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Remember the Good Times
Written by Sailor Grape

Disclaimer: *routine disclaimer junk goes here* The song I used is by Tim McGraw. Yeah, I use a lot of his songs for fics. You should check out his cd. Almost every song would be good for a fic.

'This is it,' Serena thought as she strapped on her seat belt. As the airplane gained speed down the runway, she glanced nervously out the window for one last look as the city that had been her home for the past two years. She had barely contained her surprise when her old friend Amy had called from Japan and requested a visit. She was a bit hesitant at first, but was delighted with the thought of seeing her friends again. She missed having her twenty-four-hour support when she moved to the States. Serena sleepily curled up in her seat and floated off into oblivion.

Hours later, Serena was awakened by the captain's announcement that they had reached their destination. Once on the ground, Serena grabbed her bag and departed from the plane. She took in the familiar sight of the airport, happy to be back. She briskly walked to the baggage claim, grabbing her lone suitcase as it whizzed by on the conveyor belt. As she hailed a taxi outside, Serena glanced up at the night sky. The stars always shone brighter here than anywhere else in the world. It was one of the things she has missed the most. The cab driver dropped Serena off at a hotel. She paid for a room and took the key, grateful to be able to sleep after the long plane ride. She took the elevator to the fourth floor, finding her room at the end of the hall. Too tired to unpack, Serena threw her suitcase on the floor of the bedroom, crawled up on the bed, and instantly fell asleep.

As the bright sun rays bounced into the room, Serena yawned. Her eyes sleepily opened and glanced around the room. She sat up quickly. She was meeting the gang today! After a quick shower, Serena dressed in her favorite blue sundress. Her hair was neatly put into two buns with long ponytails flowing gracefully to her feet, a style she had not been able to part with over the years. Sliding on her sandals and grabbing her purse, Serena dashed out of the room.

Serena felt memories flood her brain as she walked down the familiar streets. She passed her favorite cafe, the store that always had the best fashions, the candy shop that had consumed a lot of her money. As she continued strolling, she wandered upon the park. Her eyes widened as they fell on her favorite park bench. She sat down, closing her eyes. Oh, how she had missed her relaxation spot. She decided the girls could wait a while.

He walked down the sidewalk like he did every day. This would be another boring day, exactly the same as the one before. He sighed, shuffling his feet. He headed over to the park, his shelter from life. All of his troubles flew away the instant he set foot in the rainbow gardens. But today was different... As he rounded the corner, he abruptly stopped. He squinted at the person sitting on the park bench across the courtyard from him. He walked closer to get a better look. She turned her head. He gasped. If he didn't know better, he would think that was... No, it couldn't be. Shaking his head, he turned back to the direction he had come from. But he couldn't rid the image of her from his mind.

Serena paused in front of the arcade, nervously wringing her hands. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside. Everyone was how she remembered. The pictures on the walls, the games, even- "Andrew!" she exclaimed, running over to him. His eyes widened. "Serena?" He threw down his dust rag and picked her up in a hug, twirling her around. "When did you get back?" he asked after he set her back down. "Technically, I'm not back," she answered. "Amy called and wanted me to drop in for a visit, so here I am." "We all missed you, you know," he grinned. "Yeah, I missed you guys too," she responded quietly. Andrew was about to ask her what was wrong when the girls entered the arcade. "Serena!" Mina squealed, running and enveloping her in a fierce hug. "I'd recognize you anywhere," Lita told her, embracing her old friend. "Hey guys," Serena greeted them. She turned to Amy, throwing herself into Amy's outstretched arms. "Thanks for calling, Ames," she whispered softly to her friend. "I just thought it was about time we had a visit," Amy answered. Serena smiled. She noticed someone in the back of the group, not talking. "Raye?" she asked timidly. Raye stepped forward. Her eyes glittered with tears. "Serena," she choked. Serena felt her own eyes tear up as the girls hugged. "It's been too long," Raye said as they broke away from their hug. "That it has," Serena agreed. "Don't worry; we have a long time to catch up," Lita responded. She draped an arm over Serena's shoulders. "We want to hear all about your life in the States!" "It's really not that interesting," Serena grinned. "I'll give you guys all the details." Before she could continue, the arcade door jingled as it was opened. Everyone glanced up, as usual. Serena gasped as her eyes locked on the person's. "Oh no," she murmured.

'I knew it!' Darien thought. 'I knew it was really her!'. He walked toward the group. Serena's eyes darted nervously to the girls before returning to him. She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't form the words. "Hello, Serena," Darien said finally, after realizing that she wouldn't speak first. "Hello, Darien," she answered softly. "Long time no see." He pulled her into a short, awkward hug. "You look exactly the same, except more beautiful," he whispered in her ear. She pulled back and stared at him in confusion. Shrugging off his comment, she forced a smile on her face as she asked her friends, "So what have I missed these past couple of years?" Everyone started talking at once. Serena grinned, enjoying the feeling of laughing like old times. Now if only she could get Darien's comment out of her head...


"You just don't understand!" Serena cried, exasperated, as she threw her hands in the air. "Why do I even bother!" "Beats the hell out of me," Darien muttered angrily, pacing in front of the couch in his apartment. "I'd just like to know why you're so moody now." "Moody? Me?" she laughed bitterly. "Take a good, long look in the mirror, because those shoes fit you better than they ever did me!" Darien's eyes narrowed. "I'm getting really sick of your snide comments." "And I'm sick of your arrogance. Live with it!" Serena screamed this last statement before stomping out of the room. She returned a minute later with her jacket. "I'm leaving," she announced. "That's a good idea. I could use a break." "From what? Me?" she asked sarcastically. "Yeah, from you!" Serena stopped. "You mean that, don't you?" Her eyes filled with tears, but she forced them back. "Fine," she said quietly. "This relationship just isn't working out. You're too stubborn, arrogant, pushy-" "Don't forget your asinine comments and horrible mood swings!" Darien retorted. "Yeah, I was just being me. I guess this is goodbye, Darien." She left his apartment, closing the door behind her. She leaned up against it, letting the tears fall down her face.


"No..." Serena moaned, rolling onto her back on the bed. "No... Darien..." She sat straight up, her eyes wide and her breath heavy. 'That was so vivid, so real... It was almost as if it were happening all over again.' Her body ached from tossing and turning all night, and her mind was troubled by her past. 'Can I ever get over this?' she wondered.

She walks over to him and She says, Do you remember me? I think we might have met somewhere before. Southern Carolina is the place That comes to mind but hey, I guess you never really can be sure. There's nothing like a true love To go and make a fool of someone, Just like before. And right there for a minute, I forgot that you don't love me anymore.

Darien groggily sipped his coffee, ignoring the pain in his throat from the hot liquid. He was sitting in the arcade, which had become his daily ritual a countless number of years ago. "Something bothering you?" Andrew queried, already knowing the answer. He sat down next to Darien at the counter. "Couldn't stay asleep," was the reply. Andrew sighed. "Was it the same dream again?" "Nightmare," Darien corrected. "And yes, it's that same one. I just can't shake it." When he closed his eyes, he could still see his apartment door slamming after Serena. "You should talk to her," Andrew said gently. Darien sighed impatiently. "Don't you think I want to? It's not that simple." "If you told her how you feel, both of you will be better off." "She should know how I feel." "Darien, you're not exactly the most communicative person," Andrew chose his words carefully. "Go talk to her. I know this distance is killing you. You should at least try to rebuild your friendship." "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt." Darien stood up. "Thanks, man." He left. 'Good luck,' Andrew wished silently. 'You'll need it.'

Hey, what'd you think so far? I know it's a bit short and confusing. Don't worry, it gets even more so later! Just a warning. Send feedback to, please! Feedback is what keeps me writing.

~Sailor Grape~

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