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Sailor Moon/Batman Beyond-"The Moon, and The Bat"
Written by Jedimaster54321

((Hi people, here I am finaly with part two of my fan fic. I know it's still got bugs in it, and I'm still working them out. As I am also doing with part one as well. Though don't fear, because part three is well underway, and I hope you all enjoy this latest installment of "The Moon and The Bat". Until then..Ja na people!))

Chapter 2: Serena's bad day

"Oh no I'm late again!" Serena woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off. She was supposed to be at work today around 8:30. Though one look at her alarm clock reveled that it was quarter past nine. She'd over slept again, and scrambled to get out of the bed. Thus only getting herself tangled up in the sheets, and wound up falling out of bed. Serena kept trying to get untangled, yet to no avail. Oh great, first I oversleep, and now I'm caught in the bed sheets, she thought to herself. The single T-shirt she'd worn to bed had gotten caught on the bed spread, and she didn't feel like walking around the room completely naked. She tired a few more times to get herself UN-tangled, and only wound up not only getting even more tangled in the sheets, but nearly ripping her night shirt. Serena's face turned bright red with anger. Oh come on Serena your already late for work, you can at least get untangled from the bed sheets.

Darien walked out of the bathroom, adjusting the tie he was putting on. Only to see his wife caught in the bed sheets lying on the floor. He laughed slightly, and walked over towards her. "Darien? What are you still doing home?" Serena asked, looking up from the floor to see her husband Darien kneels down beside her. She felt herself blush with embossment, as her tied to help her get untangled. "It's because Serena I've got a Presentation to make this morning, and it's not until eleven." He managed to get her untangled from the bed sheets easily, and then stood up. Extending out his hand to help Serena get back to her feet. "I thought I told you this last night?" He asked her, nearly laughing still. "Yeah I remember now I think" Serena replied, was letting Darien help her back up. "What is it about again?" she asked. Having since long forgotten about what just happened. "You'd better get moving Serena, you're already late." Darien said, once again adjusting the tie on his neck. "How do I look?" he asked her, still trying to get his tie on right. "Here Darien let me do that," she replied, undoing the tie he had done so badly, and then put it on him the right way. "There, now you go out there and do your best. " She smiled, as Darien kissed her passionately. Then turned to walk out of the room. Serena stood there for a moment, then hurried into the bathroom to take a quick shower. She turned it on; letting the hot water warm up a bit, Serena walked back into the bedroom, and started searching through the closet for something to wear. She searched for a minute or two, until she found a skirt, and top that matched. Serena then hurried back into the bathroom. Closing the door, and locking it behind her.

She walked out of the bathroom less than ten minutes later. this time wearing a nice plaid skirt, and a matching dress shirt. Her hair as always, was all tied up in odadgos. Though yet she wasn't even wearing any makeup at all. Serena still had managed to look like she was twenty-five years old, although she was actually forty-five. Feet most women (including Serena herself) could even understand. Though this morning she came out of the bathroom, running at full speed, and wound up tripping over her own feet, and tumbling down the stairs. "Owww" Serena cried out, hitting her head on the wall. "That hurt like hell. Tears started to streak her face as the pain started to swell up. Though to spite the fact the bump hurt, she stood up anyways, and walked into the kitchen to get an ice pack from the freezer. "Now not only am I late, and I'll probably be fired, but now I've got a lump on my head that hurts like one of Luna's scratches." Serena opened the freezer, and quickly found herself a nice cold ice pack. She then warped it in a cloth from the kitchen table, and held it on the lump on her head. "OH NO" she looked at the clock and saw that half an hour had already gone by. "NOW I'M REALLY LATE!" Serena screamed reaching for her car keys that were on the table, and then quickly ran straight out the door.

Serena sat there at the other side of her bosses' desk. Apparently upon her arrival at work some one had told her that the boss wanted to meet with her. Sadly she'd seen this coming and had prepared for the worst. Though even now as she sat there facing him, Serena wouldn't help but feel a bit tense as she sat there waiting for him to chew her out about being late. "Why do you think I wanted to talk to you Mrs. Shields." Her boss turned around in his office chair to face her. "Umm, because I was late again, and I didn't call to say I would be?" Serena asked quickly, trying to turn on the girlish charm that had saved her job on many ossacions. "Though Mr. Goldstein, I'm sorry and I promise that it'll never happen again." Serena practically begged. "I'm sorry Mrs. Shields, as much as I admire you ambition. Though I can't allow tardiness in my office anymore. I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm going to have to fire you this time." He said calmly, folding his hands together in his lap. "Fire me?" Serena said in a meek little voice, the shock of what just happened settling in at last. She stood up, and looked at him. "I'm sorry Mrs. Shields but I'm afraid firing you is the only salutation to this, and I wish you luck in finding work." He extended his hand out to her; Serena shook his hand, and then turned to walk out of his office to pack up her things. I was fired? She thought to herself, Oh no what will I tell Darien? She began to worry about the possible reactions she might get from her beloved husband upon telling him this news. Serena pondered all this as she made her way to what was once her little office to pack up her things. How can I tell him I was fired again? She walked in to her little office, and turned on the light. Then Serena began looking about the little room for a box in which she could pack the little odds and ends form her desk in. Serena began putting things in there, things like a picture she kept of Darien, a bookend with some books, a few other things. By the end of the hour her little office had been cleaned. Serena was sitting behind the computer that was built into the desk, working to make a copy of something before she was going to leave for the last time. Oh come on you stupid no good worthless computer. She felt the urge to kick the desk the computer was built into, but deiced against it. Serena had never really been any good with computers, and even this one which was supposed to whatever you told it to. She still couldn't get it to work properly, and that at times had caused her many headaches. Though she was still very upset about just being fired, Serena was thanking full that she wouldn't have to put up with this machine any longer. A CD-ROM like disk pooped out of a slot near the mini computer monitor. She reached out and took it. The disk contained her records, which she was copying for her own personal reference for when she stared looking for a new job.

A few minutes later Serena was dragging the box of her personal items out towards her car, and littlery she was dragging the whole thing behind her. A few people stopped to look at her, and chuckled when she wasn't looking. After struggling with the box for a few minutes, Serena managed to drag it towards her car. Why does it have to be so god damned heavy? She thought to her self, pulling her card key from her pocket and opening the back door so she could get the box in there. She then turned, and bent over to pick the box up. Straining with almost all of her might, Serena finally managed to get the box into the back seat. Though not before a ripping sound could be herd coming from the back of her dress. She stood up, and when she did. Her skirt came falling off exposing her underwear right out in public. Serena blushed embarrassed, and basically ran into her car, and with in a few moments sped out of there like a bat out of hell.

It wasn't until about an hour later that Serena pulled into the driveway. The traffic on her way home had been horrible, and she'd almost gotten into several accidents along the way. She looked both- ways, before getting out her car, since her skirt had been torn off by accident, and she wasn't about to give the neighbors a free peep show anytime soon. Serena prattle ran into the house, with her skirt in one hand. It's times like this I wish Luna hadn't left. Serena had missed her talking cat ever since Luna had gone off to investigate something overseas. Serena sighed as she walked up to the front door of her house. It was a nice little home just like the one she lived in while she was growing up. Though ever since she and Darien had actually bought it, the budget for them had been extremely tight. Serena used her key-card to open the lock on the door, then pushed it open. Upon entering the door, Serena placed her the skirt that she had in hand on the table in the entryway, and closed the door behind her.

"I can't believe it, first I'm late for work, and now I've lost my job." She cried, as tears began to streak down her soft cheeks. "What am I going to do? Oh Luna why did you have to go away?" She leaned up against the wall with her head in her hands, crying like she was still a fourteen-year-old girl. Though when Serena looked up again something managed to catch her eye. A holonews clipping was hanging from the small table inside of the entryway. She moved to grab it just as it was about to hit the floor. Serena then fumbled with it for a moment before she managed to switch on the holonews' power unit; witch generated a holographic news story in front of her face. 14 JAPANESE WOMEN MISSING IN GOTHAM CITY. NO EVIDENCE FOUND AT THE CRIME SCENE.

Serena looked up from the holographic typing, with a now determined look upon her once crying face. She read the section over again, until she saw the photo that was a part of the next article. It was a holographic image of what looked to be a young man, wearing a suit that made him look as if he was a bat. Switching off the holonews, and then slipped it into her back pocket. Serena then went into the kitchen that was in the next room, and with in a matter of seconds found her on the phone. "Hello, I'd like to apply for a visa to the United States." There was a brief pause, and she waited for a moment. "For when? Well I was planning to leave as soon as possible." Again there another pause, this one a bit longer than the last. "To where? Uh Gotham City"...

To Be Continued

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