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"The Moon, and The Bat"
Writen by Jedimaster54321

Chapter 3:Secerts Revealed

He stumbled into the abounded warehouse, fear running through his body. The young man walked carefully through the old structure, clutching the briefcase in his hand. Course sweat running down his face. He whipped the sweat away from his brow, and kept walking. He wore a business suit, and looked to be in his early twenties. His clothes were now saturated with sweat, because he knew that this part of town was literally crawling with scum, and gangs waiting for some poor unforntune soul to cross into their territory. He stooped after walking into the building a ways, and looked about. The young businessman struggled for a few moments to say something, but the fear in him was so great that he said nothing.
"Hello?" was all he could manage to say.
His eyes swept over the room, finding it was dark, and there were no windows. The door suddenly closed behind him, and he jerked around with a startle.
"Please Mr. Powers, surely your not that scared?" A soft female voice echoed through the room.
The man stood there, clutching the briefcase even closer to him now. A figure emerged from the shadows, advancing towards his. It was a woman unlike that anyone has ever seen. She was tall, with a slim waist and creamy white skin. Her features were like those of a comic book character, which where bigger than a normal human's. Her fiery red hair draped loosely over her shoulders. She wore a bright red mini tanktop that showed ample cleavage. When she walked she moved as if she was walking on air, and the way she looked would have any man want her if they set their eyes down upon this creature, but on top of her head were a pair of massive horns. Horns that were drenched with the blood of an innocent person, and behind her, there was a long, and deadly looking tail. He twitched at the sight of her, fully knowing what damage she was capable of.
"So" she said now standing in front of him, her gaze both soft and dangerous at the same time. "You managed to get those visa's cleared for me?" She asked the man that now stood before her, watching him sweat his brains out.
"Yes, but it wasn't easy, they've red flagged all Asian visa's. It won't be easy to get any of them through." He replied, his voice filled with fear of this woman, and her power.
"Good", was all she said, taking the briefcase from the man, and opening it. Reading the documents it held, and removing the files it contained. She then handed the now empty briefcase back to the young man. "You just keep it up, and I'll make sure that no one finds out about your father's secret".
She laughed mockingly, to her it was funny watching young men like him sweat. Though this one had power that she didn't, and that power being able to influence government leaders to do, as she wanted.
he searched his memory for her name. He was so scared that he actually forgotten what it was. Though that didn't stop him from falling back upon his rear as he tried to leave. The woman watched the young man, and just laughed.. He scurried out of the building as fast as he could. Running off into the alley, and he didn't even look back. She stood there, laughing as the young businessman scurried out of the warehouse. When he was gone, she turned her back to the door, and walked back into the shadows. It's time, she said to her self. It's time to begin gather my army and t start preparing for phase two of my plan. She sat down on top of a bunch of crates, in her hands she was creating an orb made up of the energy of pure evil. Soon the world will belong to Omni....

The small cat awoke with a jolt of pain in her sides. She winced, trying to fight back the on coming pain that was trying to engulf her. The cat's eyes opened to find that she was lying in a box, with a bandaged warped tightly over her side. She tried to stand up on all fours, but found that she didn't have the strength to do so.
"I swear that I have never felt so much pain in my entire life".
The cat found herself saying out loud. She wasn't a normal cat, because of her ability to think, reason, and to talk like a human being. The cat tried to crawl along the bottom of the box, and towards the small bowl of food that had been placed on the other side. Though she could still barely move, and her strength had yet to return. The cat began to meow as a last resort. Though when she did, the sound echoed off of the call. Making it sound as if she was inside of a cave. How peculiar, the cat thought, it sounds as if I am inside of a cave. . The little cat kept meowing, though I have to admit I am starving! The sound of bats flying over head could be heard as some one approached the box she was in. The cat cringed a bit as the shadow of a human cast down upon her.
"Aw are you hungry there kitty?"
The sound of a kind youthful voice filled her ears. She turned her head to get a better look at the young man. The boy knelt down beside the cat's box, sticking his hand in to pet the injured animal.
"Those Jokerz really did a number on you." He said, petting the cat's head for a moment, then taking it away to bring the cats food dish closer to her.
"So what's you name?" He asked the cat, not expecting an answer.
"I'm guessing that the moon on your forehead has something to do with it."
The cat crawled just a bit so she could eat. The cat thought about telling the boy her name, but past experience warned her against it. With the sound of bats flying over head, the boy stood up, and turned to walk off. He looked down at the watch he wore on his wrist.
"Oh man mom's gonna kill me," he groaned.
It was way past mid-night, and he knew that his mother was not going to be happy at all. He ran towards the stairwell that led to the mansion above the cave. Once he got there the boy turned around to see his boss standing behind him.
"I've called your mother and told her that you'd be working late tonight, Terry," Bruce Wayne said.
Walking towards his young protégé. Although he needed a cane to walk on in his old age, Bruce was still stronger than he let on.
"What are you planning to do about the cat?" Terry asked in replay. He looked up to face Bruce.
"Take it with you, that cat's your responsibility until we can find its owner".
Terry knew better than to argue with Bruce, especially when he was running late again.
"What? Think the mutt is going to waste his time with a stray?" McGiness couldn't help but joke about Wayne's dog who's name was Ace. Who was sleeping over in the corner.
"Very funny," was the only replay that he got from the old man.
To spite his many attempts, McGiness couldn't get Bruce to laugh, let alone smile a bit. Without so much as a word, Terry went back to retrieve the injured feline that he'd left in the in the other side on the cave. Leaving the echo of his footsteps as he walked through the enormous cave that is the command center for Batman's never ending war against crime. Terry was the first person in nearly thirty years to enter the cave about a year ago now. Though even then Terry though as Batman, he wouldn't be taking care of stray animals. Now, he found himself lifting up a box containing an injured feline, and carried it out of the Batcave.
"Terry honey, your going to be late for school again."
Terry yawned and turned over to look at his alarm clock.
"Oh my god" he nearly jumped out of bed. "I'm late, again" he quickly began searching about for some clean clothes, and his stuff for school.
The cat poked her head up from her box that Terry had put beside his bedroom door. The little cat watched him hurry about the small bedroom. He stooped, picking up come computer disks from his night table. Oh no, Terry thought. I forgot to feed the cat. He was now wearing a simple black T-shirt, and jeans. Which of course he almost always wore. The cat watched him wondering if he is the same young man who saved her the night before.
It was all that the cat could say as Terry looked at her, and patted her on the head before walking out of the room. She looked about from the inside of her box.
"Hum I wonder", the cat said to herself questingly. "Could he be the one that they call Batman?" She shook her head a bit. "It has to be, he's certainly tall enough to be."
The cat sighed and then lay back down upon the blanket that had been placed inside of the box. Her side still hurt badly, and she could not stand for very long.
"I wonder how Serena is doing without me." The thought of the Moon Princess being ok without her guardian cat there for once was a bit scary for her to think about. "Oh now that would be the day," was all she said about it.
The cat looked up to see the boy approaching her. Terry was his name? Standing there holding a dish of food in his hand.
"Didn't you just talk?" he asked her.
Terry walked over towards the box, and set the dish down on the floor. Then he reached inside and gently lifted up the cat and put her near her food.
"Meow," the cat replied. Littearly saying the word 'meow,' as if she was trying to cover up for the fact that she had just spoken like a human.
"Nice try" Terry replied, as the cat began to eat. "A talking cat?" He said to himself, before turning to pick up his backpack. He took one last look at her, and then he ran out of the door.

The teacher stood there at the head of the class, looking out at the students in front of their respective computer desks. Though as much as he enjoyed his forty-years teaching students about mythology, the years had begun to catch up with him, the time and methods of teaching had changed so much that he had a difficult time keeping up with it. Though the one thins that hadn't changed was the fact that there with every class came a student who was always late, and Terry McGinness was that student. The teacher turned around to see Terry trying to sneak into the class.
"Mr. McGinness, tardy again. Tell me what excuse do you have this time?"
Almost the entire class looked up to see Terry just about to sit down at his desk.
"Um" he though for a second, "I missed the lift this morning and I had to walk here?"
Several students chuckled out loud.
"Very funny, and where is your report on the legend of the moon kingdom?"
Terry gulped, Batman had been so busy with the recent wave of kidnappings that he had simply didn't have the time to actually work on the report.
"I hope you realize that this counts as twenty percent of your term grade."
"Yes but-"
"And that you've been tardy every single day for the past week, Mr. McGinness I will see you after school for detention."
Terry slumped down into his seat, angry, and humiliated. What am I going to tell Mr. Wayne? Terry looked about the room, as the teacher continued on with the lesson. I wonder if any of the Robins had to put up with detention?

The cat managed to peek up and over the edge of her box. Adjusting her vision so she could peer about the dimly lit room.
"Not much on house keeping now is he?" she said, making reference to the messy state Terry's room was in.
She sat back on her haunches, ignoring the throbbing pain that shot through her side, and some how managed to leap up over the edge of the box. The tiny cat winced slightly, as she landed on the floor.
"ARGH," she cried out in pain, "at times like this I really wish Serena was here to help."
The pain faded, and the cat began to walk about the small bedroom, searching for something that would prove to her that the very young man who occupied this room was the legendary Batman. For a few minutes she walked about, only to find several items of clothing scarred about, and she also found his laptop computer.
"I wonder if this could help me?"
The cat opened the lab with one of her front paws, and sat down again on her haunches as the computer's small screen flicked to life. She used her front paws to type on the keypad in front of her. Searching through the computer, the cat found only a few programs and files that almost anyone would have.
"Nothing, nothing," she said as she clicked about.
Moving the cursor towards another icon, and clicking on it. An image of a bat flashed upon the screen. Then it faded, with words flashing across the screen.
"Accessing Batcomputer mainframe, please wait."
The cat nearly jumped back in surprise. "So he IS Batman!"
Her eyes widened a bit when the screen changed; now showing a menu displaying several options. She worked quickly, accessing all of the computer information before she exited the Batcomputer mainframe.
"I have to tell Artemis about this."
The cat said under her breath, bringing up the computers e-mail program.
"He must know what I've found."
The cat began typing up an e-mail to send to her soul mate back home.

"Access file activated begin search program now!"
Bruce looked up at the massive computer screen that was in front of him. The elderly man stared at it for a brief moment then arched his eyebrow a bit. Odd, he tapped on a few keys upon the keypad in front of him. Why would Terry use the Access program I had him install for school? Bruce eyed the screen for a few moments.
"Computer, trace source of Access program, and pinpoint its location."
"Tracing source, location found."
"Computer, bring location up onto the screen."
The computer flashed Terry's address upon the screen. Why isn't Terry in school? Bruce shook his head, and looked back towards the Batcomputer.
"Computer, access all information on the moon, and cross reference it with all information involving a cat that has a crescent moon upon its forehead."
"Searching, please wait."
The elderly man sat back in his chair, watching while the most powerful computer in the world searched through databases from every sections of the globe.

Terry sat there; looking at images that flashed upon his computer desk's screen. Images of what was once the moon kingdom. He paid them no mind, and also found himself nearly falling asleep.
"Mr. McGinness are you paying attention?"
Terry's eyes snapped open only to find the teacher looking directly at him.
"Um yes sir, sorry just dozed off there for a second."
"The answer the question. Who where Edymon and Serenity?"
"Uh," He though for a long moment, "weren't they the one's who cleaned the King and Queen's toilets?"
The class broke out into a riot of laughter. Students doubled over laughing at Terry's stupid remark. The teacher looked over at the other students, and the laughter quickly died.
"Very funny young man," the teacher replied, "they were the King and Queen of the Moon Kingdom until it was Destroyed."
Terry's face turned a deep crimson red color. An embarrassed look came upon his face. " Yeah I knew that."
The teacher turned away from Terry and began walking up towards the front of the classroom. Turning back to face the class, he coughed slightly as if to get everyone's attention.
"Now after the kingdom was destroyed, or as the legend says it was. Queen Serenity sent her only daughter, along with the fallen Sailor Soldiers to the future on Earth. To protect the Princess, she sent her cat advisors Luna and Artemis along. Now both cats had the family's marking upon their foreheads. The only reason why they were Serenity's advisors was because of their ability to think, reason, and speak just like an ordinary human being."
Upon hearing this Terry's eyes went wide, and his mind went to work, realizing that he had one of those two cats in his own room. He then stood up, grabbed his backpack, and began to silently tiptoe out of the room.
"And where do you think your going Mr. McGinness?"
Terry looked about, only to find the teacher looking right at him from the front of the room.
"I just remembered that I have a.huh, mum," Terry searched his mind for a good excuse to leave, "a. Dentist appointment in about fifteen minutes, so I'd better be going."
He turned to run, but the teacher grabbed Terry's shoulder before he could reach the door.
"You've disrupted my class for the last time Mr. McGinness. This time I'm sending you to the."
Before he could finish his sentence the bell singling the end of the period rang. With the rush of students leaving the room, Terry used this chance to break free of the Teacher's grip, and made a mad dash out into the hallway. Bumping into, and not to mention knocking over several other students in the process.
"Sorry, watch it, excuse me!" He called out as he ran down the hall, searching for a bathroom to hide in while he made a call on his cell phone. After a few moments he found it, and ran through the door, bumping someone aside as he did so.
"Hey watch where your going, dreg"
Some one said as Terry ran past. He reached out with one of his long arms, and grabbed McGinness by the collar of his shirt.
"Let go of me Nelson," Terry growled slightly through gritted teeth, as the larger of the two pulled him close.
"Maybe you should try saying excuse me next time?" Nelson was huge for his age, and with the body of an athlete. In fact he was captain of the school's wrestling team. Though this didn't scare McGinness, who hated Nelson more than anyone else did for that matter.
"I said, let go of me" Terry snapped, grabbing Nelson's hand, and removing it from his shirt. Don't do anything stupid; McGinness turned to walk away. Only this time Nelson grabbed him again, and Terry just grabbed his arm, and judo flipped Nelson over his shoulder, slamming down on the floor.
"Maybe you'll learn this time."
Terry turned and walked into the bathroom, moving quickly he found an empty stall, He pushed it open, and upon entry blocked his nose at the foul smell. Terry turned and closed the door to the stall and locked it shut. His cell phone already in his hand, Terry began to dial a number that would link him to the Batcave. She clicked on the 'send' icon, and stared at the laptop's screen for a long moment. I hope you get this soon Artemis, she sighed. The pains in her right side having died down some in the past few hours. I fear that this evil is getting stronger, and that we don't have much time left. The cat shut the computer down, and closed it shut.

"Are you shure that this cat is the one from the legend?"
Bruce sat behind the Batcomputer, talking to Terry through a special line that connected the computer to Terry's cell phone that Wayne made him carry in case of emergencies.
"I'm positive," Terry kept his voice down to a whisper. The bathroom stall hid him from view, but he didn't want to take the chance that some one might over hear him. The old man started at the batcomputer's massive screen, reading the very same legend that Terry had just learned. Although he couldn't quiet place it, Bruce felt that there was more to this then either he nor Terry knew. And that bothered him to no end.
"Where are you?" Bruce asked abruptly
"Very Funny Terry."
"I'm hiding inside of a bathroom stall that reminds me of the mutt's dog house."
Bruce ignored the end of Terry's reply. "How soon can you get here?"
"Give me an hour or so to get home, and get the cat, then I'll be over."
"I want you to have a talk with our little friend first."
"Shure," Bruce looked up at the screen, something was blinking in the right hand conner of it. He maximized the information, and looked at it.
"Have you found anything new yet?"
"It seems that a few visa's have slipped past the governments eyes, and the names attached to them are due to arrive in Gotham with in a few days."
"Anyone that we know?" Terry asked, like Bruce he was also wondering how those visa's could have slipped past the governments eyes.
"I'll see what I can find."
The next thing that Terry heard was the sound of a soft click, indicating that Wayne had just hung up.

An explosion was heard down the corridor leading towards the prisoner's cells. The cells that contained the inmates of Blackgate Prison, the guard that was on duty reached for his gun upon hearing the noise, but with in seconds his body was severed into two pieces by a pair of mysterious horn with razor sharp points. A female shaped figure steped out from the shadows, casually walking over the now dismembered guard.
"Men" she said, laughing as she kicked the corpse with the heal of her foot, "so primitive."
She picked up the guard's gun, and broke it into two pieces. The proceeded to strip him of his clothes, and put them on herself.
"I always though I'd look good in uniform."
She strode away from the guards post, a bit of a arrogant swagger in her walk as she made her way towards the holding cells.
"I'd better be right about this one," was all that she said as she approached the door of a cell that contained an extremely dangerous criminal.
A simple glance over towards her right side relieved that on one was near by. The woman then simply looked at the electronically locked door, and with a burst of dark energy it blew right off of its hinges.
"Too easy," she looked inside of the cell.
Only to find a young teenage boy sitting there looking like he was lonely. He cast his eyes up towards this new presence. Wondering who she was, and why did she just burst into his cell.
"Are you the one named Willie Watt?" She asked abruptly, making no small talk or introduction.
Her eyes looked the boy over, He matches the description that master gave me. She crossed her arms over he her chest, and eyed him carefully.
"What do you want?" The one named Willie snapped at her.
"Relax, Watt, I'm your friend." The woman lied. Willie couldn't tell if she was telling the truth, or not.
"I don't have any friends."
He stood up, facing the strange woman, nearly looking her directly in the eyes. He put her hands down firmly upon his shoulders. Holding him with only a tad bit of her strength.
"Hey let me go, what are you trying to do to me?"
Willie struggled with all of his might, but the woman was stronger. He tried to focus his telepathic on breaking her grip, but when he did. Willie just fell limp in the woman's arms.
"Kids," was all the woman said, picking the fallen individual up in her arms, cradling him like he was a baby.
All the meantime she was really gathering up enough energy to teleport out of the cell.
"I herd some noise coming from a few cells down. I'll go check it out."
The sound of footsteps could be heard coming from out side of the cell. The woman began to hurry, gathering up energy to teleport herself and the young man away from this dump. The guard had been working the afternoon shirt, and couldn't wait to get home. He was just on his way out when the alarms went off indicating a jailbreak. He'd gone to check the problem out, and now found himself standing in the now empty cell that belong to Willie Watt.
"What the hell happened here?" Was all that the guard could say about the remains of the small confined cell.
"What could have caused this?"