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American name: Mina
Japanese name: Aino Minako
Translation: Beautiful Child of Love
Silver Millennum Castle: Magellan Castle
Nicknames: Sailor V, V Babe (in the manga series)
Age: 14
Birthday: October 22
Astrological Sign: Libra
Gemstone: Topaz
Element: Love and Gold
Transformations: Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Venus
Blood Type: B
Height: 5'2"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Favorite Colors: Yellow and orange
Favorite Food: Pasta, curry rice
Least Favorite Food: Shiitake mushrooms
School:Shibakouen Junior High School (she goes to Crossroads High School later)
Grade: 8
Favorite Subject: P.E.
Least Favorite Subject: Math & English
Hobbies: Playing vidiogames, volleyball and other sports.
Strong Points: Leadership
Weak Points: Has trouble with the police
Future Dreams: To become an idol and state champion volleyball player

Sailor Moon
Venus Power Make Up: Her original transformaiton.
Venus Cresent Beam Smash: Her original power.

Sailor Moon R
Venus Star Power: Her transformation in the second season.
Venus Love Chain Encircle: A chain of hears is produced.

Salilor Moon S
Venus Crystal Power Make Up: Her transformation into Super Sailor Venus.
Venus Love & Beauty Shock: Her power that creates a huge engery heart.