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American name: Serena Tsukino
Japanese name: Tsukino Usagi
Translation: Rabbit of the Moon
Nicknames: Meatballhead (Odango atama), Bunny (Usako)
Age: 14
Birthday: June 30
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Gemstone: Diamond
Element: Energy
Transformation: Sailor Moon
Blood Type: O
Height: 4'11"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Favorite Colors: Pink and white
Favorite Food: Cake, icecream, PB&J
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
School: Crossroads Junior High
Grade: 8
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject: Math and English
Hobbies: Sleeping, eating, playing vidio games, and shopping
Strong Points: Loyal friend
Weak Points: Afraid of dentists and ghosts
Future dream: To become a bride


Disguise Power: She uses the Luna Pen to transform into desguises.
Moon Prism Power: Her transformation to Sailor Moon.
Moon Tiara Magic: Her tiara forms into a glowing disk, which she throws like a frisbe.
Moon Tiara Stardust: Throws her tiara to cover the enemy in stardust.
Moon Healing Activation: The ability to change baddies good.

Sailor Moon R
Moon Crystal Power: Her transformation to Sailor Moon in the second season.
Moon Scepter Elimination: She uses her Moon Scepter to defeat mosters.

Sailor Moon S
Moon Cosmic Power Make Up: Her transformation into Sailor Moon in the third season.
Moon Spiral Heart Attack: She uses her Spiral Heart Moon Rod to defeat monsters.
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache

Sailor Moon SS
Moon Crisis Make Up: Her transformation to Super Sailor Moon.
Moon Eternal Make Up: Her transformation to Etermal Sailor Moon.
Moon Gorgeous Meditation: Her attack in Super S.
Starlight Honey Therapy Kiss: Using her eternal tier to defeat monsters.

Sailor Stars
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss: Uses her Moon Power tier to defeat monster.