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The Transformation
Written by Sailor Dream

(I own no part of sailor moon expect for the characters I create)

Chapter One- Breaking the News

The day was warm, the sun shone everywhere. Luna lay sprawled out on the floor of the castle music room. The windows stretched from a foot off the ground to a foot below the ceiling on 3 of the four walls.

She closed her eyes and let the warm sunlight soak up in her ebony fur. The days had been relaxing and warm all week. Every so often, she opened her eyes to make sure no unwelcomed guest had wandered in.

As she began to doze off, a relaxed voice spoke.

“Well, it looks as if *you’re* comfortable,” Artemis said sarcastically, “but if Mamoru were to walk in, I’m sure you wouldn’t be so for long.”

Luna sighed and rolled onto her back. Artemis laughed as he sat on his haunches and began rhythmically licking his paw and wiping his face with it.

“What are you laughing at?” Luna said, squinting sleepily in the sunlight.

“You’re getting fat.” Artemis smiled.

“You know all of the right things to say to a lady don’t you?”

She lifted her head up and Artemis pressed his paw down on it and it hit the floor. Luna jumped up and hissed playfully, then landed on Artemis, who had rolled on his back to scratch her effectively if need be.

She looked down at Artemis and he smiled. He pulled his head a few inches off the ground and licked her nose. She smiled and nuzzled him. And as if nothing had happened, Artemis threw her off and she landed on her back.

Usa stood in the door way smirking at the affection she had just started to get used to. She walked into the room and stood over them as the continued their sun bathing.

“Well everything looks in order here.” the queen remarked. Luna jumped at the sound. She stood and bowed before her queen.

“Forgive me Usa, I..I mean we were just enjoying the day.”

“Luna, as long as you’re not needed at the moment, feel free to spend your time as you wish.” Both women smiled, and Artemis pretended to be asleep. And suddenly, Usa became serious. “But I must intrude, I have some news that I think you might be interested in.” She said.

“Fine, I think Artemis can take care of himself with out me...for a little while that is.”

Usa flashed a quick smile and led Luna out of the music room.

The two women walked silently thru the hallways, Usagi with a look of discontentment on her face. Luna looked up at her every so often, but Usa never looked down.

They reached Usa and Mamoru’s bed room. Luna jumped up on the bed and Usagi paced at the end of it. Luna was about to ask about her worried look when Usa spoke first.

“Luna, I don’t really know how to say this. I guess i should just be direct and talk straight just like you always taught me.”

Luna nodded, “You know, for a second there you sounded just like you did as a teenager.”

Usa smiled, but then continued. “I think that you’d want to know this and its very important so don’t rush me!”

Luna laughed. “Now you definately sounded like your old self! I alwas knew you’d never grow out of your whining.”

“Please Luna, this is important?”

“Of course, arigato.”

Usagi sighed. “I was talking to Ami this morning; she was deeply into her computer searches when she jumped up and yelled to me.” Usa took a deep breath. “It appears that she has found a way to turn you guys back into humans.”

Luna stared at her as if she had told a joke that she didn’t understand. “W-w-what do you mean?”

“She said that if she channeled energy from the Imperium crystal into you guys, it could transform you.”

“You mean me and Artemis? Into humans?” Usa nodded sorrowfully. “I don’t know exactly what to say now. Are you happy? sad? dissapointed?”

Luna shook her head. “I don’t know. I-I can’t process this.”

“Well do you want to go thru with it?”

“I think I should discuss it with Artemis first.”

Usa nodded, and Luna hopped off the bed. As she was about to exit, Usa called out to her; “If you need someone to talk to, my door is always open for you!”

Luna grinned breifly, but it faded quickly. She left the room and dissapeared into the shadows of the hallway.

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