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"They're all just cute, lovable characters!"

~Chairman, vol. 1

The Spirits

The Chairman-
He's a very eccentric guy with a habit of collecting occult stuff and spirits for his school, Saito High. He makes it a point to make young Haruto's life a living hell and also enjoys scaring people out of their wits. He gets really big at times and becomes alooming head. He is a mysterious guy despite his oddities, like why is he always the one remaining if the other 7 Spirits disappear.

The Girl in the Mirror-
This little girl is as cute as a button. She has a plentiful amount of energy, and isn't worn out easily. She floats around within the safety of her mirror, coming out only occassionally to "play". She is really young and will do almost anything for someone to play with. She is known to help out when needed and she has a special affinity for Haruto. (Who wouldn't ^-^?)

Sato Haruo-
He's a very strange spirit indeed. The spirit of an anatomy model. Yeesh. He's a bit disgusting looking and has a special friendship with Suzuki "Bones" Jinkotsu. Sato would be an ok character if he did something productive but he doesn't usually. He's ans aggravating guy most of the time, afraid to do most dangerous tasks set before him. He cries a lot and is often heard saying "Ah my guts!" Which adds to his repulsive nature. He and "Bones", however, are quite comical and they have 1 special power...The infamous Cossac dance!

Suzuki "Bones" Jinkotsu-
Just as his nick name suggests, this guy is a walking skeleton. He's best friends with Sato. He's a lot like his friend too. He shies away from fights and hugs Sato when he's scared and falls apart when hugged. He would rather eat rice cakes than fight in battles which the student council gets into with less than savory spirits. All in all Suzuki is a coward.

Dancing Giant-
He's one of the most useful spirits there is. As his name suggests, he dances and Saitou High's gym. He's very useful at stomping the bad guys. Nothing has ever been seen of the dancing giant except for his feet and legs. He doesn't talk at all, he just makes noises occaissionaly. He's a great character though and kinda mysterious, wouldn't you say? ;p

Red Mantle-
He's the heart throb spirit wonder. One gaze from him can make even an 80 year old woman faint. His looks, and mysterious nature are often used as a leverage when fighting a female ghost/demon. He's some what concieted and arrogant, but with the way girls act aroung him it's easy to see why.

Miss Hinako-
She's the scandelous ghost of the school and the apple of Kazumi's eye. She's innocent acting, yet very seductive to the unsuspecting male student body. She's very kind and is willing to do anything to lend a helping hand. She may seem like an airhead at times, but she's really a very valuable asset to the team of characters.

He reminds me somewhat of Chiriko from Fushigi Yugi with his feminine little boyish looks, and outstanding smarts. He's often being chased around by Ashina, part of the student counsel. He is definately the wisest of all the school spiurits as well as being the youngest. Cute little Nino often times gets mistaken, by non HJ fans, as a girl.

And now for the humans...

Hojo, Haruto-
The reluctant leader of the Holy Stundent Councel. He is the son of a minister and looks up to his father. He doesn't like being president of the Council, but whenever he threatens to leave, the Chairman counter threatens him with expulsion. He is, however, the only one who can call forth all 7 school spirits in times of crisis, which is frequent for Saitou High. Yet, Haruto yearns for a normal life, and is determined to have one.

Mutsuki, Asahina-
She's one of the most useful members of the Holy Student Council. She does exorcisms, keeps the boys in line, and is the daughter of a Shinto priest. She only has one slight problem -_-; She has something called a "Shouta Complex" meaning, she doesn't like anyone over the age of 12. Her dream is to live abroad with many pretty little boys waiting on her. She especially likes poor little Nino.

Ryozuki, Kazumi-
He's a little wacky and tends to get himself posessed by the wierdest things sometimes. Like dogs, cats, birds, girls, etc. You know, the usual. He, like Mutsuki, also has a have a map to all the Hinako's of the world. What?!? There's more than one Ms. Hinako? Well yeah, and he really likes her. He may seem like just another drooling perv, but he also has a sweeter, more gentle side to him. Although he tends to be a coward, he is also a very valuable member of the Holy Student Council.