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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 5

"Good afternoon, Queen Metra. I see you are looking quite well, as can be expected. I have much to report." Bragdon smiled sinisterly.
"Continue." Metra said, leaning back in her chair. Bragdon bowed, and started to give his report.
"The women of this planet are very curious. They giggle and play with their hair alot."
"Interesting," said the Queen.
"I've befriended one of these creatures- Lita. She gives off a very strong aura. I sence the will of a warrior in her. Do you think she could be one of the soldiers?"
Metra paused. "There is a chance. Keep an eye on her. Anything else?"
"Yes. I think I've found the moon child- and the future queen. I have a feeling they are here. I'll look into it for you, my queen."
Bragdon bowed again.
"Report on your progress again tomorrow, Bragdon. You've done well."
Queen Metra's image faded after she spoke.

Lita checked her watch again.
"We'd better get to the mall, or it'll be way too packed."
Serena and Mina shook thier heads in agreement.
"I'd better get going then. I don't want to stand in your way." Darien said cautiously.
"Can I go with you Darien?!" Rini asked.
"I don't see anything wrong with it. Serena?!"
She shook her head. "Nope. Have fun!"
Darien leaned over and gave Serena a kiss on the cheek. Serena gave him a quick kiss back.
"Have fun!" Serena said.
Darien held Rini's hand and walked down the sidewalk. Mina sighed.
"Can we go now? This money is burning a hole in my pocket!"
"Well, I best be getting home. My mother wants me to help her out with a painting project."
Amy gathered her things and got up.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay? Raye's temple at 10."
Mina looked puzzled.
"I thought the meeting was at 11?"
Lita laughed. "It is, but we made it SOUND an hour earlier so Serena will get there on time!"
Serena teardropped.
"Hey! I'm getting better at the whole lateness-thing! Give me some credit, people!"
Mina laughed. "Let's get going!"
They started to walk down the sidewalk when Brian popped out from behind a tree.
"Brian! There you are! You scared me there for a moment!"
"Hello again, Lita. Aren't you going to introduce me to your two lovely friends?"
Mina giggled and blushed, and Serena looked toward the ground.
"Uh- sure. These are my friends Serena and Mina."
"Hi!" Mina said, now a bright shade of crimson.
"Hello." Serena smiled sweetly.
"Your name-Serena... I could swear I've heard it before somewhere..." Brian's eyes fixed on Serena.
"Really? I wonder where. There aren't many Serenas running around out there."
Serena wrinkled her brow.
"I think from a legend I heard when I was little...nevermind. May I walk with you ladies?" Brian said slyly.
"Sure..." Lita trailed off. Mina was still a giggling pile of goo. The girls walked on ahead, with Brian following.
"So..." Brian said to himself, "Long like the Queen..." he looked at Serena and got a evil grin on his face.