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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 11

"Serena? What do you mean 'you knew it?' I don't understand." Setsuna said staring at the flames.
"It's just what Mina and I were talking about today in the clothing store..." Serena trailed off.
Mina finished her thought.
"She and I were talking about how Brian was giving us the creeps, and that we were both getting weird vibes from him."
"That's right!" Michiru chimed in. "Then after we met them in the store, we went to an ice cream shop, and I told Serena that Haruka and I had gotten the same vibes from him..."
"That's why I had us meet. I was right about something!!!!"
Serena started jumping up and down and cheering.
"I got something riiiiigghttt! I got something riiiightt!!!"
Raye was getting upset. "Serena! Sit down! We still don't know much about this Brian character... all we know is he's up to no good."
Raye turned back to the flames.
"Sacred fire, tell us of Brian's purpose here!"
The flames shot out again, and now Serena and Rini could be seen in the flames.
"Me?" Rini squeeked. "What does this have to do with me!?"
"I'm not totally sure yet Rini, but it can't be good. He must be after you two for some reason."
Mina snapped her fingers.
"That explains the looks he was giving you!"
Amy shook her head.
"Why would he be after plain old Serena and Rini? Don't you think he'd be after Sailor Moon and Chibi-Moon? Wouldn't that make more sence?"
"I'll one up you..." Haruka said. "This guy is after Neo Queen Serenity and Small Lady from the 30th Century."
Setsuna shook her head.
"So you mean like Prince Diamond and the Nega Moon family did? Or could this be for some other reason?"
Rini looked around. "Why isn't Lita here?"
Michiru stood up.
"Lita's with Brian right now... don't you think it's time we tell her?"
"Do you think she would believe us on this?" Raye said back.
"You're right. We have to go about this the right way. Now how can we smoke him out?"
Michiru sat back down next to Haruka.
"We could go and check him out, see what he's up to." Hotaru said.
"But we'd have to distract Lita somehow-" Amy said, taking out her computer.
"Hotaru and I could do that- we could ask her if she could teach us how to make cookies or something, and then you guys can take care of Brian." Rini said thoughtfully.
Raye leaned over to Mina and whispered in her ear. "Rini must get that from Darien... Serena could never sound that smart..."
Mina giggled. "Raye, that's awful..."
Raye snickered. "But I think it's the truth."
Setsuna stood up. "So is this a plan then? You guys wanna go do this now?"
"Sounds good to me. I'm with you on this one." Michiru smiled and stood up too.
"Alright you two. Go take care of Lita for us."
Serena handed Luna P back to Rini.
"All right. Good luck you guys! Call us if you need any help!" Hotaru said as the two ran out of the room.
"Let's get this baby started!" Haruka said as she rubbed her hands together.
"Are you girls sure you want to do this tonight?" Luna asked.
"Sure. I mean, what have we got to loose!" Serena laughed.
Each of the girls produced their henshin sticks. Serena took out her locket.
"Let's go, Sailor Senshi!" Super Sailor Moon called.
The senshi and Luna ran out of the temple, and onto the street.
"Can you find a lock on him, Mercury?" Sailor Mars asked, looking around.
"Give me a minute- I've almost got it."
Suddenly, someone who had been hiding in the branches of a nearby tree jumped down onto the pavement.