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The Transformation
Written by Sailor Dream

(I own no part of Sailor Moon, except for the characters I create)

Chapter 3- Useless babbling

When morning approached, the bright sunlight landed on the cats’ faces. Artemis seemed the only of the 2 to be disturbed by its glare. He woke up gradually, stretching and yawning until only a bit of sleep remained in his body. He remembered what he had planned to do the morning; it was time to talk to Minako.

He yawned one more time and looked back to make sure Luna was still asleep; he loved being there when she woke up, that was when she was most lovable. Artemis hopped off the bed and quietly opened the small door out into the hallway.

It was still early, and the castle had yet to beam with energy as it did later during the day. He reached Minako’s room and walked in casually. She sat on the end of her bed, looking at a few drawing’s Lance (*my character*) had sent the queen from Oversee. He decided to have a little fun, and he jumped lightly onto the bed and jumped up to land on Minako’s back.

“Good morning Artemis”, he stopped in midflight and fell to the mattress.

“I never could trick you, could I?” he smiled.

“No.” She said finally looking up from the drawngs, “But its not like you to get up so early. Whats wrong?”

“Well, I’d appreciate some attention.”

“Arigato Artemis. Now tell me,” she said finally putting the papers on her nightside table, “whats wrong?”

“I believe you heard about Ami’s computer discovery.”

Minako imediately brightened. “Of course! Oh my God, I almost forgot!” She stood turning around and picked him up and hugged him. “Congratulations!”

“Well thats what I came here for. I need some,” He hesistated” uhhh... hel p”. He stood back for the blow.

“You need help from me?!? Well how about that!”

Artemis growled. “Well not exactly help, more of an-an opinion”.

Mina smiled. “Sure, an opinion, right!”

“Please Mina, can we be serious?”

“Arigato, arigato, go ahead Artemis.”

“Right, well, I need to know, what should I do?”

“Well, what does Luna think?”

“I-I’m not sure. She came back from speaking with Usa last night and she became very quiet, distant and sad. It broke my heart.” Artemis said with complete honesty.

“You really care about her, don’t you.”

He nodded. “So, what should I do?” He repeated, “No. What would you do in this situation?”

“Oh, Artemis, do you realize how great it would be if you were human? You could do anything and everything you want!”

“I know, but you know its not that easy.” Artemis said, speaking for both cats.

“Artemis, I know the Queen will want to be a part of this. I’ll talk to her, but for now, would you be an angel and take these to the queen?” She asked handing the drawings to the cat.

“Of course. Thank you Minako.”

“No, Thank you Artemis.” She picked him up one more time and kissed him. “I love you Artemis” she said. He jumped out of her arms and landed on the bed.

“I love you too. Now go back to sleep, its early and a guardian like you needs her rest”.

“Still bossing me around as always. You’ll never change.”

“I know”, he said picking the drawings up in his mouth and fleeing swiftly out of the room.

“Same old Artemis”, she said to herself, curling up under her blanket and drifting off into a warm sleep.

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