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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 6

The girls finally made it to the mall. Brian had stayed on their heels the entire way over. They walked into a clothes store. Lita grabbed a few outfits, and made a beeline for the fitting rooms. Serena started looking at skirts, and Mina wandered her way over to the shoes. Serena grabbed a long pale green skirt and walked over to Mina.
"What do you think?" Serena asked, holding the skirt up.
"I don't really think that's your color,hun."
She followed Serena back over to the rack of skirts. Serena leaned over to Mina and whispered in her ear.
"Are you getting the same wongo vibes I'm getting from Brian?"
Mina shook her head in agreement.
"Yeah. It's way weird. Boy, Lita can sure pick 'em, huh?"
"It's just that I get the feeling he's watching me or something... it's creeping me out..."
Mina and Serena turned their heads around to see if Serena's claim was true. Sure enough, there way Brian, leaning on a rack of jeans, his eyes fixed firmly on Serena. He quickly diverted his glance to the floor.
"See? Told you!" Serena whispered.
"Yeah... I see it now. Why do you think he's doing that?"
"I dunno. But he'd better stop it."
A chill ran down Serena's back.
"I don't like this. Not one bit."

Brian continued to look at the floor until he thought it was safe. "I think she's onto me..." he said in a hushed tone to himself. "I have to find some way to get Serena to trust me. After that, the plan will be easy. Then's it's no more Neo Queen Serenity..." He grinned to himself.

Lita made her way back to the others. "Guess who's here too!"
"Who?" Mina and Serena said together.
A few seconds later, Michiru and Haruka emerged from the fitting rooms.
"Hi guys!" Michiru smiled.
"Hi!" Haruka waved.
Serena smiled. "I see you two couldn't resist a good sale either, hm?"
Michiru looked down at the pile of clothes in her arms.
"Hehehe... no way. I needed a new dress for my concert on Friday anyway, but I think I bought a bit more..." Michiru laughed.
Haruka sighed. "She's been like this all day. She's bought out the entire mall, I think." She laughed.
"All I got were a new pair of running shoes, and some shorts." Mina giggled.
"Poor Haruka. You must be so tired..."
Haruka yawned. "I am!"

Brian watched the girls talk and laugh. He just kept staring at Serena. "She really is quite the catch..." he said to himself. Brian shook his head. "No! I can't let these stupid human emotions destroy me. I have to concentrate!"

Lita looked over at Brian. "Wow he's cute..." she thought to herself.
"Hey Brian! Come over here! I want you to meet some more of my friends!"
Brian smiled and walked over to the group. He made a point to stand next to Serena. Lita introduced him to Michiru and Haruka. He smiled politely and said hello.
"Who wants milkshakes!?" Serena asked.
"I do!" Mina squealed.
"I'm up for one, too." Michiru said.
"Do you want to come with us, Brian?" Serena asked.
"Sure I do."
"C'mon then." Serena grabbed his arm.