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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 7

The group went into a nearby ice cream shop. Serena's eyes lit up the minute she walked in the store.
"Wow... this is way better than the one we usually go to, Mina."
Mina's eyes also widened as she stepped in.
"Wow..." was all she could get out.
The walked up to the counter, and everyone ordered. They grabbed two tables and pushed them together. Mina, Michiru and Haruka sat at one, and the other was occupied by Lita, Brian and Serena.
Serena quickly finished her double chocolate milk shake, and then decided she needed a hot fudge sundae to go with it.
"Can I get anybody anything while I'm up?"
Michiru shook her head. "I'll go up with you. I think Haruka and I are going to share one of those banana splits."
"Alright. Anyone else?"
"I'mb goowd." Mina said with a mouthful of milk shake.
"I'm all set, too."
Lita wiped her mouth with a napkin.
"How about about you, Brian?" Serena asked.
"Uh...I'm good." Brian smiled.
"We'll be back in a few!" Michiru said as she followed Serena to the counter.

When they reached the counter, Michiru pulled Serena aside.
"Haruka and I are getting very strong negative energy vibes from Brian." she craned her neck around the sprinkles cart. Serena looked with her. "You too, huh? Mina and I were just talking about that back in the clothing store. What do you think it means?" Serena said in a hushed voice.
"I'm not quite sure yet, but I don't think it's healthy that Lita is turning into a babbling pile of goo around him." Michiru said as she frumpled her brow.
"I think I have an idea...wait here."

Serena ran back to the table. "Hey Mina- hey Haruka... can Michiru and I see your over by the sprinklers for a second? I think we need to give these two some time together alone..." Serena hinted.
"Ohh...alright. Behave, you two...don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Mina giggled and grabbed her milk shake. The three walked back to Michiru.
"You left those two together alone!?"
"Don't worry. We're right here, and this is only going to take a minute.
"What's going on?" Haruka asked.
"Serena's got a plan." Michiru answered.
"A plan? About what?" Mina asked, then taking a sip.
"Okay, here's the deal. The four of us have all gotten some kind of weird vibe from Brian, right?"
"Yeah, so?" Haruka asked as she strained to see the couple at the table.
"Well," Serena continued "there's only one way to find out about him-" Serena took her communicator out from her right pocket.
"Hey Raye! It's Serena!"
Raye's face appeared in the screen. In the background, you could see Prisma chasing Catsy around the store.
"Hey guys."
Raye teardropped.
"It's a zoo over here. What's up? Is something wrong?"
"Not yet. What time do you get off of work tonight?" Serena looked over at Lita and Brian.
"Uh... I think we're closing at 8:30 tonight. Why?" Raye asked.
"We need to have one of your fire readings tonight. It's super important that Lita doesn't know about it, so keep it quiet, alright? We'll be there at 9."
"That's fine. I better go before Prisma kills Catsy...bye you guys!" Raye hurried.
"I see...we're going to ask Raye's sacred fire. Good one, Serena."
"Thanks. Now you guys go back and keep an eye on them, and Michiru and I will contact Setsuna, Hotaru, Luna and Artemis. Okay?"
Haruka and Mina walked back to the table.
"What was all that about?" Lita asked when the two sat down again.
"Nothing. Apparently Serena was having sprinkle difficulties." Haruka said to cover up.
"Ohh...poor Serena." Lita laughed.

"I'll take care of Setsuna and Luna." Serena said.
"Alright. I'll call Hotaru and Artemis." Michiru said as she pulled her communicator out.
"Remember to tell them not to say a word of this to Lita. If she knew about this, she'd kill us." Serena reminded.
"Right. Not one word." Michiru agreed.
They two began to call the other senshi.
"Wait-" Michiru said "what about Rini?"
"Don't worry. I've got to pick her up at Darien's anyway. Hm... maybe Darien knows something..."
"Good idea."
Michiru nodded. They continued to call the others.