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Written by Me

You know you watch too much Sailor Moon when...

  • you'd die for Sailor Moon decorated socks.
  • you get excited when you find out there's a girl named Serena in your class.
  • you make your friends to call you Usako.
  • you stick a lollypop up in the air and yell "Lollypop Power!!"
  • you play pretend Sailor Moon.
  • you've seriously done everything on this list.
  • you plan to start a religion to worship Naoko Takuchi and/or Sailor Moon.
  • you bake Sailor Moon cookies and play with them.
  • you've memorized all the Sailor Moon songs --- in Japanese.
  • you change "The Real Slim Shady" to "The Real Sailor Moon."
  • you yell "Moon Tiara Action !" and throw a headband at your sister.
  • someone is absent from school, you say the Negaverse took them for brainwashing.
  • you're scared Queen Beryl is alive and coming to get you in your sleep.
  • your school is having a talent show, and you sing "I Wanna Be A Star" wearing a frilly red dress.
  • you always use the expression "wicked cool."
  • you swear you saw Princess Snow Kaguya everytime you look at the moon.
  • someone has a stroke and you claim their pure heart was stolen.
  • you dreamed that you were a Scout and defeated Mistress 9.
  • you decorate a trophy cup with hearts and wings and use it as the Holy Grail (Purity Chalice).
  • you've memorized all the lines from every episode and recite it at school.
  • you make Sailor Moon figures out of clay in art class.
  • you go to the movies with an inflated Sailor Scout.
  • you get mad at Elios for not coming after you say Rini's Twinkle Yell.
  • you make nine of your friends dress up as Sailor Scouts with you on Halloween.
  • you dress up as a scout even when it's not Halloween.
  • you buy plastic Sailor Moon weapons and use them on strangers.
  • you save gum and candy wrappers with Sailor Moon on it.
  • you practice wailing just in case you're the next voice actress for Serena.
  • you get a piece of paper, yell "Akuryo Taisan !" and throw it at your brother.
  • you shave a crescent moon bald spot on your cats named Luna, Artemis, and Diana.
  • you have a Sailor Moon shrine in the back of your closet.
  • you make your own Sailor Moon action movie.
  • you have a crush on one of the characters from the show.
  • you make Sailor Moon shaped cookies.
  • you insist on having Sailor Moon wallpaper in every room.
  • you can't find any Sailor Moon wallpaper, you make your own.
  • you buy hair extensions so you can put your hair up in meatballs.
  • you wear a black cape and hide a rose bush in it.
  • you keep a stack of manga next to the toilet.
  • you have a Sailor Moon jello mold.
  • you paint little Sailor heads on your nails.
  • you frame a picture of Sailor Moon cut out from a magazine.
  • you sew together your own Sailor Moon dolls.
  • you make Sailor Moon shadow puppets and do voices.
  • you always keep your Moon Wand in your bag when you go out. (You know, just in case...)
  • you look for Sailor V games at arcades.
  • you trim your hedges to look like Sailor Moon.
  • you have matching Sailor Moon pajamas that go with your pillow, blanket, sheets, and curtains.
  • you make a scrapbook of all your Sailor Moon memories.


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The page design is created by Anna, but you can find it at Free Sailor Moon Graphics Society.