10/7 I added some new fan art by Yata Yasaka and one I forgot who did it. I also got a fanfic in my e-mail I'm adding later today.
6/10- I added pics from Amira's cosplay, and I'm gearing up to do some major updates soonly.
5/27- I added a cosplay script to the fan section, many thanks Amira! And I've ordered all seven Haunted Junction manga volumes, and they should reach my house in about a month to two months. ^^ Sank you all for your support!
4/23- I added a message board! Yay!
4/22- I added some new links and I added this section. I also added one of Mina-chan's fanfictions! ^^ Gotta fill up that fan section!
Miscellaneous factiod: Tomb Raider, the movie, is coming out June 15th. The same day I'm going to Hershey Park! ;p