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Serena's Summer Rose

Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 10
Serena, Mina, Rini, Luna and a somewhat better looking Luna P ran up the steps of Raye's temple. As they ran up the stairs, a figure rose out of the shadows. "YOU ARE FIFTEEN MINUTES LATE!?!?!?!" Raye shrieked. Serena sighed, because she was used to this treatment, and knew the drill. Mina started to apologize frantically, and Rini, Luna and Luna P teardropped and walked in to join the others.
Hotaru ran over and gave Rini a hug.
"What happened to Luna P?"
Rini handed poor Luna P over to Hotaru. Amy looked up from her AP Spanish book.
"What's the matter with Luna P, Rini?" She took off her glasses.
"Sammy broke her, I think." Rini replied sighing.
"Luna hasn't had a good chance to look at it yet."
Amy set her book down. "Let me have a look at it."
Hotaru handed Luna P over to Amy, and then ran off with Rini to go play with Raye's ravens Phobos and Demos. Michiru was listening to some Mozart Sonantas on her CD player, Haruka was reading her new racing magazine, and Setsuna was pouring herself some tea. Mina, Serena and Raye walked in the door. There was no doubt that Raye had given the two a serious butt chewing, because Raye's face was still bright red.
Serena and Mina sheepishly sat down next to Setsuna.
"You guys wants some tea?" She asked as she handed a cup to Michiru.
"Sure." Serena nodded.
"I'll have one too, Setsuna." Mina sighed.
Setesuna poured them some tea. Raye was tapping her foot loudly on the floor.
"Can we get this show on the road, please!?"
"That sounds like a good idea." Amy said.
Mina turned to Hotaru and Rini. "C'mon you guys. We're starting."
Rini and Hotaru ran back to the other Senshi and sat down. Raye sat in front of her sacred fire, and began to say the special shinto prayer. She closed her eyes and paused.
"Oh great sacred fire, we want to know about Brian... what can you tell us?"
The fire grew larger, and the flames turned blue. A picture appeared in the flames. Serena jumped up.
"I knew it!!"