The Transformation
Written by Sailor Dream
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The Transformation chapter 5- Nightly Activities.

The four talked in the conference room for 3 hours. They only wanted clear air. Neither Usa nor Mina knew the answers to many of their questions, but Ami would tell them tomorrow.
They departed at midnight, although none of them felt like sleeping. It just seemed like the right time to stop.
Luna and Artemis sat watching each other anxiously. Finally Artemis sighed. “Well, we better go to sleep. I want to be awake and alert tomorrow. You better do the same.”
Luna nodded and lay on her side. Artemis lay beside her and draped his arm over her.
“Artemis, do you think I’ll be pretty as a human?” she asked nervously.
“Of course, Luna, but maybe just a little fat”. He laughed and she kicked him playfully. They soon settled down into sleep, and just before he dozed off, Artemis whispered “Sweet dreams, Luna”. And the night was done.

Usa sat at her make-up table and stared into the mirror. A freshly washed face looked back, and she sighed. Her ogandos had been taken out of her snow white hair and it landed gracefully on the floor.
She remembered her first trip to the moon, and saw the hologram of her mother, the queen. That was who Usa saw looking back at her. Luna was with me then, she thought. Luna was always with me or watching me. I just wish I could do somethine more to help her.
Suddenly, she felt the warm caress of her beloved’s hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked up at him, his face warm and welcoming.
“Usa, what are worrying about?” he asked he quietly.
“Oh Mamo-chan, I just wish I could do something, instead of just sitting here helplessly.”
He kneeled beside her and put her hand on his cheek. “Usa, you are doing all you can. I know you care about Luna, but its her time now to help herself. She will be fine, and so will you”.
She lowered her head to him and he accepted the lips she placed on his happily.
“I’m exhausted, lets go to bed” she said sweetly. The two lay down, switched off the lights and held each other all thru the night.

“You look beautiful tonight” he whispered into her ear before kissing her neck lightly. Mina blushed under the moonlight and leaned back into the seat.. It was her favorite place on earth, the gazebo by the sea of tranquility. The moon had never been more peaceful.
“Its been such a long night, Kunzite {*never thought you’d see him again did you? heehee*} I’m a little nervous about everything”.
“Its expected,” he said comfortingly, “you’re only human. I just wish that you could loosen up about some of these things, its not good for you to worry so much.” He leaned back into the seat beside her and put his arm over her shoulder.
“Maybe I should be getting back, I don’t want to be exhausted tomorrow.” she said, laying her head on his shoulder.
“Just stay with me tonight, love, and I promise you won’t regret it”.
And, with the moon palace left for the four guardians of the moon, the couple retreated back and watched the sun rise over the earth.