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 Serena's Rabbit Hole

Hi! I wanna thank everyone that signed my guestbook and sent me email. I love hearing from you! Well, I've been super busy, but during my web design class I scanned in some of my fanart, so that's up. Go check it out!

I went to a manga class at the Library on tuesday night. It was a beginner's class, but still fun. I learned some new things. Afterwards, a lady came up to me and asked if I was interested in making a manga with her. I said yes. ^_^ She's a play writer and needs someone to draw out the story for her. I'm already making a manga for my senior project and was going to write a story for it, but now I think I will use her story(s). She's trying to start up a company called Social Issue Comics, which will be comics that deal with domestic violence, bullying, family abuse, cliques, ect. It's mostly geared towards women since they are more unrepresented. I think it'd be great if I could address those problems with her in a manga.

Contact: Drop me a line at