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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 12

"Stop right there!" Said the figure.
"Brian?" Sailor Mars said.
"We know what you're up to! Surrender to the Sailor Senshi!!"
Sailor Mars assumed her pose, and got out an odufa. Sailor Venus teardropped.
"Calm down Mars! You don't even know who it is yet!"
Sailor Mars relaxed a little.
The voice had come from a young woman. She was standing in the streetlight now. She had long dark green hair, much like Sailor Pluto's. Her hair was set into two long pigtails. She was wearing a long dark green dress, and had bright green eyes. The Senshi stood there for a moment, wondering who this girl was. The young woman smiled sweetly. Just then, a breeze lifted the woman's bangs. The sign of the planet Nemesis and the Dark Moon Family was on her forehead. Sailor Mars quickly got back into her fighting pose.
"What do you want with us!?" Sailor Mars snapped.
The woman reached out a hand at Super Sailor Moon.
"Please- I come in peace! Please just listen to what I have to say to you, Sailor Senshi. I have come to ask for your help."
Sailor Uranus leaned over to Super Sailor Moon.
"Be careful. This could be a trap."
Super Sailor Moon smiled at Uranus.
"Don't worry. I don't think we have to worry about this one."
The woman smiled. "Thank you Sailor Moon. I appreciate it."
She sat down on a nearby bench.
"My name is Opal. I'm Prince Diamond's little sister."
This caused Sailor Moon to gasp a little.
"You are Prince Diamond's little sister? Why didn't you attack earth with the rest of your family?" Sailor Venus asked.
Opal shook her head.
"I didn't think it was the right thing to do. Also, when my family was on earth with your people in the 30th century, I became good friends with Neo Queen Serenity, and the Sailor Senshi of the future. When Diamond and Wise Man organized the attack on Crystal Tokyo, and then on the Tokyo of the present, I told him I couldn't go against my friends, so he banished me to the star Tykol."
"Then how did you get here, Opal?" Sailor Moon asked, sitting down next to her.
Tears were now forming in the corners of Opal's eyes. She wiped them away, hoping none of the Senshi had seen. Sailor Moon had, and put her arm around Opal.
"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to, Opal. We understand how hard this all must be."
"No, no. I'm alright." She wiped another tear away.
"Well, to answer Sailor Venus' question, I just recently heard about my brother's death. I travelled back to Nemesis to see if any of my family had remained. No one was there, and this new woman had come into power over the moon. Her name is Queen Metra, and she is bad news for you, Sailor Moon."