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Serena's Summer Rose
Written by Sailor Puu

Chapter 8

Serena continued to call the other senshi.
"Setsuna? Hey! It's Serena. You there?"
Setsuna's face popped up onto the screen.
"Hello there, Serena. What's up? Is something wrong?" Michiru popped up behind Serena.
"Hi Setsuna! Nothing's wrong!" Serena giggled.
"Yeah- like she said- nothing's wrong. I just wanted to let you know that we're all going over to Raye's tonight for a fire reading."
She glanced over her shoulder at the table. Mina caught her glance and gave a thumbs up. Serena nodded, and went back to filling Setsuna in.
"Can you make it, then?"
"Sure I can." Setsuna replied. "What time is this fire reading?"
"Uh- eight thirty, nine o'clockish."
"That's fine, Serena. Say bye to Michiru for me." Setsuna's picture faded out.
Serena turned to Michiru. "Setsuna says bye. Did you get ahold of Hotaru yet?"
Michiru shook her head. "I'm working on it. I just got ahold of Luna- she didn't believe that this was your idea at all."
"Some guardian cat she is." Serena scrunched her face.
"Come on now Serena- Luna's not that bad."
"You're right..." Serena sighed.
Michiru looked onto the screen.
"Hotaru? Come in, hun."
Hotaru's little face came onto the screen.
"Mommy! Hello!" Hotaru beamed.
"Hotaru, the senshi and I are having a fire reading at Raye's temple tonight. Either Haruka or myself will come pick you up later. Is that alright?"
"Yep it sure is!" Hotaru said.
"See you in a bit. Tell daddy I said hello!"
Michiru smiled. "I will, don't you worry."
Serena popped in.
"Hey Hotaru- if you see Rini before I do, could you let her know? I have to pick her up at Darien's, but just in case he brings her home instead, you know?"
"No problem, Serena. If I see her, I'll let her know about the fire reading."
Hotaru's image faded.
"I'm all set, Serena."
Serena was just finishing her conversation up with Artemis.
", Artemis, I don't think that Mina bought you any tuna while we were here, and you shouldn't expect her to." Serena teardropped.
"But I'm hungry, and Mina hasn't fed me since this morning!" Artemis whined.
"Ugh... I can't make you any promises, Artemis... just come tonight around nine, okay? I'll see what I can do about the tuna."
Serena teardropped again, looking to Michiru for some kind of help. All Michiru could do was laugh and shake her head.
"I've got to be going now Artemis, I think I hear Haruka calling..."
Serena switched off the communicator.
"That cat will be the death of me, I swear it." Serena said through clenched teeth.

Serena started to laugh as they walked back to the table were the others were. Haruka looked at her watch.
"Oh- it's seven o'clock... I think that Michiru and I ought to be going." Haruka winked at Michiru.
"Right." Michiru agreed. "We'd better get going. Bye you guys."
Michiru followed Haruka out of the ice cream shop. Lita and Brian waved as they left.
"So what do you guys want to do now?" Lita asked.
"I dunno..." Serena yawned. "I'm really getting sleepy... and I have to get up early tomorrow, so I think I'm going to head on home myself, but first I have to go pick up Rini at Darien's place."
Mina nodded. "I think I'll go with you on that one, Serena."
Mina got out of her seat.
"Alrighty then. I guess we'll head out. Bye Brian- bye Lita. Call me tomorrow, alright?"
Serena grabbed her bunny back pack from off the back of her chair.
"Sure. Bye you guys."
Lita smiled. Serena and Mina walked out of the shop, and started to walk to Darien's apartment.