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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 2

Serena walked down the street with Rini walking behind her holding Luna P in her hands.
"So what's on the list for today, Serena?"
"Well, so far it's shopping and a movie, I think. Does that sound alright to you, Rini?"
"I don't have a problem with it."
"Good. Ohhh.. we're running a little late... I hope Lita doesn't mind..."
"She won't."
They finally made it to Lita's apartment. Mina was sitting on the ground in her new pale yellow dress she had bought on last weeks shop-o-rama.
"Hi Mina. Is Lita >inside?"
"Yup. She said she had a few 'last minute make-up fixes' to take care of before we left."
"What does that mean, Serena?"
Serena sighed.
"That means that Lita is going guy shopping, as well as window shopping."
Rini blinked.
"She always does that, though."
"EXACTLY!!" Shouted Mina and Serena together.
"I'm gonna go see what's taking so long..."
Mina got up and walked into the apartment. It was bright and cheery, and everything was in it's proper place.
"Lita!!" Mina called.
"What?!" came Lita's voice from the bathroom down the hall.
"Serena's here... and she brought Rini... and we're waiting... AND IT'S HOT!" Mina whined.
"Okay, okay. Beautifacation process complete!"
Lita twirled and made a goofy face as she came out of the bathroom. Lita was wearing a green tank top and jean shorts.
"Can we please go now?!"
"Yeah... let me get my communicator and we can book it."
Lita bolted for her bedroom, and Mina walked back outside.
"She's on her way."
Mina sighed.
"Good. It's getting hot out here."
Rini wiped the sweat off her face.
"Woo. Tell me about it!"
Serena did the same. Lita came out and locked the door behind her.
"All set! Let's get going!"
Lita placed her keys in her bookbag.
"What should we do first?" asked Rini.
"Hmmm..." Mina checked her watch. "It's about lunch time... let's go grab some burgers... I don't even want to think of me shopping on an empty stomach!"
She giggled.
"Burgers it is!" Lita said.
"Good... I was just getting hungry myself!" Serena said with a gleam in her eye.
"You're always hungry, Serena... you're a walking, talking, snoring, meatball-headed vacuum cleaner!" Rini shot back.
"oh hahahaha... very funny!" Serena teardropped.
"It is true though, Serena." Mina giggled.
"Let's get going!"
Lita called from down the street.
"She's leaving without us!"
Rini ran to catch up with Lita.
"I'm starving, Lita. Where's the nearest burger place?"
Serena popped up behind them.
"The nearest one is about 7 blocks away!"
Mina, Lita and Rini sighed and kept walking.
"I'm kiding! I have no idea!" Serena said quickly.
"I hope so... I was scared there for a minute!" Mina laughed.
"Less talk, more walk!" Lita called.
The four walked down to the burger place.