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Batman Beyond-"The Moon and The Bat"
Writen by Jedimaster54321

Chapter 4: Sailor Venus Makes the Gotham City Scene
The ramp way of the hover transport lowered to allow it's passengers to exit the craft. Many of them tourists visiting Gotham City for the first time, other returning home to their families or rather with their families. It was no surprise that no one had noticed the woman in seat forty one B. She was wearing the uniform of a Japanese Pro Volleyball player, and looked like she was worn out. The woman walked off of the transport's ramp way, carrying her gym bag over her left shoulder, and she carried a wooden basket in her right hand. She stopped for a moment, brushing a lose strand of blonde hair out of her face. Her deep blue eyes taking in the sights of Gotham International Airport.

"God Artemis, why did you have to drag me here?" The woman complained, "I've got a big game tomorrow night I can't miss."
The lid on top of the basket she was carrying pooped open, and a white cat with a crescent moon upon its forehead looked out, and than cast his eyes upon the woman.
"Because Mina," he replied, keeping his voice to a whisper. Not wanting to advertise to the public that he could speak like a human. "Both Luna and I sensed evil energy coming from here, and I feel that something has happened to her."

Mina looked down at Artemis, and closed the lid of the basket gently, She then started walking again, heading towards the customs area. Mina stopped when she reached the clearance area. Standing in front of the customs clearance desk waiting for an agent to check her bags, and the visa that Artemis had gotten behind her back. Which not only arrogated her to no end, but in the process he maxxed out her credit card while doing so.
The middle aged man walked up towards his desk at the customs clearance area, looking at the woman standing in front of it. She looked worn, tired, but strangely beautiful. Even though she was wearing a Japanese Volleyball uniform that need to be washed badly.
"Hello," he said politely, as all personnel did. "Can I see your visa, and your passport please ma'am?"
The Woman seemed to fumble around in her bag for a few moments, and then handed him a pair of disks. She handed the disks to the man, who inserted them into the drive slot that was on his right side. Her image and information appeared upon the screen.
"Ok," He looked at the computer screen, and then back at the woman. "Everything here checks out. What's in the bag's?"
The woman looked up at him, placing her oversized gym bag, and the basket she was carrying up on the counter top. The man opened up her gym bag and looked through it briefly. He then did the same for the basket, lifting its lid up and looking about. He though he saw what looked to be a cat, but it also looked like a ball of yarn as well. He closed the basket's lid, and looked at the woman standing in front of him.
"Ok I see that your not your not smuggling anything," He looked her in the eyes. "You're free, and clear to go ma'am. Enjoy your stay here in Gotham City."
The woman then picked up her bags, and proceeded to walk away from the customs area, with a relived look upon her tired face.

"Her name is Mina Anio, a professional volleyball player who just arrived here from Japan."

Bruce turned his chair to face Terry, and the cat-Luna was her name, watching the two of them closely. Luna had been brought back to the Batcave only a few short hours ago, where after only a few minutes of through questioning by Wayne, did she confess the identities of the Sailor Soldier's, in exchange for Terry's help in tracking down the missing members of the Sailor Team.

Luna stared at the information Bruce had displayed on the Batcomputer's giant screen. She lifted up her right front paw, and pointed it at the image upon the screen.
"Sailor Venus, the Sailor Solider of Love and beauty," she explained to the two men, "Artemis has most likely dragged her here."
"And why would they becoming here to Gotham?" Terry spoke up.
He was wearing his Batman suit, with the mask retracted. He turned his had slightly and shot a quick glance towards Luna.
"It's most likely to have something to with the recent wave of kidnappings that have been occurring lately."
Both human and cat eyes stared at Bruce for a moment. The a cracking noise came over the computers built in police scanner.
"Attention all units, be on the look out for escaped convict Willie Watt. He is Believe to be around 5'7", weight 130, and is 17 years of Age. Watt posses telepathic capabilities, and should be considered as extremely dangerous."
The three simply stared at each other for a very brief moment, until Luna. Who was sitting upon her haunches on the armrest of Bruce's chair tilted her head slightly in order to make eye contact with the elderly man who sat beside her.
"It seems that the situation has just got more complex," was all that she could say.
Luna turned her head again so she could scratch behind her ear with her hind leg.
"Guess I'd better get moving then," Terry turned to head towards the Batmobile, reaching behind his head to pull his mask into place.
"I'll go with you to help just in case."
Terry stop, and looked towards the cat.
"You've got to be kidding me?"
"No, I want you to stay behind," Wayne looked at the strange black cat who sat next to him, and nodded towards the bandage that she still wore upon her side.
"Heavens no," Luna shot back. The pains in her side having died down quite a bit since the attack by The Jokerz.
"With out me, you won't be able to identify either of them."
"We'll send him the information in the Batmobile, and we can communicate with him through the radio receiver inside his cowl."
Terry turned his head slightly to face the old man.
"Any Ideas where I should start looking Wayne?"
He asked, pulling the costumes mask into place at last, letting himself become the Batman. Wayne shook his head slightly.
"No, but I'm sure that when Willie attacks, this 'Sailor Venus' will most likely appear."
Without another word, Batman turned and headed towards the platform where the Batmobile was parked. The canopy opened, allowing the Dark Knight to vault over the side, and into the cockpit.
"McGinness," Bruce walked over towards the Batmobile, Batman turned to face the older man. He had something in his hand. It looked like a tranquilizer gun. "You better take this along," Wayne handed Batman the weapon.
The Tomorrow Knight placed it beside his seat where he wouldn't lose it.
"It should have a few shots left from the last time Willie attacked."
Batman nodded and closed the canopy of the Batmobile. He then proceeded to power the engines up, lifting the Hovercraft up off of the platform. He piloted the awesome vechile out into the night, and like a shark heading towards it's prey. The Batmobile flew off towards Gotham City.
"Artemis, next time you plain a trip. Be shure to use a different travel agent," Mina practically yelled at the white cat that she had inside of the basket she carried. "And one who doesn't book flights to Gotham."
Mina had only been here for less than an hour, and already she didn't like the city. Though she and Artemis hadn't even left the airport yet.
"Hey, It wasn't my fault, the travel said that it was the only one that had a flight that wasn't completely booked."
"Don't give me that attitude."
Mina ignored that and continued searching for other piece of luggage. They were in the baggage terminal, which was in the north east sector of Gotham International Airport. The two had only been there for the past fifteen minutes searching for the only other suitcase that Mina had time to pack before Artemis had practically dragged her out the front door of her apartment. However, it had gotten lost somehow during the flight, and the fact that almost every other suitcase looked almost exactly like Mina's wasn't helping matters very much. Though she kept searching through the mounds of luggage that came in and out of the terminal. In hopes that it might actually turn up, and she would have to go out and buy clothes with her limited amount of money.
"I'm going to write a very long, and very abusive e-mail to this no good transportation system about keeping track of their passengers luggage like they're supposed to."
She spoke through gritted teeth. Her face was almost red with frustration.
"Mina clam down," Artemis still kept his voice to a whisper to avoid attracting attention to them. "I'm shure that it'll turn up sooner or later."
"Bullshit Artemis these people have no fucking right to lose the--."
"Mina you need to clam ---."
Artemis looked up at her to find that Mina's gaze was transfixed upon the pieces of luggage that were starting to float all over the terminal area. People started running about in terror, in fact so did Mina. Willie Watt stood there admits the chaos that had become Gotham International Airport. Concealed by an over sized trench coat, and a fedora hat. He had used the information the woman. Omni was her name? To track the one that she called "Sailor Venus". Omni had easily overpowered him, and had told Willie that he owed her for springing him from prison. Now he stood there, using the telepathic abilities to turn the traveler's luggage against them. Using the as weapons against the innocent people, handling them with his telepathic powers. Powers that he had gained after a lengthily battle with Batman almost a year ago. Willie had vowed revenge against the Dark Knight, but he had put aside his grudge to concentrate on the business at hand. He simply focused his mind of the luggage, and on hurling them at the innocent bystanders. Willie then focused on using directional signs, and anything that looked like it could harm a person if need be.
"Run, Run, Run like the cowards that you are." He teased, keeping his voice to a low ominous whisper.
His eyes watching the scared citizens and tourists run for they're lives, and enjoying the rush that it gave him. Now if I could only do this to the students at Hamilton High. He snickered, returning his focus to the task at hand.
"Mina, Sailor Venus would be good right now." Artemis tired screaming at a running scared Mina, who still hung on to the basket she was carrying Artemis in.
"Why?" She ran, trying not to be trampled over by the on coming crowd of scared citizens who were fleeing for their lives. "There's no where for me to transform."
She ran out of the terminal and into a lobby where she finally eyed a dark corner that looked like a good spot. Mina then ran towards the corner of the lobby, hoping that no one would see what she was about to do. Batman sat behind the Batmobile's controls, keeping one eye on the Gotham City skyway, and the other upon the hovercraft's radar screen. He had been searching for the past twenty some minutes, and yet still no sign of Willie or Sailor Venus anywhere. Batman sighed deeply, he was getting bored just flying around searching. I wonder how Bruce managed to keep sane while doing this. Batman thought, steering the machine through a tight alleyway. I'll have to ask him about that sometime, if I ever get the chance. The sound of static came over the two-way radio inside of the Batmobile, and Batman reached over with a gloved hand to adjust the frequency. He listened for a moment, then almost decided to shut it off. "McGinesses, can you hear me?" Bruce's voice came over the receiver. Batman flipped a switch on the control panel to activate the comlink inside the batmobile.
"Loud and clear."
"There's a disturbance over at Gotham International Airport. The police cams are reporting that Willie is attacking. The police are on they're way, but they won't make it in time."
"I'm on it," Batman replied, his voice showing a sign of edginess in it.
He steered the Batmobile through a passageway between two buildings. Then began heading towards the exit that would take him to the city's only airport. Batman gunned the Batmobile's engines, letting the all-inspiring sound fill the hearts of the innocent citizens of Gotham City with hope. Hope that the Dark Knight will save the day.
"Hurry," Artemis yelled.
The crowd was getting more and more scared, and the terror continued. He looked about franticly as Mina ran. She leaped over the fallen people, with even more piling up. He wondered why some one was attacking here, and he couldn't help but feel an evil energy was nearby.
"I am going as fast as I can."
Mina practically flung herself into the corner of the lobby, and bent over to put the gym bag that she still carried and the basket Artemis was in down on the floor.
"Mina. Do you see the man over there? The one in the Trench coat?"
Artemis asked abruptly. Using his paw to point at the individual who was standing there, not moving at all.
"Yes I think I do, why?" She replied, focusing her glare upon the one the cat pointed towards.
"I sense that he is the one causing all this, an evil energy surrounds him."
"I'll take care of him then," Mina said. She held her hand up high, and then opened it.
"Venus Crystal Power, MAKE UP!"
A small wand appears in her hand, and the crystal part of it appeared on top of it. Sending out beams of yellow light. Her clothes disappeared and Mina began to spin about naked in the air. The light wrapped around her body, covering her chest, stomach and waist. Then it came together, and the top half of her sailor suit appeared, with a big blue bow upon her chest. Also, a bright orange skirt appeared around her slim waist. . A bow that had a heart shaped brooch in the middle of it. The light then wrapped around her arms, as she held them out, and became a pair of white gloves. The beam of light also wrapped around her feet to only become a pair of bright orange high heals. The beams finally wrapped around her waist, and on the back of her uniform appeared a bright yellow bow. She opened her bright blue eyes, just as a golden tiara appeared upon her head, almost hidden by lose strands of her light blonde hair. Mina posed, though she was no longer Mina. She had transformed into the beautiful Sailor Venus, the Sailor Solider of Love and Beauty. Willie Watt stood there, focusing his mind on using various objects to hurt innocent people. The one called Omni had told him that this would be the perfect way to draw the Sailor Soldiers out into public. He used anything and everything that he could see, including focusing his mind on lifting innocent people up into the air, only to hurl them into the walls of the building. In fact, the ground was now becoming littered with injured or possibly dead bystanders. Willie could even stop himself, it was almost as if some one had taken over his body. Though the feeling gave him a bit of a rush, and it excited him greatly.
"You're all going to die," he teased.
Laughing at his own joke, Willie then began to gather up his strength for another assault.
"Crescent beam," a loud female voice boomed from out of nowhere.
Willie spun about to see where it had come from, as he was struck in the small of his back by a beam of golden light. It caught him off guard, and also sent Willie sprawling down onto the metal floor. Watt cried out in pain as he hit the ground, the beam having burned a hole in his coat, and burned through the T-shirt he wore under it. Almost piercing the skin on his back as well.
"You want to cause these people anymore pain, and suffering like you already have young man?"
Willie looked up to find a beautiful woman in a sailor suit standing over him. Willie gathered up his mental strength, and began to focus. He sent the woman flying back into a wall, and then using his strength, he picked her up, and threw her down upon the metal floor hard. Willie got back up onto his feet, and used his telepathic powers to lift him self up into the air, where he remained hovering above the fallen people. He watched as the sailor suited woman began to get back to her feet, looking as if she was hurt, Willie couldn't help but smile at this. Sailor Venus hit the ground with a thud already hurt from being thrown into the wall. The stranger was much stronger than she thought. She cried out in pain as her back hit the hard metal floor. Venus shut her eyes in a effort to block out the pain as she began to get back up onto her feet.
"You're a feisty one, just as Omni told me you are Sailor Venus."
The boy was now hovering in the air above her, smiling.
"Yeah, and if your looking for trouble, here it comes back at ya, punk!"
Venus stood up on her feet, only to be thrown into another wall.
"What's that you were saying?"
She grunted in pain, apparently this teenager was major trouble. Venus scrambled back up onto her feet, and stood her ground. She would fight this battle until the very end, though right now she wished that the other Sailor Soldiers were here to help. Yet she shook her head, and looked up at the menacing youngster who was hovering above her. Sailor Venus then let her arms hang loose at her sides. A heart shaped chain began to swing around her body. She cast her eyes up at her target, and then closed them tightly.
"VENUS, LOVE-ME CHAIN!" she called out, pointing up towards the teenager floating above her.
The end of the chain flew up at him, going faster, and faster. Suddenly, the other end of it squeezed itself around Venus tightly. She gasped, the boy was using her own move against her. The end of the chain flew up towards the boy still, until it stopped, and turned around. Then began heading towards her, going even faster than it did before. Venus screamed, and closed her eyes waiting for the pain to come. Though the next thing she heard was the sound of something flying through the air, and then the sound of metal hitting the magic chain. She opened her eyes, and looked down to see the end of it being held down, by a boomerang that was shaped like a bat. The next thing she saw was a black dart taking the boy down hard. She struggled to get lose, but to no avail. All she did was cut herself along the chain's sharp edges. Sailor Venus had to admit that she was helpless to do anything Batman watched the battle unfold from his perch up on the ceiling. The camouflage circuits inside of his suit allowed him to remain invisible. He waited for the right moment, like Bruce had told him too, To attack Willie. Though he could retain himself no longer. Willie was clearly overpowering the woman called "Sailor Venus", and Batman was not about to let Willie get away with murder. He threw a batarnag at the love-me chain, as it was about to strike the woman. Then went on to deactivate the camouflage built into his suit, and hurled himself at Willie Activating his jet boots, Batman hit Willie hard enough to take him down. "Didn't you father ever tell you not to hit women?" Batman growled, landing on his feet. Willie scrambled to regain his footing, but Batman landed a kick to his face before he could even blink. The kick sent Willie back down onto the ground, though he kept focused. Keeping his mind clear he focused on sending Batman right into a pillar. The Bat was sent flying, and hit the pillar that held up the ceiling hard. Willie laughed, and turned to deal with the woman in the sailor suit. Batman moaned a bit. Willie had caught him off guard, but he was not defeated yet. He began to stand up as a buss came over the two-way radio inside of his cowl.
"Terry, can you hear me?" Bruce Wayne spoke, "are you alright?"
"Yeah," he responded, keeping his voice to a low whisper. "He nailed me good though."
"Do you have the tranquilizer gun that you used with you?" Bruce asked, folding his hands together.
Batman reached into his belt, and removed the gun that he had brought along. just in case It was made to hold on one cartage at a time, and Batman had used it one time when Willie had attacked the students at Hamilton High several months ago.
"Yep," he replied, inserting the tranquilizer cartage into the weapon. "Though I've only got one shot in it."
"Turn on your vid link," Bruce tried not to command Batman around. "I want to get a look at what is going on."
Batman fumbled a bit with the control, just as the screen on the Batcomputer flicked, and the image became clear on the screen. Bruce saw through Terry's eyes the damage that Willie Watt had done. The sounds of Willie kicking some one could be heard in the background.
Batman got to his feet, and turned about to find Willie kicking the woman sharply in the mid-section. He aimed the gun carefully at the back of Willie's neck. His finger on the trigger, Batman tried to clear a good shot, but Willie kept moving. Batman then attached the gun to the back of his suit, and rushed at Watt.
"Why can't you just die?"
Willie kicked the woman several times in her mid section. He was clearly frustrated at the fact that no matter what he did, the woman always found some strength to get back up. Though this time he was going to make sure that she didn't. He kicked her again, this time right square in her face.
This is more fun than harassing high school students. Willie snickered, bearing his foot for another kick. He was about to bring his foot down when something hit him in the neck. At first he felt fine, but after a few seconds Willie collapsed onto the ground unconscious, a tranquilizer dart sticking out the back of his neck.
Venus groaned in pain. She was bleeding from the cuts made by the chains sharp edged. Now this teenage telepathic, psychopath was kicking her. Shure he was taken down by once by something she could see, but that didn't matter.
ARGH this hurts! She winced, trying not to show she was in pain. Though she closed her eyes just as he was about to kick her, when nothing happened. Venus opened her eyes to find the boy lying beside her, with what looked to be a tranquilizer dart sticking out of the back of his neck.
"That's a good way to knock some one out," she muttered, trying to get out of the chain that still wrapped it self around her. There was a slight tug on it, and when she looked up. Sailor Venus saw that Artemis was trying to some how pull the "Love-me chain" off of her. Though it still hurt when he did because the sharp edges dug into her skin, and through the fabric of her sailor uniform.
"Artemis, stop." She tried to keep her voice to a whisper, but to no avail. The pain was so much that she screamed out in pain every time the chain moved.
"Oh my," Artemis replied, not knowing what to do. "Maybe I should try to go find some help?" He looked smug to spite his concern for Sailor Venus.
"Help is already here," the two turned their eyes to see some one in a batsuit standing over Sailor Venus. Artemis stepped back a bit, unsure of this new person who is standing there. The bat shaped figure knelt beside Sailor Venus, and held up his hand. Something extended out his wrist, and when he held it in his hand. Bat like wings slid out giving it a bat-like form.
"Now hold still," the mysterious figure spoke. Using the sharp edge of the bat shaped tool. He cut the chain along her back. Thus once he did, Venus was able to move freely. Though her cuts were many, and plus Venus had several bruises from the battle with the physicotic teenager who was now sleeping bedside her.
"Who are you?" she said weakly, the bat-like person knelt down and lifted her up gently into his surprisingly strong arms. "Why are you helping me?"
The large bat-like human seemed to smile, but she couldn't tell. He seemed like he was about to speak, when the sounds of police cruisers could be heard heading towards the scene. From there everything went black.
Batman heard the sounds of police sirens, and decided that it was time to go. He looked down at the cat, and sighed. The little white furball didn't look to happy with the Tomorrow Knight. Batman knelt down, and to spite the cats resentment to being held by him. Managed to pick him up as well.
"PUT ME DOWN" the cat screamed. He stared scratching at Batman's suit, his teeth didn't even leave a dent in the suits special material.
"Artemis, calm down." Batman responded, activating his jet boots. A move in which sent them flying through the open window and out into the first level of the Airport's parking garage.
"How do you know my name?" The cat named Artemis responded, his muscles getting more and more tense.
"We'll talk about that later," Batman search about the parking garage quickly. Looking past all the hovercars that were parked there, until he came to a dark section of the parking area. He searched about for a few seconds, using the suits inferred tracking device that was built into his cowl. Searing until he found the outline of the Batmobile still parked there. The massive machine's canopy slid back as Batman approached, allowing him to place the fallen Sailor Venus into the passenger seat. He then vaulted over the side of the Batmobile, landing in the driver's seat. Artemis sat next to Venus, hoping to god that this stranger would get her some medical attention soon. Batman closed the canopy behind him, and proceeded to fire up the vechile's hover engines. The sound of which filled the parking garage with the essence of hope. Piloting the machine carefully, he managed to make it out of the parking area, and out into the afternoon skyway. Like a missile, the Batmobile blazed though several passageways like a missile heading back towards the Batcave.
A hand slammed down onto a rickety wooden table, the orb that had once been there instantly shattered, the pieces evaporating into thin air. A fist shook in frustration, furious at the Tomorrow Knight for foiling her plain to destroy Sailor Venus.
"Even though I missed this one," a voice spoke, filled with anger. Though yet it remained clam and femine as always. "Sailor Venus will be in too bad of shaped to help her friends when they arrive in the city." A smile came to her lips, "and even though Batman will most likely come to save them now. It won't matter. The next member of my army is waiting, and soon the silver crystal will belong to me."
The dark figure looked off into space, her horns gleaming in the little light that came into the room, "and when the Silver Crystal is mine. I will avenge you death mother." She held her hands open, and proceeded to gather up energy to make a new orb. The power of her evil magic flowing through her veins, yes soon she would extract revenge against the Sailor Soldiers, and soon she would destroy the Batman as well. Soon, soon....