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American name: Rini Tsukino
Japanese name: Tsukino "Chibi Usa" Usagi
Translation: Little Rabbit
Nickname: Small Lady
Age: 6
Birthday: June 30
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Gemstone: Diamond
Element: Energy
Transformation: Sailor Chibimoon
Blood Type: O
Height: 3'5"
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Pink
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Pudding and icecream
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
School: Crossroads Elementry School
Grade: 1
Favorite Subject: Art
Least Favorite Subject: Japanese language
Hobbies: Collecting oects with rabbit print
Strong Points:
Weak Points: Has trouble with thunder storms.
Future dreams: To becom a real lady.

Sailor Moon R Luna Ball Kitty Magic: She bounces Luna Ball and it transforms into an objcet Rini wants.
Moon Prism Power Make Up: Her transformation into Sailor Chibi Moon.

Sailor Moon Super
Moon Crisis Make Up: Her transformation to Super Sailor Chibi Moon.
Pink Sugar Heart Attack: She uses her rod to attack with a stream of little pink hearts.
Twinkle Yell: Her call to Pegasus.