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Sailor Piggy Moon
Written by Tiffany (a.k.a. Moon Princess, a.k.a. Me!)

Author's note: This was actualy an assignment in my World Lit. class. We had to write a fairy tale with only 26 sentences in alphabetical order. I chose The Three Little Pigs, and added a twist of Sailor Moon in it (being the Moonie fan I am), and thus creating Sailor Piggy Moon ! So sit back, relax, and here we go !

Alone in her house of straw, Zana herd footsteps outside and then felt a strong blow of bad breath that belonged to the big bad wolf named Quincy. Before she knew it, Zana’s little, fat legs carried her to her sister Vonda’s house of sticks. Cautiously, Vonda opened the door for Zana and then locked it before Quincy could come near. Drenched with hunger, Quincy eagerly huffed and puffed up a hurricane hoping to have dinner soon.
“Eeeeeek !” screamed the pigs.
Frolicking through the woods, Zana and Vonda escaped to Xena’s house made of red bricks.
“Good thing the wolf didn’t catch us,” said Vonda.
“Hope he goes away soon,” replied Zana.
“I know what we should do ! We should just transform and fight that wolf.” said Xena confidently.
“Just transform ? Yeah, we could do that !” agreed Vonda.
Losing patience, Xena was the first to transform. Meanwhile, Quincy was still outside huffing and puffing his lungs out.
“Never mind about this traditional method,” he said to himself.
“Open sesame !” cried the wolf, and to his surprise the door opened.
Posing at the door were Sailor Piggy Moon, Sailor Piggy Mars, and Sailor Piggy Venus.
Quickly, Zana started her introduction, which went like this: “I am Sailor Piggy Moon. I stand for love and justice. On behalf of the Moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you !” said Zana with her hand motions.
Rolling on the floor and breaking into laughter, Quincy manage to say “All right, I’ll eat you after you’re done playing dress up... HAHAHA !”
“Stop laughing !” shouted the three with anger.
“Tee hee hee,” continued the wolf.
Using his paw, Quincy muffled his laughter.
“Venus Love Chain Encircle !” shouted Vonda.
Wrapped tightly in a string of golden hearts, Quincy regretted wasting his time laughing at the three pigs.
Xena followed Vonda’s attack with her own, shouting “Mars Fire Ball Charge !”
“Yum ! Barbecued wolf,” said Zana excitedly.
Zana, Xena, and Vonda had a nice dinner that night.

So what did you think ? Good, bad, funny, or just stupid ? And you figured out which pig represented which scout, right ? Well, any feedback is welcomed, and i hope you enjoyed it !