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No One's Fault Chapter 6
Author: Patch
Rating: PG-13

Usagi ran blindly, instinct allowing her to reach her room. She staggered once and then fell to the floor beside the bed. Covering her face with her hands, head bent, she began to cry again.
She felt so alone in that moment. So completely alone! Everything had fallen to this; it had been building up to this big crescendo that had been broken today. She couldn't blame Mamoru for disliking her but, oh God, the spoken words had the same impact as being struck in the stomach. It had forced the breath out of her, it had hurt just the same and she had wanted to cry out... but she had stifled the cry and instead spoken, forcing herself to accept that yes, it had all been her fault...
A sudden headache caused her to gasp and she pressed her temple. She tried to stand up, using the bed as leverage but the strength in her legs seemed to have left her and with difficulty she pulled herself up. She heard the door open and lifted her gaze.
"Ami-chan..." was all she got out before a wave of nausea hit her and she was forced to run to the adjoining bathroom.
"Oh Usagi-chan," she heard Ami say sadly behind her, "it's all this stress, I believe it's making you sick." She stroked Usagi's back as she knelt over the toilet bowl.
Ami helped her up and stood by her as she washed her mouth and face. Then, slowly, the two walked back to the bed where Usagi crawled back in, breathing heavily as Ami pulled the covers up and around her.
"Ami-chan, what's happening to me?" she asked weakly.
"Your body can't take all that's happened to you recently. The miscarriage, then today's added stress with you using your powers and add to that... emotional stress. It's too much and you need to rest." She placed her hand on her Queen's forehead and frowned slightly. "You're quite warm, I was hoping you would be able to avoid the fever."
"I guess not, ne?" Usagi replied, smiling slightly and then groaning from the pain of her headache.
"I'll get you some medicine, just don't get up, okay?"
"Hai," Usagi said, watching Ami leave the room. She closed her eyes and sighed, trying not to focus on the pain and aches of her body. She wanted her husband with her; she wanted him to smile at her and stroke her hair, telling her everything would be okay. All she wanted was to be happy again.

She was an observer, a witness to her own tragedy, her anguish. She was being forced to relive the whole event, but this time she was at the foot of the bed watching everyone... and herself. Usagi watched herself as she screamed and cried to Mamoru to stop the pain. She watched as Mamoru held onto her, crying also, sharing her pain. She watched herself twist and turn, trying to avoid the pain that was inevitable.
It was too much.
She tried to go to the other Usagi, to comfort her, to take some of that pain away into herself. But she couldn't, she was forced to stand there and watch and this time she could not only feel the blood but she could see it.
"No!" she cried, but no one heard her. She was invisible to everyone but she could see them. She could see their tears, how some of them bit their lips and looked away, how others pressed their knuckles to their mouths so as not to cry out loud.
"Stop her pain!" she yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Please, someone stop her pain, she can't take it!" She yelled as loud as she could but no one heard her.
She tried to move her legs but they were stuck to the floor and she looked at them and then looked back to herself and watched as the Usagi on the bed let out a scream as she arched off the bed. She screamed too, then.
"Onegai! Stop my pain!"

Mamoru held Usagi by the shoulders as she thrashed beneath him. "Ami, do you have that shot ready yet?"
"Almost, Mamoru-san, just hold her down!"
He turned his attention back to his wife. She was moving her head back and forth now, as tears fell from her eyes. Her lips were forming words but no sound came from her. He could only wonder what she was seeing.
"Alright Mamoru-san, hold out her arm and keep her as steady as possible."
Ami inserted the needle and the two watched as Usagi slowly calmed down. After she had fallen into restful sleep again, Mamoru let go of her shoulders and sat down next to her. He thrust a hand through his hair, feeling the dampness from the sweat.
He had been sleeping next to Usagi when she had screamed once and then began fighting some sort of invisible force, making no noise whatsoever. He had been so scared and had immediately called for Ami.
"Her fever has gone down somewhat, which is definitely good," Ami said checking her temperature and breaking him from his thoughts.
"Arigato Ami... for your help."
"No problem, Mamoru-san.
I'll leave you now, just call if anything else happens."
He washed his face and lay down, his hands crossed behind his head. He stared up at the canopy of the bed, his deep blue eyes troubled. He wanted to say sorry to Usagi, sorry for acting the complete fool, sorry for all the anguish, sorry for so much. But how to do so? He couldn't just say it as though it were something to be easily forgiven. There was so much riding on it.
He turned his head to the side and saw that Usagi had turned to face him. There were tear streaks on her pale face and he turned his obdy slightly so that he could let the pad of his thumb wipe away the wetness. He leaned over and placed a kiss on her bloodless lips and then fell back.
I love you, he thought. I just want us to be happy again.

Ami sat hunched over the lab table, looking under a state of the art microscope.
Something nagged at her. She knew there was something that she was missing... that everyone was missing except for one person... Sailor Pluto. It was Sailor Pluto's behavior that had given her the idea that everything was not all that it seemed. After Usagi had had the miscarriage, Setsuna had not shown the reaction Ami had expected. Yes, she had shed her share of tears but her eyes had held a sense of realization and... a knowledge of something. Something that Ami had yet to put her finger on.
She stretched back on her stool, letting her back crack. She got up and walked over to the centrifuge and took out the test tube. Layers had formed and she picked out the layer she needed and put it under the microscope. A computer was attached to the microscope and she watched as various kinds of information came up on the screen as different categories. She yawned tiredly and continued to skim through. One specific category caught her eye and she focused in on it, reading the data more carefully. Her eyes widened slightly and she could feel her heartbeat accelerate at what she had found.
She quickly hopped off the stool and ran to the main computer of her lab. It was a huge database that held all kinds of information, even information from before Crystal Tokyo. She pulled up the hospital records of Tokyo General and printed out what she was looking for. Taking the paper back to where she was sitting, she compared it with what was on the screen in front of her.
Her eyes widened even more and she felt faint as she realized what it meant when the two pieces of data didn't match.
"Kami," she whispered, shocked beyond belief, "so this is what Setsuna knew..."

"They know now..." said the oldest.
"It is now a matter of time..." said the middle one.
"They will find happiness," the youngest said, holding up a silver thread that glinted brightly in the darkness.
It was strength.
