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Remember the Good Times Part 4

Disclaimer: standard junk applies.... Characters- not mine! Song- not mine!

"I'm meeting Darien in a little while to say goodbye," Serena told the girls.
"Are you sure you don't want us to take you to the airport?" Mina asked for the hundredth time that night.
"No, it's all right. It's easier to say goodbye now."
"Will you come back and visit again soon?" Amy requested.
"Of course. And maybe you could visit me sometime. There's so much to see."
"Sounds like a plan," Lita hugged Serena. "We'll do that."
"We're going to miss you," Mina chimed in, hugging her.
"Do you have a good book to read on the plane?" Amy asked.
"Oh, Amy!" Serena threw her arms around her friend.
"Have a safe flight," Raye spoke softly.
Serena embraced her friend. "I'll be fine."
"We love you."
"I love you guys, too," she said as her friends embraced in a group hug.
"I should head out now. I still have to see Darien before going to the airport. Don't worry. I'll call when I get home." She waved before hurrying out of the room. She didn't want to start crying.

Darien paced nervously in the park gazebo. He had been waiting for Serena for fifteen minutes. He stopped as she approached, jogging up the steps.
"Sorry I'm late," she said between breaths. "It took me longer to pack than I expected."
"No problem. I haven't been waiting here that long."
"I can only stay a minute. The traffic is terrible, and I can't miss my flight."
"Of course. I guess this is goodbye." Darien held out his arms.
Serena stepped into them, wrapping her own around him. She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She didn't understand why it was racing. "Darien, I should go," she reluctantly found herself saying.
He pulled away, holding her eyes with his. "I know." Serena couldn't pull her eyes away from his. The emotion in them was almost familiar, yet she couldn't place it.
"Will you come back someday?"
She closed her eyes. "I will, someday."
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, Darien." She could feel tears falling from her eyes.
She opened them to stare up at Darien. He gently brushed her tears away, then pressed his forehead to hers.
"You mean so much to me," he whispered.
She stared back at him with wide eyes, surprised at his leak of emotion. They were treading on dangerous ground. As his lips inches closer to hers, she tried to remember the conversation she had with the mirror. "Remember the good times..." the words floated through her head like a sinister breeze. Her good memories were lost among the overpowering bad ones. Serena pulled away, more tears streaming down her cheeks.
"No, Darien, we can't..." "Serena?"
"I-I can't. I'm sorry." She ran from the gazebo, turning once to whisper, "Goodbye, Darien," before taking off again.
He swung a fist at a wooden post in front of him. Tears welled in his eyes, but not from his aching hand. He had lost Serena again. How could this be the end?

Serena sat miserably in the airport, waiting for her plane to arrive. She was in shock over her last meeting with Darien. 'How did this happen? After all this time, he can still affect me. It's been two years. I should be over him!' She pounded the chair with her tiny fist, trying to keep from crying again. 'Why couldn't I stay away? I've been so successful. Why did I come back?' But she already knew the answer, as much as it scared her. She could deny it until the bitter end, but the fact remained. She still loved him. It was so painful being reminded of the past, especially times when she was happy. Because those times were gone. Fear held her back, preventing her from moving on. She was doomed to relive the past. She was startled out of her thoughts by the announcement of the arrival of her plane. She gathered her bag and proceeded to the gate. Just as she was about to hand her ticket to the attendant, she heard her name being called. She whirled around. "Darien?" She stepped out of the line and walked over to him. "Did I forget something?" "Yes, you did. You forgot this." Darien pulled Serena into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, molding them perfectly together. As much as her brain screamed for her to pull away, she just held him tighter and closed her eyes. She instantly missed his warmth when he pulled back.
"Serena, don't go," he pleaded.
"I-I have to."
"It's just that... We'd never... I don't know..." she tried desperately to explain. She hung her head. "I'm scared." Darien raised her chin with his hand. "Of what?" he asked gently. "Of us. What happened before. I couldn't handle another breakup." "This time you won't have to." He held her gaze. "I love you. I never stopped loving you. I'll love you the rest of my life, regardless of whether the feelings are mutual."
"But they are," she whispered. "I love you too."
"We can make it work this time, I promise. When you were gone, a part of me was gone too. I need you. And you need me! Just trust me. Please stay."
Serena tore her eyes from him, turning to stare back at the gate. Her life was waiting for her back home. She had everything on the line. Her decision should have been a simple one.
And he says, The weather's changing
And it's icing up the highway,
So I guess it's time for me to hit the road.
So she says goodbye and then,
Before she knows what she is saying,
She says, I wish you didn't have to go.
There's nothing like a true love
To got a make a fool of someone,
Just like before.
And right there for a minute,
I forgot that you don't love me anymore.

The end! What did you think? Yeah, the ending was a bit weird, but I left it up to the imagination. Ok, are you ready to kill me yet? Hurt me? Run me over in the street? No need, I was only joking! Sorry, my sense of humor is really jacked up. There's one more part, an epilogue of sorts (can you have an epilogue without a prologue?). So I'll send that out whenever. And try not to kill me! Flame me if you want, that I can handle. But feedback, people! Feedback rocks!

~Sailor Grape~

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