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"Legend of The First Sailor Scout"

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and some other characters are not mine, but several new ones are!

Episode/Chapter 1

Part 1

Serena, Darien, Rini, Luna, and Artemis are in the park of downtown Tokyo watching fire works. The fire works remind Luna of the first days of the Silver Millennium. Then she begins to rember about the King of the moon, but can't realy rember his name or what he looked like. She turns to Artemis, and says "Do you know what these fireworks remind me of ?" Artemis replys, "yes, they look alot like the ones that were used at the birth of Princess Serenity." (Luna) "You rember back that far, Artemis? I don't really remember when that was." (Artemis) "Yes,Luna I do, but I don't remember that much about it." Serena, noticing Luna and Artemis talking about her says, "What are you two discussing over this time?" Luna replys "Well Serena, we were trying to renber about when you were born on the moon and who your father was." Serena: "Really?" "What do you rember?" (Luna) "Well for starters I remember that there was a really big party with lots of fire works and dancing." "There were hundreds of people from all over, all dressed up, waiting to see you and bare gifts of love and loyalty to you." Artemis cuts in "There was also a contest, to whom the winner of would be young prince Darien's personal guard, for his parents were always busy and could not always watch him and be there if he was in trouble." Rini turns to Darien and says "Can we go down to the ice skating competition ? It's almost over and I want to see the winner." Darien says "Sure, Serena, you want to come and see the end of the ice skating competition?" Serena turns to him and says "You go ahead with Rini and save me a seat, I'll be there in a few minutes." Darien "Ok, come on Rini."