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American name: Trista Meiou
Japanese name: Meiou Setsuna
Translation: Leader of Death
Silver Millennum Castle: Charon Castle
Nickname: Puu
Age: unknown
Birthday: October 29
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Gemstone: Garnet
Element: Death and Time
Transformation: Sailor Pluto
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'7"
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Dark green
Favorite Color: Dark red
Favorite Food: Green tea
Least Favorite Food: Eggplant
Favorite Subject: Physics, Biology
Least Favorite Subject: Music
Hobbies: Shopping, sewing
Strong Points: Good sense of direction
Weak Points: Has trouble with cockroaches
Future dream: To become a designer


Sailor Moon S
Pluto Planet Power Make Up: Her transformationinto Sailor Pluto.
Dead Scream: Her power in Sailor Moon S.

Sailor Moon SS
Chronus Typhoon: Her power made by her talisman, the Garnet.