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Serena's Summer Rose

Chapter 9

Serena and Mina walked into the elevator in Darien's apartment building.
"Do you think that Lita may be on to us?" Mina asked as Serena pushed the "6" button.
"Nah. She's too worried about Brian to be worried about anything else at the moment."
The door opened, and they walked over to Darien's door.
"Knock knock! Hey Darien! It's me! I came to pick up Rini! I wonder why no one is answering..."
Mina saw a piece of paper lying on the floor out of the corner of her eyes. She bent down and picked it up.

She quickly scanned the note and handed it to Serena.
"Here. Read this. Darien already brought Rini home."
Serena read the note and sighed.
"Alright then. Let's head back to my place. I can snag a snack before we havta go to Raye's."
Mina teardropped.
"Serena, you just ate about 20 minutes ago! How can you possibly be hungry right now?"
"I dunno. It's a gift I guess!"
Serena smiled as they got back into the elevator.

The walk back home was fairly quiet and uneventful, except for a breif lecture on the importance of inch worms from Melvin. Mina and Serena arrived back at the house. Serena opened the door to see Sammy being chased by Rini.
"Sammy!? What's going on?"
Sammy paused.
"I borrowed Luna P from her, and she thinks I broke it!"
Serena and Mina screamed at the same time.
"No I didn't! I swear!"
Suddenly, Rini came into the hallway carrying a spatula.
"Sammy! You're dead meat!"
Sammy blinked.
Rini started to chase Sammy around the room.
"Enough!" Serena yelled and clapped her hands.
"Rini, where's Luna P?"
"In my room."
"Go get it." Mina said.
Sammy went up to his room and shut the door behind him.
"Boys..." Serena sighed as she shook her head.
Rini walked out with Luna P. Luna P had a few cuts and bruises, but really didn't look half bad.
"Well, Luna P isn't broken, but let's see if Amy could fix it."
Rini smiled.
"Really? Do you think she could fix it?"
"Probably." Mina continued.
"We should probably let Luna take a look at it as well."
"Speaking of Luna... where was that cat while all this was going on?"

Serena, Mina and Rini ran up into Serena's room. There they found the guardian cat curled in a ball on the floor.
"Luna?" Rini whispered.
"What?" came the reply from the ball on the floor.
"Do you think you could look at Luna P? Sammy wrecked it up a bit."
Luna opened an eye and began to stretch. Serena checked her watch.
"Oh no!!! We have to be at the temple in 20 minutes!!!"
Mina checked her watch too.
"You're right! We're going to be meatloaf!"
Rini watched with a puzzled look on her face as the two girls and a cat frantically tried to get themeselves together.
"Why are you guys going to the temple?" Rini asked as they ran around.
"I forgot to tell you Rini! We're having a fire reading tonight. C'mon- you're going too!"
Serena grabbed Rini's arm, and they ran out of the house followed by Luna.