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American name: Amy Anderson
Japanese name: Mizuno Ami
Translation: Beauty of Water
Silver Millennum Castle: Mariner Castle
Age: 14
Birthday: September 10
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Gemstone: Sapphire
Element: Ice
Transformations: Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mercury
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'2"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Green-blue
Favorite Color: Aquamarine
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Least Favorite Food: Yellow Tail Tuna
School: Crossroads Junior High
Grade: 8
Favorite Subjects: Math and Science
Least Favorite Subject: none
Hobbies: Reading books, playing Chess, swimming, and studying.
Strong Points: Good with calculations and strategies.
Weak Points: Afraid of love letters
Future dreams: To become a doctor like her mom.


Sailor Moon
Mecury Power Make Up: Her oringinal transformation.
Mercury Ice Bubbles Blast: Her original power.

Sailor Moon R
Mercury Star Power: Her transformation in the second season.
Mercury Bubbles Freeze: Her power that freezes with bubbles.
Shine Aqua Illusion

Sailor Moon S
Mercury Crystal Power Make Up: Her transformation in the third season.
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody: Her Super Sailor power.

Sailor Moon SS
Mercury Aqua Mirage: Her Super Sailor Stars power.