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The Say What? Results

I accidently deleted the results for sets 1-6 when I was trying to move them to another page. I'm really mad at myself for doing it, but I probably won't be putting it back together, because I don't remember all of the pictures I used, and which submissions I chose.

Set #12
Ditto on the note for Set #11.

Rei: (muffled voice) I am Sailor Mars!
Serena: What is that!
Rei: It's not my fault...Rini gave me a make over.. She thought the nail varnish was lip gloss... -Sailor Angel

Mars: I believe we need to do a little amputation on this guy.
*Off screen Jedite grabs and covers his private area* "Um, guys that isn't in the script."
*Mars begins walk towards him, devilish grin hid under mask.* -Sailor Dragon

"I have created a creature! THE OPERATION IS A SUCCSESS!!! IT'S ALIVE!!!! IT'S ALIVE!!!" -No Name

***Loudspeaker*** **Paging Dr. Mars....Paging Dr. Mars*** * Go to the Operating room Immediately *
*Later......In the Operating Room* Mars: Jupiter! SCALPLE!
Jupiter: SCALPLE!
Mars: LIGHT!
Mercury: LIGHT!
Mars: Patient status!......PATIENT STATUS! SAILOR MOON!
Mars: SAILOR MOON! STOP GOOFING OFF! HELP ********SLICE********* meeeeee what did i just cut??????? -Trunks Girl

Luna : With friends like that, who needs enemies. - Jiggly Puff

Kakeru: I wonder who this cat's owner is, should I take her home?
**in thought** Serena: BWHAHAHHAHAHAH! -Oribina

Usagi: Haha! I have finally figured out how to enter peoples dreams!
Luna: Oh no! Now I will have to put up with her even while I sleep and day dream?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Kakeru: What's up with her? -Brooke

Kakeru: "So kitty, would you like some sweets?"
*Luna just remembered* "Ah, I left Usagi alone with all the cakes and sweets her mom made!"
*Usagi at home* "Hah Hah, Luna can't stop me now, they're all mine!" -Sailor Dragon

"You mean that meatballheaded dim wit! Yes I guess I would have to call her my owner. What a sec, you don't understand a word I am saying. Oh brother." (sweatdrop) -Kim
Serena:'ve been a bad rabbit!!!

Usagi: This is the only way.
*Chibi-Usa mumbles something* *Whack! Slap! Luna-P comes flying out of Chibi-Usa's mouth.* Usagi: I'd still like to know how you even swallowed that. -Sailor Dragon

It came from the future!
*physco music starts playing*
Usagi: Heeeeeeeeelppp! -Duo's Angel

*Jaws Theme* da dun da dun da dun
Usagi: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *screams and wails* SHE IS STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ChibiUsa: USAGI!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!! NOW I MUST GET YOU BACK!! Luna Kitty Magic!!! Go into the back of Usagi's throat. -Chibiusa Gryffindor

*Usagi holds a picture of Mamoru in the bath* "Ah, Mamo-chan."
*Water begins to move as Chibi-usa pops up* "Ah, so that's what you do with his picture in the tub."
*Usagi turns red* "I, um, yer."
*Devilish grin crosses Chibi-Usa's face* "And I have it all recorded on Luna-P."
Usagi: "AHHHHH!" -Sailor Dragon

Oh my god!! She's done a no.2...
In my BATH!!!
Reni: Damn, i should eat more fiber. -Sailor Angel

Serena: Ahhhhhh sooo refreshing, I just love mud baths...hey what's that bubbling...?
Rini: I am the evil mud monster!!!
Serena: Rini!!! Don't ya know SOME people need some privacy when their cloths are removed? Besides, if mom and dad see all the mud I collected, they're gonna freak!
Rini: They aren't here but Darien said he'll come with us...Oh Darieeeen...
Serena: WHAT!?!?!?! -Mina/Heather

Chibi Usa: Ah HA! So you did hide it between your...
Usagi: Curses!! What were you doing down there anyway??
Chibi Usa: ...... -Mokuji Chan

Set #11

Since there was a majorly long delay in updating this, I posted more submissions than usual. Hope that'll make up for it!

Serena: Give me your hand, Rini. We're going home!
Rini: What are you talking about? I have to put my fist in Hotaru's face first!
Hotaru: I say "Peace." -Bunny

Usagi: What is the even odd HotabooBoo?
Usagi: I am no...!
Chibi Usa: Will you guys knock it off 1, 2,3! (Rini puts out a fist, Serena a 5 and Hotaru puts out a 2.)
Chibi Usa: See? How hard was that?! We all won.
Usagi: That was boring. I know what will be fun! Let's play pound the head!
(Usagi and Hotaru begin hitting each other.)
Darian (Over in the distance): I can't beleive she's supposed to be my past love and future wife. -Sailor Saturn

Palla Palla: I'll get thoose two! After I eat all the fishies! Yum Yum!
-Sailor Solar Glow

Usagi and Chibi Usa: Oh Were SIIIIINGING in the chair, were singing in the CHAAAIIRR!! What a GLORIOUS FEEEEHHEEELLLING!!! - Mokuji Chan

Serena: We are TOTALLY in the wrong place. We don't do THAT kind of thing!
Rini: EWWWW! Serena! I'm telling Darien you brought me here! Didn't you see the ADULTS ONLY sign??? -Vanessa

Para Para: Time to find the gold miror ...hey I can't get out... let me outa here its cold.
Serena & Rini: ha ha ha (continuos laughing) Para Para : A fish just bit me. -Jiggly Puff

Reeny: Serena, I didn't know you wore dentures!
Serena: If you don't shush up you little fungus, you'll be wearing them too--
Reeny: --Wow!, I wonder how you look with out them?
Serena: Hey Doc, can you give her labotomy??
Reeny: ?!? What's labotomy?
Serena: Heh heh heh, it's where they lay down in a nice comfy bed and put you to sleep. ^_^
Reeny: I wanna go hooooome *wails* -Neph

Para Para: What a nice addition for my aquarium.
Usagi: Bloop bloop bloop
ChibiUsa: Bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop!!! -Chibiusa Gryffindor

A painful silence falls over the room as they all ponder the universal question, "Who just farted?" -Vanessa

Melvin: Serena, you look pretty today.
Serena: Hee hee, thank you Melvin.
Molly: *moves away*
Serena: What's a matter, Moll?
Molly: Melvin's flirting with you. He's mine you know.
Serena: I forgot. -Bunny
Melvin: ...

Melvin: Hmmmmmmmmm, maybe I'd better examine these drinks for chemical waste products...Serena is making funny hiccup noises...What did you put in the drinks?
Molly: *voice quivering* Melvin, how culd you say such a thing? Why would I do that to my best friend...besides it's not alcohol its some sort of italian juice...
MELVIN: Molly that "Italian" word means "Vodka." Wait a says "light Vodka." MOLLY: Oops, well judging by how much Serena drinks, its heavy-
MMELVIN: Uhhh, Serena how many glasses of "juice" have you had?
SERENA: *giggles* uuuuhhhh *giggles* fiiiiiivvvvvveee *giggles*
MOLLY: *sigh*
MELVIN: Uh oh...Wonder what Darien will think. -Serena & Mina

Rini: Who needs this stupid broom? I wonder if I make Serena bend over,... Raye: Rini! That is SO COOL! I didn't think that would fit there! -Vanessa

Chibi usa: Usagi Usagi! look at the doll Makato gave me for Christmas! Now I can make you do anything and say anything I want you to! HEHE!;)
Chibi usa: Tough, you have to! this is a Voodo doll! Makato- VOODO DOLL!
Usagi-*under Chibi usa's control* I am a JERK! I am worse than Chibi Moon! I can't do anything! *screams and her family hears* AND I AM SAILOR MOON!
*Family rushes up stairs* Usagi: *no longer under control* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WAAAHHHHHH! WAHH! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Begins to strangle Chibi usa. -Pichu

Chibi-USA: Aren't Hotaro's dollies fun. Usagi: What is HAPPENING!! *screams and wails* Rei: Hey I want to see it.... NOWWWW!!! Usagi: STOPPPPPP NOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! -Chibiusa Gryffindor

Chibi-Usa: Hey look Usagi what I had the magic shop make specially for me.
Usagi: It's just some. . . Hey wait a minute that's a voodoo doll of me!
Rei: Looks just like you Usagi. *laughs harder* -Sailor Dragon

Rini: It's a voodo doll! Cool? *moves in a position like Sailor Moon*
Serena: What on earth??? I can't move? uh-uh-uh-uh
Raye: Rini, you should buy it. Then when she's mad at us, she can't move. hehehehehehehe -Bunny

Set #10

Lita: Amy! I absolutely love youre new weave! -Farrah

*Chibi Usa ate the prize out of the cereal box, oh no*
Minako: open wider! I CAN'T REACH IT!
Chibi Usa: Mumff mumff!!!
Everyone: HOLD STILL!
Chibi Usa: MUMFFFFFF!ooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww Makoto: She just kicked me! you brat!
*Continuos fighting and fidgeting* -Pichu

Amy: "Hold still just one more second."
Mina: "We told u this would be a lot easier if we just pulled your teeth out insted of letting that goofy dentist do it." -Jiggly Puff

Serena: Stop, stop, stop, stop! I over hered that you were asking Mina out!!!
Rini: Dont you want me to be born???
Darin: No, no, girls i was just wandering if she wantedto pick up a pizza to share with you guys.
Mina: Serena !?! Were you spying again?
Serena & Rini: ................ -Jiggly Puff

Minako: "What!!! You started head banging with out me!"
Mamoru: "I couldn't stop them I swear."
Minako: "Now feel the wrath of Sailor V!"
Usagi, Chibi-Usa, & Mamoru "AHHHH!!!" -Sailor Dragon

Melvin: *cough* A giant purple spider came down a wrapped me in to a cocoon! Help meee!
Serena (behind tree): Heh, here's your $20 Mrs. Spider. -Sheldon

Melvin: Oh I wish I were an oscar mayer weiner.........
Molly: This is taking it one step too far!! -Mango Kid

Naru: "Umm Umino what excatly are you doing?"
Umino: "Waiting for you my love to come snuggle with me by my side in this warm bag."
Naru: "No way it looks like a gaint turd!" -Sailor Dragon

Set #9

TM: I am Tuxedo Mask!
SM: Oooh...a velvet lined cape! Who is your taylor? -Sils

Sailor Moon: OMG! That is the biggest chocolate fudge sunday ever!
Tuxedo Mask: Tell it to the extend-o-cane! - Sheldon

Moon: Hey from this angle I can see up Emerald's dress, hey wait a minute Emerald is a girl? she got, AHHHHH! - Sailor Dragon

Serena to off-camara Darien: How DARE you imply that I need to loose weight!
Darien (cowering): I-I only suggested you lay off the sweets to look even better than you all ready do! Really, it would benifit both of us! -Jay

I am woman, hear me ROAR!!! -Sils

I've turned ito an pokemon a machop!!! - Jiggly Puff

Serena: Gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!!!!!
Raye: Mine mine mine!!!!!!!!
Serena: Giveit to me or I will bite your hand off!
Raye: If you don't let go kiss Darien goodbye!
** continuous yapping and screaming** - Pichu

Rei: Ok Serena, this is the last time i catch you lookin' through my diary. I'm sick of it !!!
Serena: I wasn't looking through it, I was looking at the cover... So who's Jason??? - Jiggly Puff

Rei: "COME ON SERENA! I'll let you shave my eyebrows after I do yours! You did mine first last time!"
Serena: "No WAY!! You messed them up so bad, I looked like a wooly mammoth when they grew back!"
Rei: "AW, Come on! I let you shave my chest and then you can braid my back hair."
Serena: " You really mean it?"
Rei: "Sure do."
Serena:"Alrighty then!!!" -Vanessa


Boy:I'm Sailor Tea!
Usagi of screen: Alright that's it, the producers have gone to far this time. I am not co-starring with a boy who calls himself "Sailor Tea."
Chibi-Usa: He's kinda cute though.
Usagi: sweatdrop, you gotta be kidding. -Sailor Dragon

Set #8


Melvin's Heritage
Melvin: "AT LAST I CAN REVEAL MY TRUE IDENTITY AS PRINCE MELVIN OF THE FISH! I have come to find a non-fishy bride, who will be my queen!"
Serena off-camara: "You've got to be kidding."
Lita off-camara: "Melvin's finally lost it."
Molly off-camara: "I think it's kinda cute."
Other two: "..." -Sils

Do you think I look better in red or perly pink lipstick ? -Jiggly Puff

Haruna-sensei: Like a Virgin....
Umino: Ms. Haruna, did I really see you at that Madonna concert last week?
Guy in background: Ms. Haruna wears a thong. -Magical Girl Pretty Samy



Mini Moon: Sorry.
Sailor Venus: Practice your cartwheels on mats, not stairs for now on.
Sailor Moon: Mini moon get off my head Sailor Jupiter: oowwwwwwwwwwwww -Jiggly Puff

Games With Rini
Sailor Jupiter: "Rini, I said right foot on BLUE, not left hand on green!"
Rini: "I guess this means no one wins the game, right?"
Sailor Moon: "This is THE LAST time I play Twister with you, SPORE!"
Sailor Venus: "..." -Sils

Lita: Next time I use elevator! -Anna

Set #7

DIE OF HEARTACHE!!!! ::starts wailing::

Serena: I told you I am wearing underwear!

Serena: I don't want to go!
Luna: You need to buy a new pair of underwear!
You lost all of your other pairs!
Serena: Don't tell the world! -Megan

Serena: why do implants have to cost
sooooooooooooooo much! -Pichu

Amy: this is the third time we stopped.
Luna: i Bet $50 that rei wins.
Rini:I Never knew Serena had such a good right hook.
Rei: Serena! You're not suppose to say that kind of stuff
in a temple !
Lita, Amy & Mina:  . . .   -Moon Princess

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