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VF-1X Plus Enhanced Valkyrie

Structural Designs:

Armor: MK-II Varrius Empire Advanced Alloy
Frame: Simi-Monoaque Frame.Inner Structure Reinforced with MK-II Frame Work
Paint Scheme: Standard previous UN Spacy Color.TF-CMDU Unit Colors for all Shoulder Colors
Production #: 138


GU-11-X 55mm Tri-Barrel Gun Pod: Like the Valkyrie itself, the standard issue armament for VF-1 was upgraded slightly to take advantage of new technology. The GU-11-X gun pod is actually the prototype design for the gun pod used by the VF-11 Thunderbolt. Unlike the original GU-11, the GU-11-X uses clips of ammo.
Primary Purpose:Assault/Defense
Range: 4000 ft (1200 m)
Damage: Does 4D6 M.D. for a short burst, 1D6x10 M.D. for a long burst, or 2D6x10 M.D. for a full melee burst. Bayonet does 1D4x10 M.D. per strike.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks.
Paylord: 400 rounds per clip equals 40 short bursts, 20 long bursts, or 10 full melee bursts. Additional ammo clips can be inserted, but exchanging clips requires 2 melee actions. One spare clips is stored in each leg of the Veritech.

Palidise Sheild TF-1578: This sheild is a unique one in the fact that it can deploy a beam sheild that can cover half the mobile suit at once. Running on the same Ion inhibitor program of the HOWARD PBS-03F the sheild is effective at blocking almost any beam and missle/shell attacks not exceding strenths of 18 megatons.

Wing-Extended TF-238 Multiple High Propulsion Tracking Missiles: Used for when the wings extend fully they release multiple missiles that arch up from the suit in clouding it during post fire until they are sent out towards its enemies (time of approximately .8 seconds). During final approach the computer makes quick adjustments to decide from multiple choices of final maneuvers. Sometimes coming in short vortexes or simply surrounding the enemy before it hits. Its explosions fire off in radius's of 150 meters and the pods each contain 25 missiles which tactically explode to create the most devastating blast possible by fluxuating to bend and destroy the outer shell and inner structure of the suit.
Paylord: 7 Pods of 25 each
Range: 2 Miles Before break down and maneuvering assembly. Maximum Maneuverability in Earth Sphere of 75 G's. Energy for 15 minutes of maneuvering after 2 miles climbs at 2-minute intervals for every 1/4-mile decreased in distance.

Howard PBS-03F Pin-Point Barrier System: The VF-1X is equipped with a new mecha-scale pinpoint barrier system for defense. The system can generate up to 3 pinpoint barriers that can be moved anywhere on the mecha and used as a shield against incoming attacks. The barrier provides 98% of protection, and regenerates at a rate of 3 minutes after destroyed or disarmed. Even if destroyed by combined attacks, the shield will regenerate itself within 2 rounds. In order to use the shield. The shield’s run in patterns that effectively can block almost any attack including multiple explosion fires. If an incoming missile is to hit at a certain spot the shield takes measures to locate it there. If the explosions of missiles relocate to a spot unreachable or the explosion itself is too large, the shield will then deploy the third shield to take the spot and connect to the one currently taking damage. This system works by using particles in the air and inhibitors for the energy in which it can then move quickly from one spot to another. This shield however is only good for a few attacks and if a missile hits one it is destroyed. The main shield of the Suit is then later used in combat and the pinpoint shield is deployed form the hand.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Protection: 75% total
Regeneration Rate: 3 minutes per round.
Size: The barrier can be up to 2m in diameter.
Duration: Unlimited.

All battle statistics may be found at the below link. The Trieze Faction CMDU authorizes this mobile suit to "all" personel and may be used for any purpose among the men....and only represented by us during guild combat.The link below leads to a site for a previous creditor and was in NO WAY my work. Please use this site for refrence. Orignal CMDU Stats will be posted in time. Thank You.

Macross Mecha Designs