October 22,2000

As you might have read it has been i while and i am gonna make this page look like a brand new lil' bitch. Hope you people like the new look. peace out love u all.

April 3,2000

Updating so soon your saying? That's right! I added a bunch of midis....and changed the wallpaper. I also have learned alot more about Gundam Wing so the grade right raise up!!!

April 1,2000

April Fools day I love it!!!!!!!! Check out the new gifs I found some new ones if anyone would like them. I heard that the new Final Fantasy should be out soon although I'm kinda bumbed by the graphics.Until next time!

March 20,2000

Hell I had to make the Rpg sorry. I'm Austin Powers out with my Dr. Evil voice. I bought the Limp Bizkit CD and I LOVE it. I also bought Sailor Moon R and I guess its ok.

March 11,2000

First entry and I have a good one. I was surfing and found a funny song from a game called Rhasody and it looks pretty cool and I am waiting for it to come so I can play it and put it under the game ratings. The site is at http://www.atlus.com/Rhapmusic.htm