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Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 1

It was a Saturday morning. The clock had just beeped, so Serena knew in the back of her mind it was time to get up. She had promised Lita and Mina that they would all go out that afternoon, and maybe catch a movie. Serena groaned and rolled over onto Luna.
"MMMEEERROOOWWW!!" Luna got into defense mode.
"Serena!! I swear.. if you do that again..."
"Eeeehhh... five more minutes, Luna... that's all I ask..."
Luna jumped off the bed and started to streach on the rug.
"That's the same thing you said 45 minutes ago. NOW GET UP!"
"AHHH!! All right!!" Serena squealed. "I'm up! I'm up!"
Serena dragged herself out of bed, put on jeans, a tee shirt and a pair of sandals and walked down the stairs and into the dinng room.
"Morning..." she mumbled.
"What's your problem!?" Sammy laughed. "You rolled over onto Luna again this morning, didn't you?"
"I fail to see what's so funny..." Serena mumbled.
Serena's mother came in with toast and eggs.
"Morning, dear. Have some breakfast before you leave."
Serena sat down at the table next to Rini.
"Hi Serena."
"Morning Rini."
"Are you still going out with Lita and Mina today?"
"Yep we are. Why, do you want to come with us? I thought you were going shopping with Melissa today."
Rini laughed.
"That was last week! Your mother said it was okay, so can I go with you guys?"
"I don't see why not. Sure you can."
"Thanks Serena."
"No problem."
She finished her breakfast quickly, and headed back upstairs.
"Luna! Rini and I are leaving for Lita's! Do you want to come?"
Luna was curled into a ball in the middle of Serena's floor.
"No thanks. I was planning on stopping by Amy's place to install some new things on her data computer."
"Alright then. I'll call you if I need anything."
"Have fun Serena- and watch out for Rini, would you?"
"Don't worry about it- it's taken care of!"
Rini ran into the room.
"Let's go, Serena!! Come on!"
"I'm coming... one second!"
Serena grabbed her locket, and placed it in her bag, just in case.
"Let's go!"
Serena and Rini walked out the front door with Luna P not far behind, and headed for Lita's apartment.