Poke'mon meets Jerry spriger . By:Prettz A. Strife

Jerry Springer logo appears.

Jerry:Hello, everyone, our topic today is "my bike was destroyed by the one I Love" Ok we would like to introduce Misty to the show,Hi Misty!

Misty: Hi Jerry.

Jerry:Well Misty tell us about what happened.

Misty:Jerry I was fishing one day when this kid stole my bike to save his "pikachu"Then.......

Jerry:What the (bleep) is a Pikachu? I sound like a giant piece of (bleep)!!!!

Misty: Can I get on with the story????Ok then. He took his Pikachu to a Poke'mon center to get it healed.......

Jerry:Hold On!!!! What is a Poke'man center????

Misty:Poke'MON!!!!!!!!!!I caught up with him and he said he would pay me back so I foolowed him and fell in Love.

Jerry:Misty, we would like you to say hi to Ash...."Ash come on out!!!!"

Ash:Why the (bleep) am I on this (bleep)ing show?? They don't even know what the (bleep) a POKE'MON is!!!

Jerry: Well, Ash, Misty would like to tell you something.Ready Misty???????????

Misty: AA.....SSHH, I Love You!!!!!

Ash:Holy (bleep)

The crowd starts to cheer then Brook stands up.

Brook:Concrats Ash and Misty and would any of you lovely women bodygaurds like to.....


crowd: Jerry!!! Jerry!!!!

Misty:Shut up both of you!!!

She runs over to Ash and starts to frenching him. The crowd begins to cheer and whistle when all of a sudden Team Rocket appears.

James:Jesse ,I would like to tell you something.

Jesse:What James? She asks with a glimmer in her eye.

James:You smell like (bleep)!!!!

At this point Ash and Misty are rolling on the floor nude. James is being chased by Jesse and Brook is talking to one of the female bodyguards.

Jerry:Well my show was live today so the network is going to Fire my (bleep), but my final thought is if you ever see a Poke'mon pull out a shotgun and blow it's (bleep)ing (bleep) to (bleep)in hell!!!

Jerry Springer logo appears then Jigglypuff appears.