year since I've updated! hehe... well, today I change the main layout, made a text box for these updates, changed the layout for the Library and the profiles.
6/12/01-I fixed the news section.
5/11/01- The Say What? and About Me is updated! And I gave awards to Sailor Guardian's Realm, Kwooty Kolors, and The Eternal Eclips of Saturn.
5/6/01- Today I updated the news, Eye Spy, and put up a new main page layout.
4/8/01- I made the adoption codes for the scouts in Sailor Moon: Another Story. I also gave out awards today. Check the Award Winners for sites that have won.
4/2/01- New layout for main page.
3/22/01- I put up a new poem called "Midlife Crisis at 14" and other miscellanious stuff written by Seafoam in the Fanfic section.
3/10/01- A new layout for the main page is up.
2/14/01- I put up a Valentines Day fanfic.
2/11/01- The Eye Spy was updated.
2/5/01- I put up Valentine postcards.
2/4/01- I updated the Eye Spy, Find The Scouts and Say What? (finally).
2/3/01- Made a new layout for February.
1/28/01- Updated the Eye Spy and fixed the broken links for the sheet music. Again, I apologize about the delay for Say What? *bows* Gomenisai minna san!
1/20/01- Updated the Eye Spy. Sorry I haven't put up the Say What results, I've been super busy, and finals are coming up this I haven't been feeling very motivated to work on the site. Not very much feedback or people signing my guestbook lately. I don't know what else to do with my site!
1/17/01- Updated the News.
1/14/01- Updated the Eye Spy. I'll post the Say What results soon. ^_^;
1/7/01- Updated the Eye Spy and Find the Scouts.
1/6/01- I made main page layouts all day. I might add them to my webgraphics section so other people can use them...
1/5/01- Put up the sheet music -there's 10 songs so far.
1/4/01- A bit of info in the News section.
01/01/01- I put up the new layout! and updated the Contests- gave answers to where the scouts were hiding, and put up a new fanart contest, although no one has entered in any of them yet. (I started it in Nov. and I change the drawing theme every month.) Also made 2 new polls: How much SM stuff did you get over the holidays? and Who's your fav SS villain? There's also a new question and answer in the Dear Mina colum.
12/29/00- Today I made a new layout for the main page, but I'm not putting it up until January. I think it's the best looking layout I've made so far. ^__^ I also updated the Eye Spy.
12/24/00- I made 30 bookmarks for the Print Out Goodies. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!
12/22/00- New Say What? pictures and the results from the last set are up.
12/20/00- Updated the Eye Spy contest. The eye from last week was Sailor V's.
12/16/00- Made a set of holiday webgraphics. ^_^
12/15/00- Made a page of midis and webgraphics!
12/11/00- I finished the Feedback Forum (please fill it out!) and added it to the Voice section. I also wrote another introduction paragraph on the main page and made it automaticly scroll up. I hope it does't get annoying.
12/10/00- New eye for the Eye Spy, and I'm working on a feedback form and quizzes. The quizzes I'm making use javascript, and for some reason they're not working. >_<
12/6/00- I thought of 10 more sayings for YKYWTMSMW, and added a link to my log in the page about myself.
12/3/00- I made a page about myself and stuck it in the Library. ^_^
12/2/00- OMG! I was updating the Say What? results and decided to move half of them to another page, but I accidently deleted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pissed off. I failed my driving test, this guy keeps chasing after me, and I'm really stressed. I try to update my site and I deleted more than half of the Say What? results!!! *sigh* I don't even remember all of pictures I used. It's going to take sooo long to get it all back, and I can't remember which submissions I chose. I still have most of the submissions, but OMG, why did it have to get messed up like this? crap, crap, crap, crap, crap... I'm sorry to take up space and rant here, but I felt the need to. But one more thing: I work really hard on this site and try to update atlest 3-4 times a week, and all I ask is for people to give me feedback. Once in a while, nice people sign my guestbook, but the majority doesn't. So please, take 2 minutes to sign my guestbook, because when I get positive feedback it really makes me happy to know people are enjoying my site. And I'm open to constructive criticism and suggestions. Thank you for reading this. Now for the updates. After puting up new Say What? pictures, I put up a pair of eyes for the Eye Spy, put the scouts on new random pages for Find the Scouts, updated the site map, and posted a new poem by Y.V. called Untitled 2. Angelfire won't upload the new awards I made, so I won't have samples for the Fun Site Award and Helios & Rini's Award of Romance. But you can still apply for them. There are also 2 pages of Christmas postcards up.
12/1/00- Put up a new layout for the main page with a Christmas theme.
11/26/00- Made a gallery of (17) Amy pics, posted up 2 questions and answers for "Dear Mina" and updated the News.
11/22/00- I made 2 more awards. ^.^ Amy's Award of Knowledge and the Fantastic Fanart Award. I also made "real" thumbnails for all of thm. There are now 15 awards. I also changed the look of the Slide Shows.
11/21/00- I made 3 more awards today! (I just found out that I can put text on pictures with MS paint, so now I'm having fun with it. ^.^ The awards are: The Super Sailor Moon Award, The Oldies Sailor Moon Award, and The Pretty Manga Site Award.
11/20/00- Today I made a new contest called Find The Scouts, using the little Sailor Scout icons from Sailor Moon: Another Story and putting them on random pages. Wanna find one ? Scroll all the way down... ^_- I also made 3 awards: Chibichibi's Cute Award, Starlight's Multimedia Award, and Evil Villain Award.
11/19/00- More scouts up for adoption! (They're from Sailor Moon: Another Story.) And I updated the Eye Spy contest.
11/18/00- Gave out the Wicked Cool Award to Sailor Moca's Lil' Moon Flower Garden.
11/17/00- 3 pages of villains for adoption is up. They're all from Sailor Moon Another Story found at Lycentia's.
11/12/00- I put up 20 new (black and white) group manga pictures, and made 4 new polls.
11/11/00- New Eye Spy for this week.
11/10/00- I finaly added more pictures !!! I made an anime gallery for Serena (40) and re-did the group pics. (They're all new-35 pics) Both galleris have "real" thumbnails. ^.^ I'll make real thumbnails for the other galleries took me 3 hours just to make those 2 galleries. -_-; Ok, I added (8) new pics to the manga gallery and made real thumbnails for them.
11/9/00- I put 11 more scripts up (now there's 28 for SM) and made tables for them. And new Say What pics and results are up. Today I also got a shortcut URL. It's Hehe, like it ?
11/8/00- 7 more scripts up from the first season, a new layout for Multimedia and Video Clips, and a new poll.
11/7/00- Put background music on the main page (Rainy Day Man).
11/4/00- Made a new poll, finnished the horoscopes (I might add more when I have the time) and posted a question and advice on the Dear Mina page. New eye for Eye Spy, made a fanart contest, and a new layout for the Galleries.
11/3/00- Put falling leaves on the main page, worked on horescopes, and I'm starting an advice colum. ^.^
11/2/00- Added "How To Win Your Roomates" by Michelle in the Library, and I put a picture of Amy on the layout, because there wasn't enough room for Amara and Michelle any more. (The links are taking up lots of room.)
11/1/00- I made a new layout for the start of a new month. It's not the best, but I think it's alright. ^.^ There's also a new poem by Nebula called "Ice Queen."
10/29/00- It's 1am and I just finnished updating the Recipies. -_- zzz Ok, now it's 12 hours later and I just updated the Eye Spy contest. Then I added the first 10 scripts from the first season of SM to the Library.
10/28/00- Updated the episode list for the SS season, and made a whatchimacallit...they're links to the section on the page. ^.^; And I added 7 new poems and wallpapers in the Fun Stuff section.
10/27/00- I added 200 more quotes (found on the Voice page) because I wanted some from the S, SS and Stars season. There are now 522 quotes. ^_- I also gave the New Site award for the first time to Sailor Halloween's Sailor Senshi Shrine.
10/23/00- Created a list of voice actors and actresses; in the library.
10/22/00- New eye for the Eye Spy contest, and I made 6 new slide shows.
10/19/00- Made a Top Sailor Moon Sites voting booth: add sites and/or vote ! I can't update a lot this weekend because of homecoming, but I will update the Eyespy contest and probably some other stuff on Sunday. ^.^
10/17/00- Put up links to SM costumes, gave out 3 awards, made a page with the sites I gave awards to, and made 2 more award selection things on the application.
10/15/00- New layout for the gallery section, and the results for Say What? along with new pics.
10/14/00- I updated the Eye Spy contest.
10/13/00- It's Friday, the 13th ! Today I finaly got around to the music and lyrics. I don't have the lyrics to the Songs from the Hit TV Series yet, but I have midis and mp3s. You'll have to download the mp3s to listen to them.
10/8/00- There are 56 Kao Ani up for adoption now !! They're really cute. ^.^ Adopt one today !
10/7/00- Everything is up for the adoption center. I put up the links and have a form for people to fill before they adopt a scout. I also made a site map, since I have catergorized everything. I don't want people getting lost !
10/6/00- I made the adoption center and have 26 animated scouts up. I have the html for each of them (for peeps to copy and paste), but I haven't linked them yet.
10/4/00- Today I made frames for the polls and put up a new layout for the poems. It's suppose to be a main page layout, so it has "Guestbook," "Sign," and "View" on it. That makes it kinda funky, so just ignore that if you ever go to the Poetry page.
10/2/00- I have 4 more awards up (New Site Award, Award of Friendship, Wicked Cool Award, and Outers' Award of Excellence). Then I got a new counter from, because yesterday I converted my index into an advance editor and I just realized today that the counter wasn't there. So I got a new one. I started it at 2,700, because that's around the number when I last saw it. I also added a new layout for the YKYWTMSMW page.
10/1/00- Today I made an awards page. There are 3 awards up you can apply for right now. (Fantastic Fanfics Award, Award of Excellence, and Award of Explosion) As soon as Mala is done adding text to the others, more will be up ! I put up new layouts for the recipie page, fun stuff and travel section.
9/30/00- I got a layout for the Library and it looks good! ^.^ I'm so happy...I figured out how to make it the way I wanted it! I also made a layout for the Voice and Travel section and posted up the Eye Spy winner and a new picture of someone else's eye.
9/29/00- Today I got a new layout for the main page and catogorized all of my content, and made a style sheet. The new layout isn't up yet though, because I'm remodeling a bit right now. I'm basicaly adding a better layout for all of the pages. When it's all done, I will put up the new main page layout. It's about time I put up a new one. So far I made tables and added a background to the Credits page, and this page. I just found out how to make a trailing cursor ! I added it to the main page. ^.^ It's so cool, but I hope it's not annoying.
9/28/00- I posted up a short story I wrote called Sailor Piggy Moon in the fanfic area. ^.^
9/25/00- New fanart by Resurie Kojiro, Catsom, and Viviane.
9/24/00- Made a second page for the fanart with art by KatC and Maria.
9/23/00- Posted up the Say What? results with new pictures for it, and put up some new fanart (by Lady Circe, Maelodia, Sailor Grape, & Joyce).
9/22/00- I made my own email host thingy ! Now you can sign up for free email at my site. ^_^ I finally made thumbnails for the fanart, fixed the broken links there, and added new drawings (by Lady Mercury).
9/21/00- The contests are up! Yay!
9/18/00- I recieved 9 awards in one day !! I'm happy ! ^.^ This weekend I plan to finnish the Music and Lyrics section.
9/12/00- I made a Sailor Moon madlibs ! New in the game section. Also updated the powers in some of the profiles and made the backgrounds fixed.
9/8/00- I made a new poll.
9/4/00- Say What results are up, along with new pics for it, and I made a banner book ! ^.^
9/3/00- Major addition to the video clips ! 11 transformations, 19 attacks/powers, and a Sailor Moon SuperS Special. (Chibiusa's Adventure ! The dreaded vampire castle.) Also made 5 new polls, including "Which Sailor Moon attack makes you the dizziest ?" Go vote now !
9/2/00- Changed the layout for the games and gallery section.
9/1/00- Put up the YKYWTMSMW page, and uploaded video clips.
8/31/00- Added 3 video clips about Hotaru, 2 polls (songs), and 2 long slide shows (SMS Opening, and Amy's First Love).
8/30/00- Added 3 polls on favorite villains, and changed all of the poll colors to match. I'm planning on making a quiz section and YKYWTMSMW. I recieved and put up 4 awards today. ^.^ hehe, I applied to a lot of different ones last night.
8/29/00- Fixed most of the postcards ! I added 2 polls and changed the layout for it. I changed all of the links and font to match the main page (I think it looks better now) and added 52 new words to the hang man game. That was kinda fun. ^.^
8/27/00- Put up the Random Sailor Moon Quotes on the main page, and made the Poll section with 4 polls so far. It has been 4 months since I first started this website !
8/26/00- All of the LD scans are up !!! whoo hoo ! ^.^ I also worked on the Random Sailor Moon Quotes.
8/25/00- Put up the Music Video section, fixed the Video Clips, updated the news, I learned how to make a table, uploaded LD scans, and made a contest page. (But no contests are up yet.)
8/24/00- Added 29 new Japanese audio clips. Thanks so much to Juri for sending them to me ! ^.^
8/22/00- Fixed the audio clips.
8/14/00- Posted up the Say What results and new Say What pics.
8/11/00- Updated the news.
8/4/00- Wrote episode summaries for the S season.
7/29/00- Added SMR villain, animated gifs, and chibi postcards.
7/28/00- Supporting character postcards up.
7/27/00- Put up 6 animated banners, and joined the Scouts of Tokyo Top 25 Sites. Vote for me ? ^.^
7/26/00- I finally fixed the postcards !! (i spent all day on them.) there are 31 new postys, 6 backgrounds, and the music works now. ^.^; I will add the older postcards and more later, including supporting characters, villains, maybe animated gifs, and possibly other animes.
7/25/00- Posted up the Say What results with new Say What pictures, added pics to Pluto's and Neptune's profiles, updated the episode list, and put up "The Real Suga Baby" rapped by Rini !! (spoof off of "The Real Slim Shady")
7/21/00- New fanfic up called Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her.
7/20/00- New banner up.
7/19/00- Added villain pics, starlight pics, and chibichibi pics to the manga section, group pics to the anime section, updated the episode list and profiles a bit.
7/17/00- Enlarged the title of my website because some dork thought it was untitled.
7/16/00- Updated Episode List.
7/1/00- Posted up the Say What? results, and new pictures for the third set of Say What? pics.
6/15/00- Updated episode list, profiles for Haruka and Michiru (corrected the dubbed names) and added some SM news.
6/14/00- Put a email form for Say what submissions. Hopefully that will make it more convienent, and I will recive more submissions !
6/13/00- 2 new vidio clips, and the episode title to the second Sailor Moon S episode.
6/12/00- Added the new episode title of Sailor Moon S to the eppi list.
6/9/00- I made a webring page, and put in a spot for a Sailor Moon Infodex page, but it's not up yet. I took off the banner for the Sailor Princess' Voting Contest, because it took up a lot of space, and no on was voting for me (but that's ok). I added an image map for my guestbook, another poem, and 4 more audio clips.
6/8/00- I added 2 more audio clips, and opened the vidio clips section.
6/7/00- The audio clips are finally up !!
6/5/00- SM news posted.
6/3/00- I joined the Sailor Princess' Voting Contest, and put up the Mars image gallery in the anime section. There isn't as much right now, because I didn't have a lot of time.
6/2/00- Opened the poetry section (with 4 poems) and put up the Sailor Mercury image gallery.
6/1/00- New say what pics are posted, and so are the results from the last set. I'm planning to put up poems, sound clips, and episode downloads. Since the thumbnails take a bit to load at the image galleries, I've made it so the pictures will open up in a new window. I hope that helps !
5/31/00- Made this Updates page, new fanart has been posted, and I added new recipies. 6 more collages have been added to the image gallery, and I also put up a lot of paper dolls a few days ago.

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