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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 14

Sailor Uranus was still hesitant about Opal. She crossed her arms, and looked at Opal.
"So what does any of this have to do with us? If Metra is on Nemesis, and we're here... why should we care?"
Opal looked shocked.
"Sailor Moon, please listen to me. Now all of you fought against Galaxia, right?"
"Yes." Sailor Pluto said.
"Well, take Galaxia's power and times it by ten- same with her temper.... that's Queen Metra."
Sailor Venus whistled and shook her head. "Wow... is that even possible?!"
Opal shook her head. "It is. That's why I thought you should know."
Uranus and Mars still weren't convinced.
"But what does this have to do with us!?" Mars said tapping her foot.
Opal sighed.
"Everything. This Brian character is one of her lackeys. He's here to find Small Lady and the future Neo Queen Serenity."
Sailor Moon put her head in her hands.
"Why is it always me?! Why can't these loosers go after someone else for a change?!"
Opal came and sat down next to Sailor Moon on the bench.
"Don't worry, Sailor Moon. I believe in you. You're still stronger than she will ever be! You can beat her!"
Opal put her hand on Sailor Moon's shoulder. Sailor Moon picked her head up and smiled.
"Thank you, Opal."
Sailor Pluto and Sailor Venus walked over to Sailor Moon and Opal.
"I want to thank you for going out of your way to tell us this."
Sailor Pluto said smiling.
"Yeah, ditto!" Sailor Venus said.
"Opal- what are you going to do now?" Sailor Mercury asked.
"I don't know, really." Opal said as she got up.
"I haven't thought about that yet. I can't go back to Nemesis- Metra will have me killed for insaboardination."
Suddenly, Sailor Moon jumped up.
"Senshi! Come over here! I have an idea!"
The Senshi huddled around Sailor Moon.
"How about we make Opal one of us?"
"WHAT!?!" Sailor Mars and Sailor Uranus said together.
"Are you serious!?" Sailor Mars sputtered. "You want to make her a Sailor Senshi?!"
"I don't see why not..." Sailor Moon said.
"Sailor Moon is right-" Pluto said.
"Yeah. Why not!?" Neptune smiled.
"Can you even do that, Sailor Moon?!" Sailor Mercury asked.
"Uh... I think so. I could use the crystal, I guess. Luna? What do you think about this?"
Luna thought for a moment before she spoke. "I don't know if the crystal can be used for that, but you're welcome to try. Opal seems to have the soul of a senshi in her."
Sailor Moon smiled. "It's settled, then! There's only one thing- we all have to agree on it."
"Fine with me!" Pluto shook her head.
"Same here! She'd be a welcome addition!" Sailor Mercury smiled.
"Ditto!" Sailor Venus giggled.
"She seems nice enough. Go for it." Neptune said.
Everyone turned and looked at Mars and Uranus. "Fine." Mars said.
"Sure- I don't mind it..." Uranus said.
"Thanks, you guys!" Sailor Moon smiled, and ran over to Opal.
"Opal- as LEADER of the Sailor Senshi..." Sailor Moon said, emphisising the 'leader'.
Sailor Mars grumbled.
"I would like to offer you something." Sailor Moon continued.
"What?" Opal asked.
"Join us!" Sailor Venus shouted as she jumped in the air.
" want me to be a Sailor Senshi!?" Opal looked stunned.
"Yea. We think you have the soul and will of a Senshi." Sailor Moon smiled.
"I...I would be honored!" Opal grinned.
"Alright then!" Sailor Moon said.
She reached into her locket and took out the Silver Crystal. Sailor Moon raised it above her head, and was surrounded by a white light. When the light dissapeared, standing in Super Sailor Moon's place was Neo Queen Serenity. She smiled.
"Hello Opal! It's nice to see you again!"
"Hello, Neo Queen Serenity! It is good to see you again too!"
"You don't know how proud it makes me to know that you want to become a Senshi."
Neo Queen Serenity and Opal hugged.
"Are you ready?" Neo Queen Serenity asked.
"Yes." came Opal's reply.
"Okay- here goes."
Neo Queen Serenity raised the crystal above her head. Opal was surrounded by a light green light. The sign of Nemesis left her forhead. Her green dress dissapeared, and she was now wearing a shimery pink fuku with light blue bows. Pink boots similar to Sailor Moon's formed on her feet. The light died down. Opal looked at herself and started to cry.
"Thank you..." She said between sobs.
Sailor Venus and Sailor Pluto lead the group of Senshi as the ran over to Opal.
Sailor Venus said as she hugged the new Sailor Opal. The other senshi offered their congradulations as well. Neo Queen Serenity smiled as she said her goodbye. The light returned, and Super Sailor Moon returned.
"Sailor Opal!" Sailor Moon ran over and gave her a hug. "That sounds so great!"
"Thank you, Sailor Moon."
Opal whiped her eyes.
"I hate to spoil this warm, fuzzy moment, but I've gotten a lock on Brian's position, guys!" Sailor Mercury said, typing frantically on her computer.
"Let's get going!" Sailor Mars cheered.
"I'm in a butt kicking mood, at the about you, Sailor Senshi?!"
The senshi cheered, and ran down the street.