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American name: Hotaru
Japanese name: Tomoe Hotaru
Translation: Glowing of Earth
Silver Millennum Castle: Titan Castle
Age: 13
Birthday: January 6
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Gemstone: Fluorite
Element: Silence
Transformations: Sailor Saturn, Mistress 9
Blood Type: AB
Height: 4'7"
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Black
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Japanese Noodles
Least Favorite Food: Milk
School: Crossroads Elemntry School
Favorite Subject: World History
Least Favorite Subject: P.E.
Hobbies: Reading, collecting lamps
Strong Points: Magical healing
Weak Points: Has trouble with marathons
Future dream: To become a nurse

Sailor Moon S
Saturn Planet Power Make Up: Her transformation into Sailor Saturn.
Silent Wall
Silent Blaster

Sailor Moon SS
Death Reborn Revolution: Her power in Sailor Moon SS.