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The Diamond Affair
Written by Redrose

standard disclaimers apply: I don't own sailor moon or any of the characters related to it, so please don't sue me!

now on with the story . . . enjoy! . . .

Chapter 7:
At the battle:

Mars and Venus are hurt. Mercury is checking them out with her data computer. Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus are trying to hold off the youma so that Mercury can finish her analysis. Moon, Tux, and the Generals show up and begin to help. Zoicite runs to aid Mercury, while Malachite and Jedite rush to their beloveds.
Uranus: "Glad you're alright. Don't ever do that again."
Moon: "Sorry, don't worry about me, I-"
Jupiter: "Can we discuss this later . . . we have a youma to annihilate . . . Jupiter thunder clap . . . zap!"
Her attack hit the youma and momentarily distracted it. It gave Moon enough time to power up her sceptor.
"Moon Sceptor . . . -"
Suddenly a blast came from above Moon, sending her flying into a building.

Tuxedo Mask's POV
We arrived at the battle to see that Mars and Venus were quite hurt. Luckily they weren't hurt too badly. Zoicite went to help Mercury, while Malachite and Jedite rushed to see them. Nephlite, Serena, and I went to help Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus. They seemed very tired and it was obvious that they needed help. Uranus and Jupiter exchanged a few words with Serena, as we tried to dodged the youma's advances. Jupiter called her attack, whick thankfully distracted the youma. Serena began powering up. She took out her sceptor, when out of the corner of my eye I saw this huge ball of energy heading right at her. Time seemed to stand still. I couldn't move. I was too far away from her to do anything. It hit her and sent her flying into one of the buildings . . . she didn't even see it coming . . .
Author POV

Everyone turned to see what happened. All of them had seen the ball of energy head towards their princess. They couldn't do anything. It all happened so fast. By the time they could react, it was too late.
Tux was filled with fury. He had just gotten her back and was not going to lose her. He directed his anger at the youma. A great power overtook him. He felt a surge of new energy fill him. There was a bright light. After it disipated, Prince Endymion stood at the spot where Tuxedo Mask had occupied. He looked at the youma with a burning rage. He took out his sword and began advancing towards the youma.

Everyone else yelled at him to stop, even though they knew their objections were futile . . . he would do it no matter what . . . stopping him was out of the question. So, they just watched. They watched as their Prince advanced to the youma, sword in hand.

Prince Endymion quickly and precisely slashed the youma (AN: think moonlight knight). It cried in anguish as it disappeared into nothingness. Satisfied with his actions, the Prince faded back into our masked hero, Tuxedo Mask. He turned his attention to his fallen angel. He began rushing towards her, Mercury and Zoicite following quickly behind him. The others recovered from their shock of the whole scene and followed as well. All were stopped by the voice of an unknown stranger.

"The blast wasn't meant to hurt her, just disable her for the time being."

In front of them stood a cloaked man. He was floating in the air, and had a crystal ball. You couldn't see his face, the hood of the cloak covered it.

Tux was the first to recover and recognized the cloaked figure, "Wiseman."
"I'm glad you remembered who I am. For a minute there I thought that you had forgotten," he sarcastically replied, before continuing, "Dear Prince, I had no idea that you were so powerful! The roses and lame speeches had me fooled (AN: is he making fun of our Darien?! how dare he! lets beat him up! LOL)! Why don't you join us? The power of the dark crystal will amplify your powers even more than you can imagine."
"I would NEVERY join the likes of YOU!"
"Pity. I guess I'll just have to kill you, then."
The Generals and Senshi began taking stances to protect him. They stood on either side of him, the Generals to the left, the Senshi to the right.

Out of nowhere gusts of wind began blowing in their direction. They used their hands/arms to protect their eyes from harm.

A man with shoulder length white hair, dressed in a prisine white uniform with a purple embroidered pattern sewn on the shirt. The uniform was completed with a cape, on one side it was white, and on the other it was purple. He came into view through the gusts of wind (AN: who could this man be? i think its pretty obvious. don't you?).

Tux took one look at him and knew that it was the infamous Prince Diamond of the Dark Moon. The same man that was after his future daughter . . . the same man that hurt HIS Usako, twice, . . . the same man that had some sort of obsession with HIS Usako (AN: diamond and darien have never met before. diamond has met the neo- king, but that's in the future. diamond and darien have never met in the past . . . until now. hope that clarifies things).

Tux was once again filled with fury. How dare this man just show up and think he can just take her! He seethed with anger, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists.

Diamond and Tux were locked in a staring contest. It seemed as though they were "measuring" each other's abilities. Diamond began grinning, and no one could understand why. Suddenly, a third eye formed on Diamond's forehead. It emitted a strange power which left everyone powerless. "What's going on?!!!"
"I can't move!!!"
"I feel like I'm losing my powers!!!"
Each one of our heroes began dropping to the ground. They could not stand against the sudden loss of their powers and energies.

Diamond seeing each one of them on one knee grinned even more before speaking, "Well, I'm glad that you hold such respect for me! I never thought that any of you would bow down before me and my greatness!"

Everyone was mad at the comment and tried even harder to get up.
"We would NEVER BOW DOWN TO YOU, YOU BASTARD!!" yelled Uranus.
Diamond disregarded the comment and turned his gaze to Sailor Moon.

Diamond's POV

She looked so beautiful. Her sailor skirt was short, and it showed off her long and shapely legs. Her shirt hugged her upper body in all the right places. She was perfect and soon all mine.

I watched as Wiseman sent the blast to MY Queen. She didn't even see it coming. I felt a little guilty, but I had ordered it. We needed her disabled. The attack on her two days ago and this one were only meant to make her more vulnerable to accept energy from the dark crystal. At any rate, the dark crystal will heal her nicely.

I saw the prince kill the youma. Momentarily, I was shocked. The only person I had seen with such great power was Neo- Queen Serenity herself. I didn't expect him to possess such power as well. No matter, I'll still defeat him and get what I want . . . I always get what I want (AN: famous Diamond words . . . LOL!).

Wiseman made his appearance and I felt the need to join him. The prince and I ended up in a sort of staring contest. I grinned. My third eye opened and unleashed its power. They were all defenseless and even better, they looked like they were bowing down in respect for me. Of course that wasn't the case, but how could I resist not commenting, "Well, I'm glad that you hold such respect for me! I never thought that any of you would bow down before me and my greatness!"

They seemed to get even angrier and tried even harder to get up. Resistance is futile. One of them said something to me, but I was too distracted to say anything. I saw her. She was lying on the ground. She looked helpless in her sailor suit. Her golden hair had come undone. She looked beautiful.

My fingers ached to touch her face, her hair, her body. I had always watched her from a distance, I was never close enough to actually touch her. Yet, there she was, just lying there. I slowly moved closer to her and knelt down before her. My hands moved slowly to her face. I brushed a few strands of hair from her angelic face. Her face felt so soft . . . almost like . . . like silk or . . . a rose petal. Her chest moved up and down, indicating that she was still breathing.

Suddenly, I saw her eyes begin to flutter open. I stared into her deep blue orbs, as I so often did and fancied. I saw shock, fear, and recognition in them. There was no love there. I remembered how she looked at him. Why couldn't she look at me with those eyes? She whispered something, "Diamond . . . " before slowly closing her eyes and falling asleep.

I smiled. She said my name. Her voice was like silver bells to my ears. She was tired. I had to get her out of here, and take care of her. I saw that Wiseman had already left, and decided that it was time for me to take leave as well.

I lifted her up. She fell against my chest. I smiled again, and reveled in the feeling of her small body so close to mine. She felt so light in my arms. I could feel her warmth radiating in me, through my veins, filling my heart with something. I looked at each one of her protectors. They looked at me with contempt. They looked like they were going to kill me. I looked back at MY angel, and kissed her forehead, I think that the Prince got mad, but was in no position to do anything.

"Till we meet again . . . I always get what I want."
I disappeared into a portal, with my queen in my arms.

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