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Serena's SummerRose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 4

They finally made it to the park. Rini made a beeline for the swings, and jumped onto a red one.
"Serena! Come push me!" Rini called.
"Give me a minute!" Serena yelled back as she slumped next to Amy on the bench.
"I don't ever remember it being this hot! Do you Mina?"
"No..." Mina whined.
"Serena!!" Rini persisted.
"Alright! Alright! I'm coming!"
Serena pealed herself off of the wooden park bench and started to walk over to the swing set. Mina turned to Lita who was sitting under a nearby tree, staring at someone.
"Hello! Lita!! Earth to Lita! Come in Lita!"
Lita kept on staring.
"Wow..." she managed to get out.
"Wow what?" Amy said turning around.
"I don't see any wow." Amy scanned the crowd.
Lita got stars in her eyes.
"That one with the sandy blonde hair... he's too cool..."
Mina just rolled her eyes.
"Let me guess... he looks like your old boyfriend, Freddy, right?"
"No! He certinally does NOT look like Freddy..."
"That's a relif..." Mina sighed.
"He looks just like Brian!"
Mina tipped over. Lita shot Mina a look.
"What did you mean by that last outburst?"
"Nothing bad, Lita- it's just that every guy you see somehow resembles a past boyfriend of yours..."
Amy said cooly. Lita snorted.
"Well I'm gonna go talk to him!"
Lita got up and walked over to the Brian look alike. Serena noticed Lita get up.
"Uh-oh Rini... there she goes again." Serena laughed.
"Hey Serena!" Serena looked around to see Darien waving.
"Hiya Darien!" Serena waved back.
"Darien!!" Rini jumped off the swing and ran over to give him a hug. Darien walked over to the others holdong Rini's hand.
"Hey there Mina and Amy! How are you guys doing?"
"Melting!" Mina whined, acting overly dramatic.
"She's just a little hot." Amy said shaking her head.
"We all are."
"What is Lita doing?" Darien asked, looking puzzled.
"Oh... she's guy shopping." Serena sighed.
"So which one does that guy look like? Freddy?" Darien laughed.
"Nah. That's what I thought. This one's more Brian-esque." Mina said as she rolled her eyes.
"I see..." Darien shook his head in agreement.
Lita rushed over to the group.
"Hi Li-" "Quiet Darien! This is important!" Lita was so hyper, she was almost bouncing.
"What is so important?" Rini asked.
"That boy's name is Brian too!! And he's single! And I'm going on a date with him this Friday!!" Lita grinned.
"Wow! That's great, Lita congradulations!"
Serena and Mina smiled. Lita turned to wave to Brian, but he was gone.


Brian walked over to a nearby tree.
"Open link..." He said in a hushed voice.
Suddenly, a portal opened up, and a strange woman's face was inside. She had short purple hair with blue streaks around her face. Her eyes were ice blue and piercing. She wore a dark blue silk dress with bright red jewels around her neck.
"Hello, Bragdon... what do you have to report?"