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Sailor Moon/Batman Beyond-"The Moon, and The Bat"
Written by Jedimaster54321

(Hey every one..I hope that ya all enjoy my first fan fiction. In this story, it's been 30 years since the end of Sailor Stars.)

In a future where heroism exists in darkness....

In a future where the Sailor Senshi have long since sepearted and gone off to live their own lives....

A new evil will arise from out of the darkness, and one young man will be forced to re-unite the legendery Sailor Soliders.....

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Pretty Solider Sailor Moon)

Batman Beyond

"The Moon, and The Bat"

Chapter 1: First Encounters.

The one word that comes to mind when most people here the name of "Gotham City" mentioned Crime. It's no wonder why the city has been nicked named "The Most Dangerous Place on Earth". It was so dangerous that even its citizens didn't go out alone at night. In fact many just stayed indoors, and kept them locked. Yet lately many seem to be easing their fears, with just cause as the howl of the Batmobile's hover engines swept through Gotham's streets. Many of the city's vermin cowered, and a few laughed. For this was not the same "Dark Knight" that once protected the innocent citizens of Gotham. This one was much younger, and yet to be tested.

Batman sat behind the controls of the Batmobile. His weary eyes watching over the controls. Batman patrolled the city for the twenty-second time tonight, knowing that a recent wave of kidnappings has been occurring. Over Fourteen missing women in over the last week alone, and yet still no leads. Normally this would not have made Bruce Wayne send Terry out on patrol this many times in one night, but something had startled the old man about them. Batman had thought about talking to his boss about this a few times, though he had other things on his mind that night. He looked at the clock on the Batmobile's control.

11:45, Mom's gonna kill me. Batman said silently to himself, as he took the Batmobile down another skyway. It was getting late, and the young dark Knight still had homework that was four days over due.

"Find anything?" a clam old voice came over the video link that connected the Batmobile to the computer in the computer inside the Batcave .The young Batman sighed a bit. It was Bruce Wayne, the original Dark Knight. The old man had been helping McGiness through out his adventures as Batman, but this new mystery had even Bruce a bit puzzled.

"Nothing, it's been as quiet as a mouse out here" Batman replied, "I doubt that anything will be happening tonight."

"Keeping searching" Bruce replied, even as an old man sitting in front of the Batcomputer, he still had that tone in his voice that said, "You better do as I tell you" way that got you to do as he said. McGiness always disliked that about Bruce, but never showed it.

"You sure that it wasn't just some cult ritual?" Batman asked, "He opened his mouth to say something else. He stooped, a bleep had appeared on the Batmobile's radar screen. Batman took a quick glance at it. "Hold On I think something's up."

Bruce taped a few keys on the batcomputer's keypad "There seems to be a disturbance on the corner of Main St, and 31 Ave. better check it out." Batman sighed; there goes any chance of getting that overdue phsyics homework done Summer school here I come. He said to himself. Batman steered the large vechile past a few buildings and revved the Batmobile's engines. The all-inspiring sound brought hope and impressed all Gothamites. Something that Batman just loved to do.

Far above the city streets something was looking down upon the city of Gotham. A small cat stood on the ledge of a roof. Looking down upon the Gotham through as if it was only going to be here for a short time. The cat was small for its age, with a strange black colored fur, and a crescent moon up top its little forehead. The small cat was old, but showed no sign of age that no NorAm human being could see. Is this Gotham City? The small cat wondered to her self. Her eyes adjusting to the darkness with perfect ease. Doesn't seem dangerous from up here. Maybe Artemis was wrong this time.

The cat turned and leaped off of the ledge and back onto the roof of the building. She stretched, for it had been a long few days for her. The cat had traveled all the way to Gotham from Tokyo Japan, and had a rough time sneaking into various pieces of luggage at the airport. Going for a few days without food. The cat wished she had taken up the offer her owner had given her of having her going with. Though the cat had sensed evil energy coming from this city, and had decided that she should go alone this time.

The feline walked towards the fire escape. The cat climbed down from the roof of the old building with ease. She'd been all over the city during these past few days, and had only recently made her way into the old rundown section of Gotham. The cat stooped once more to stretch.

"Well look what we have here!" a voice said from with in the shadows of the alley.

"Ever seen a kitty laugh?"

"No but I'd love to see one try."

The tiny feline backed up a bit, sensing the evil intentions of the owners of these voices. One by one they emerged from out of the shadows. Their faces painted like clowns, and each holding some kid of weapon. The cat trembled a bit. Having no place to run, and one to turn to. About six ugly clowns like thugs had her surrounded. Oh dear, the cat thought to herself. Wha t am I going to do? I can't take on all these...thugs at once. One whipped the chain he was holding at her, hitting the defenseless cat in the side sending her sprawling onto the pavement.

"Awww what's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Said young strange looking thug, who had his face painted white and his lips a clownish red color. He had his hair dyed green, and was wearing an ugly purple suit. He walked over towards the cat, and kicked her in the midsection. A few more members of the gang laughed as the cat moaned in pain from the kick.

The young punk looked down at the injured feline, and sneered. "Aw the cat don't think it's funny," He said, reading to kick the cat once more. This time he aimed right at the cat's head. The small feline braced herself, wondering what had she done to deserve such treatment from such violent people. The punk began to bring his foot down, when a voice was heard.

"Don't you have anything better to do than abuse stray animals?" Another person emerged from the shadows of the Building above them. Gliding down on a pair of bat-like wings. He landed in front of the cat, as if he was trying to protect her from harm. His suit making him looks as if he were part human, and part bat. A thug lunged at him, whirling a club like weapon at his head. The man ducked the blow easily, and landed a punch right into the thugs mid-section. The other gang members saw this, and turned to run. The cat watched all this with her eyes wide open. She'd thought that those punks were going to kill her for sure.

"What was it?" Bruce Wayne asked through the two-way radio link that connected the Batman to the Batcave.

"Just a bunch of Jokerz beating on this cat" Batman replied. Kneeling down to get a closer look that the injured feline.

"Get back here McGiness. I'll call the ASPCA and have them take care of the feline." Bruce was already trying to establish a link to the ASPCA, when Batman saw the crescent moon on the cat's forehead.

"Hold on" Batman replied, switching to his video link so Bruce could see. "Ever seen a cat with a moon before Wayne?"

Bruce looked closely at the screen. "No, better bring it back here then." Wayne put his hands together, still looking at the Batcomputer's screen.

"Sure Wayne, you want me to pick some cat nip on my way back?" Batman snapped jokingly. He bent over and gently picked up the injured feline. The cat looked up at his face, and then passed out.

Batman turned towards the darkness, and looked up at the sky. Activating his jet propulsion boots. He soared up towards the Batmobile that was parked. A hole opened in the bottom section of the Batmobile, allowing Batman to soar right inside the large vechile. When the entryway closed, Batman turned and carefully placed the feline down in the passengers' seat, strapping the cat in carefully. Then he turned and sat down in the drivers' section. Flipping a few switches, bringing the Batmobile to life all around him. It's awesome hover engines powering up. The all inspiring sound once again striking fear into the hearts of all those who commit evil. Batman couldn't help but smile, the same sound leaving a city full of innocent people with a sense of hope/ He revved the engines a bit, leaving the people of Gotham impressed. The Batmobile sped off through the city's skyways, towards home.

On the other side of the city, some one was watching the events that had just transpired. Hidden deep within an abounded warehouse, a dark figure was looking into a mystical orb like object. Images being displayed on the inside of it. A female hand swept over the orb, making the images disappear, So Luna you think that Batman can protect you? The dark figure thought to herself. You stupid little feline, I know your little Sailor Bitches will come looking for you, and when they do the silver crystal will finally be mine. The dark figure began to laugh, filling the whole building with the sound of her annoying laughter. A laugh that sent evens the rat occupants running in sheer terrier. The dark shape turned back towards the orb. Soon, Sailor Bitches, I will have the power of the silver crystal, and nothing. Not even Batman can save you this time!

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