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The Transformation
Written by Sailor Dream

Chapter Two- Acceptence

When Luna returned to the music room, the sun had begun to set. Artemis stood with his front paws on the window sill, and stared out at the yellow sky that was slowly turning orange. Luna stood beside him in the same fasion and looked out.

Artemis turned his head towards his mate and looked at her.

“You look beautiful tonight” he whispered. Just then Luna jumped down and walked to the other end of the room silently. If she had been able to, she would have started to cry then.

Artemis turned around and strolled over to her.

“Whats wrong luna?” he asked with much compassion. She turned her head away from him and looked down. “Luna, tell me! What did Usa say?”

Luna cleared her throat and spoke with increasing meleancholy. “She said that we can become human again, Artemis.”

He looked at her, and suddenly smiled. “Luna, don’t try to pull one over on me. I know how you like to joke, and you can’t pull a prank on this cat!” he said with saisfaction.

She turned back to him and stared him deep in his eyes. He searched hers, but there was no sparkle of hidden laughter, infact there was no happiness at all. His wide grin faded into one of fear.

“You’re serious aren’t you.” She nodded. Then he suddenly perked up. “Hey, whats wrong with us? this is what we have been waiting our whole lives for! We should be ecstatic!” He looked up and waited for a response, which was simply Luna, still sad, glancing back at him. “So why are so miserable?” He asked, falling to the ground gently. Luna shook her head. They stood in motionless silence for several minutes.

“Come on”, Luna finally said, “lets go to bed”.

Both cats walked side by side, looking down at the marble floor. They finally reached their room, the one room that Mamoru and Usagi had built especially for them. It consisted of one major room, in which they usually slept on the same bed, and spent time together. But Usa, knowing how stubburn both of them were, created two rooms attached to the main by dutch doors. When ever they need privacy, they went to their own seperate areas.

But tonight, they needed each other. Luna hopped up on the bed and curled up, trying to forget the day’s events for one night. Artemis followed, licked her head gently, whispered a sweet good night, and lay with his front leg draped over her back. They both slept with troubled dreams which were only calmed by the realization of the other by their side.

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