Set in the future, Trigun takes the typical "Old West" type drama, and completely warps it. (This seems to be a common thread with anime...the warping thing anyway...) The main character, Vash the Stampede, is a legendary outlaw with $$60 billion on his head in bounty money. Trouble seems to follow this guy no matter where he is or what he's doing. In an effort to minimize the risk that the Humanoid Typhoon imposes, two agents from the Bernadelli Insurance Society are sent to keep him on 24 hour surveilance. Their names you ask? Meryl Strife and Milly Thompson. A little later in the series Vash makes a friend of a wandering preist he found in the desert. This sinning preist (who just happens to be a very skilled gunman) calls himself Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Vash spends most of the series fighting his twin brother's henchmen, the Gung-Ho Guns, that want to kill him. That would be Millions Knives for those of you who don't know. Millions has a right hand man (who's very sexy!-ed.) (shut up you) (no!-ed.) named Legato. That's all I'm gonna say cause if I say more then I'm gonna give away spoilers. However, if you want to know spoilers for any show, email me and let me know and I'll make a Page-O-Spoilers.