Latest Review:
Weiss Kreuz
I just wanna get this out before I begin this review.....THESE FOUR GUYS ARE SEXY BITCHES! heh heh ^_^;;; ::hides under her rock and types the review from the rock:: well, my with opinoins aside, Weiss Kreuz is a highly enjoyable anime....ok,'s *really* *really* GOOD! Dude, it rocks! Come on, you have to love pretty boy assassins! The epidodes I saw where wonderful! I just wanna see more!
Alright, we have four guys Omi (cute!), Yohji (He reminds me of Duo from GundamW), Aya (sexy!) and Ken (very sexy!). These guys are florists by day and assassins by night. The first episdoe starts out with a young girl saying goodnight to her boyfriend out side her apartment building. Then the secene cuts to some nasty looking men in masks jumping on a van and killing the occipants. One man grabs for a disk that was in a dead man's hand. The disk drops under a seat. Meanwhile, the young girl's boyfriend jumps on his motorcycle and turns the speed off. Unfourtunately...the hijacked van with the nasty guys comes flying over thr railing of an over pass and on to the guy.
It's the next day and we see a small flower shop, crowded by giggling school girls, wanting to catch a glimpse of those Sexy Bit-errr...Guys. This is where we get introduced to the guys, and what they do. Then we see the Nasty Guys, the van hijackers. Apperently, the van was full of reporters and the disk that was lost contained some very important information. One of the men looks at a report in the paper about the accident and recognizes, Michiru, the girlfirend. He remembers her picking up the disk and pocketing it.
Back at the flower shop, Michiru walks in with her friends. All the talk is about how her boyfriend was killed. She's sad, but not unpleasent. Yohji gives her a flower ^_^ They talk for a bit and Michiru walks on. Later on, the Sexy Bi---Bishonen(!) get thier assignment...Kill the Nasty guys and get the disk.
This is a great series, I can tell. In laster episodes, we meet the major bad guys and find out more about the guys. The next ep deals with a sick game of "Human Chess", the third has the Assassins infilrating an evil protitution ring and the last has a feature on Ken. All eps where action packed and great! The opening secquence is cool and the theme is catchy. My only problem is that....I WANT MORE!!! Rating: A+
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