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American name: Amara Tenoh
Japanese name: Tenoh Haruka
Translation: Sky King
Silver Millennum Castle: Miranda Castle
Age: 15
Birthday: January 27
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Gemstone: Amber
Element: Air
Transformations: Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Uranus
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'9"
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Golden blonde
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Food: Salad
Least Favorite Food: Nattou (fermented soybeans)
School: Mugen Gakuen High School
Favorite Subject: P.E.
Least Favorite Subject:
Hobbies: Playing the piano, racing, track & field
Strong Points: Racing, fighting
Weak Points: Has trouble with confessing.
Future dream: To become a race car driver.


Sailor Moon S
Uranus Planet Power Make Up
World Shaking

Sailor Moon SS
Space Sword Blaster: Her power in Sailor Moon SS.