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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 4

The four walked into the air conditioned burger place.
"I want a table by the window!" squealed Rini.
"That's fine. Mina and I will go get us some food." Serena said.
"I'll stay here with you then, Rini."
"Okay Lita. I'll go get us some straws."
Rini got up and went over to the condoments table to get some straws. Lita sat back into her seat. Just then, she spied Raye, Amy and Catsy at a nearby table. Lita waved to her friends.
"Hey guys!" She yelled.
Raye was the first to notice Lita. She waved back, and then tapped Amy on the shoulder, and directed her view to Lita's table. Amy finished her french fry, gathered the rest of her lunch and walked over.
"Hey there Lita."
"Hi Amy. Pull up a seat."
Raye and Catsy soon followed and did the same.
"Hey Raye. Hiya Catsy. I see you guys had the same idea."
"Yeah. It's really far too hot outside today."
Catsy said taking a sip of her soda. Just then, Rini came back to the table with a handful of straws.
"Hi everyone. Lita? Do you think this will be enough?"
Lita looked the bundle of straws over.
"Yep. Now we just have to wait for the food."
A few minutes later, Mina and Serena came back with the food.
"Sorry it took so long, but the guy behind the counter didn't know how to supersize Serena's ALREADY supersized value meal."
"I'm hungry..." Serena said in her defense.
"You always are..." Raye said between bites of her salad.
"Hi Catsy. I haven't seen you in a while. How are ya doing?" Mina asked as she sat down.
"Oh, same old same old. Nothing new. Avery is still on vacation, and Prisma, Birdie and I have been really busy with the store lately- this is my lunchbreak. I'm trying to relax. Business has been booming lately."
Catsy smiled.
"So what are you guys doing today?" Rini asked.
"We're going shopping, and then to the movies."
"Wow. That's a lot of excitement for a little girl!" Amy said.
"I promised Catsy I'd help at the store today." Raye said finishing her salad.
Catsy checked her watch. "Oh-no...we're late! Prisma is going to kill us! Nice to see you guys again!! We have to get together later! I'll call you Mina!"
"Okay! Bye Catsy!" Mina laughed.
"Yeah. Bye guys!"
Raye grabbed her drink, and ran out the door behind Catsy.
"So what about you, Amy?" Serena said with a mouthful of french fries.
"Serena, you look like a washing machine!" Rini groaned.
"I do not!" Whined Serena.
"Do too!" Rini stuck out her tounge at Serena.
"Do not!" Serena did the same.
"Now which one do you think is the 15 year old?"
Mina teardropped.
"Neither-" Amy shook her head.
"They're acting like 3 year olds!"
"Can you two try to keep it down!?"
Lita raised her voice.
"Sorry." Serena and Rini both sunk into their chairs.
"Now Amy, as we were saying, what are your plans today?"
Mina said still shaking her head. "I was thinking about getting started on next year's work."
Lita rolled her eyes.
"Amy, it's summer. School has been out for 3 days, you already want to start next year!"
While Lita was talking, Rini threw a burnt french fry at Serena. "That's it you little spore!"
Serena jumped up.
"Don't even think about it!" Mina said.
Serena sat down.
"Sorry Rini- just don't throw things at me."
"How about you come with us, Amy? It'll be way more fun than school work!!"
Lita sat up.
"Alright. I can always start tomorrow."
"Great. Let's get going."
Mina and Serena dumped the trash, and they left for the park.