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American name: Raye Hino
Japanese name: Hino Rei
Translation: Spirit of Fire
Silver Millennum Castle: Phobos Demios Castle
Age: 14
Birthday: April 17
Astrological Sign: Aries
Gemstone: Ruby
Element: Fire
Transformations: Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mars
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'3"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Puffer fish, Thai food
Least Favorite Food: Asparagus
School: Tacoma Academy Private Girls School
Grade: 8
Favorite Subject: Ancient literature
Least Favorite Subject: Modern society
Hobbies: Reading comics, singing, composing music.
Strong Points: Reading fire
Weak Points: Stubborn, bad tempered
Future dreams: To become a head priestess, a model, singer/song writer, and good wife.


Sailor Moon
Mars Power Make Up: Her original transformation.
Mars Fire Ignite: Her original power.
Mars Fireball Charge: Her power with a ward to immobilize the enemy.

Sailor Moon R
Mars Star Power: Her transformation in the second season.
Mars Firebird Strike: Her power with a ward that produces a fiery phonix.
Mars Firestorm Flash: Her power that produces a stream of fire.
Mars Celestial Surround: Her power that forms many rings of fire.

Sailor Moon Super
Mars Crystal Power Make Up: Her transformation to Super Sailor Mars.
Mars Flame Sniper: Her Super Sailor Mars power that shoots a flaming arrow.