Final Fantasy on Jerry Springer Written by:Cloud Strife(From The Anime Rpg)

Announcer:Today on Jerry Springer 3I let maybe girl friend for a India and2

Jerry:Yes Let1s bring out one of todays guess.Let1s bring out Tifa Crowd(claps)

Jerry:Now Tifa, you say that your ex-boy friend left you for a India

Tifa:Yes that is correct v Jerry:What would you say if Cloud is back stage right now.

Tifa:Get that mother (bleep)er out here

Cloud come out the crowd starts to boo cloud.Tifa attacks cloud then Barret(the new cop on the streets)breaks up the two up

Jerry:Now Cloud why did you break-up with Tifa in the first place

Cloud:First off I had to because I had to join the Soldiers.And second off she was no fun in bed she poured beer into my(Bleep)

Tifa attacks cloud they get into a huge brawl Barret separts them again The only reason you loved me is because of the knockers.

(then ripes off her shirt and walks around the stages)

CLoud:Shut -up (Bleep) that1s not true?

Jerry:Let1s bring Yuffie The so called Ninja

The Crowd whisles at Yuffie as she walks out Tifa attacks Yuffie Barret Breaks them up .

Jerry:Now Yuffie How old are you


Crowd Ouuuu!!!!!

Jerry:Now Cloud Tifa now how old are you two




Jerry:So Cloud you had (bleep) with a 16 year old girl

Cloud:Yeah so, She way better than that (bleep)

Tifa:Now you shut the (bleep) up

Jerry:Oh, To bad that all the time we have today now for my final throght.If your a RPG fan get a life.And never have (bleep) with a sixteen year old girl that has a XXX on her brest maybe.I don1t no.Thanks for tuneing in today on Jerry Springer